~ CSA at Arrowhead ~
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Hi Folks, 

This will be the second extra pick-up for the Early Spring Share on Saturday from 11 to 3. This Share was planned to start on the 22nd, but the Solar Greenhouses are so far ahead from the mild weather that we had to start early. This week's Share will likely include a bag of mixed greens, Chard, green onions, baby leeks, apples from the barn cellar and maybe a few Cut-Your-Own greens.
The Daffodil Share will include three dozen Cut Your Own Daffodils.

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Sign Up Time is NOW!

Membership applications for the Shares are long since overdue. If you have not signed up for the season yet, please due so as soon as possible. Stop by the Farm with a check or sign up on-line using PayPal.  If you would like to set up a payment plan please ask, we will be happy to work with you. We do, however, need funds now to keep the Spring Farm operations going.
Volunteers Needed!
Come Plant with Us

CSA Volunteers will be planting in the fields as well as transplanting in the greenhouses on Saturday. Should be a nice Spring day - why not stop by and lend a hand. We all have a nice time growing things.

What Beautiful Spring Weather

CROPS look great. Peas are about 4 inches tall - nice full rows and weed-free.  The planting we direct seeded twenty days ago (fifty-four kinds of greens and nine kinds of beets) is up and growing a full month ahead of schedule.
We have lost a few Apricot varieties to the freeze last month, but all other Tree Fruits look WONDERFUL! Still plenty of time for a freeze though - best keep our fingers crossed.
What a great start to the season. Take time to enjoy this May weather in April. I'll leave you with my annual lawn care advice: Leave that bag of Herbicides at the store and LEARN TO LOVE DANDELIONS!
Hope to see you at the Farm tomorrow.
Dick Chase