June 15, 2012

Pea Picking Alert!  

There will be plenty of extra peas both shelling peas and sugar peas available for members to pick this week. This is some of the best pea picking we have seen in a long time. So, please allow extra time to pick plenty of extras. Weather looks like it is going to be perfect!
CSA at Arrowhead Logo
This Week's Share

Will include beets, basil, green onions, lettuces, shelling peas, Lancaster County sugar peas, rhubarb, and plentiful extra peas to pick!
Newburyport Farmers' Market Logo
At the Farmers' Market

Will be super fresh, super sweet fresh shelling peas, sugar peas, a selection of different lettuces, rhubarb, and bagged baby salad greens. We will also be offering a deal, a VERY attractive deal on dark blue Proven Winner Supertunia hanging baskets. See you this weekend.