Support Rouge Valley Foundation

Community Giving
Foundation Update eNews                                       December 10, 2010
In this Issue
Helping a family in need
Door decorating reveals staff creativity
Donation will purchase ICU bed
Celebrity Bartender wraps up
Cassidys honoured by Sokoloski award
Amateur artists bring works to RVAP
Former patient Buys a Bed!
Gift of Health campaign underway
Fundraising Events
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Image is Everything Campaign

Rouge Valley Centenary Buy a Bed campaign

One of the most wonderful aspects of the holiday season is the spirit of giving that you will see from so many people at this time of year.

The Rouge Valley Health System Foundation has the good fortune to see generous giving year round, but there is no doubt that December is a month where charities see a spike in donations. Helping others not only has tangible benefits to those who receive, but the act of giving leaves us with a wonderful feeling as we consider our part in supporting programs and campaigns that improve the lives of others.

To all of our regular donors and the many community partners and friends who support the Rouge Valley Health System Foundation, please accept our sincere best wishes. May your holidays be a special and safe time of family enjoyment for you and your loved ones.

Dave Stell,
RVHSF Communications Specialist


 H O S P I T A L   S T O R I E S

Four more doctors join Rouge  

Rouge Valley Health System has attracted four more doctors to its hospital campuses to meet the demands of its growing communities in west Durham and east Toronto.

A cardiologist, hospitalist, general practitioner and an internist have started practicing at Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering and at Rouge Valley Centenary in recent months.

"The latest physicians to join Rouge Valley Health System (RVHS) reflect the growth and ethnic diversity of our communities," says Dr. Naresh Mohan, RVHS chief of staff.

Read the entire news release, visit

H O S P I T A L   S T O R I E S
RVAP doorDecorations show holiday spirit 

auxiliaryThe doors to many departments at Rouge Valley have taken on a festive spirit in recent weeks. On Dec. 7 and 8, the RVHS Foundation's team of volunteer judges had the enjoyable job of visiting each door, but a difficult task to critique each based on three themes: Most Seasonal; Most Representative of their department or program; and Most Representative of a Foundation Campaign (Rouge Valley Centenary's Buy a Bed Campaign and Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering's Image is Everything Campaign).

The Foundation offers a special thank you to the Patrons' Council volunteers who took the time to help as the judges for the contest.

To see photos of all the doors, please visit:
D O N O R   S T O R I E S

Donation of stock makes it possible for hospital to purchase ICU bed

A longtime supporter of the RHVS Foundation has donated $12,000 through a gift of securities, in order to make it possible for Rouge Valley to purchase an ICU bed at Centenary. The ICU bed is an advanced hospital bed offering increased patient comfort while reducing potential injuries for hospital staff.

The donor's gift of securities not only helps the hospital, but the donation is also a smart financial decision. Stock given to charity is not subject to capital gains and the donor receives a charitable tax receipt for the donation. If you are interested in making a donation in this fashion, contact the Foundation's Vice President, Development, Carole Chabot by e-mailing

Tap overflows for final celebrity bartender event for MRI campaign   

Congratulations to the
Tom Hayes
CTV anchor Tom Hayes, along with Dr. Raymond Goh
and Dr. Mark Prieditis, was behind the bar for the
Celebrity Bartender finale on Dec. 2 in Pickering at
The Tudor Arms Pub.Tom's
colleague, fellow anchor Andria Case, also dropped in to take part.
Image is Everything Community Committee for organizing 15 fun celebrity bartending events that raised a total of $15,893.87.

Thank you to Sherry Robinson, Myrna Picotte and Ian McCutcheon for securing our bartenders and venues. Extra special thanks to Richard Lewis and Pauline Harding for selling the 50-50 tickets at the events. And of course, a big high five to all of our celebrity bartenders:

Kathy McKay (Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade); Steve King (Verico SGH Mortgage Inc.); Town of Ajax Councilors City of Pickering Councilors;
Diana Hills-Milligan (Veridian); Michael Angemeer (Veridian); Tom Bachelor (Ajax No Frills); Joe Dickson, MPP; Richard Lewis (youth2youth boxing club); Ian McCutcheon (ServiceMaster Durham); Terry Johnston (CKDO); Pickering Councilor Doug Dickerson; Jerry Archer (KX96); Mayor Dave Ryan (City of Pickering); Julie Stamp (Dominion Lending); Julie Rennie (Dominion Lending); Dale Russell (former member of The Guess Who); Jeannot Lamarre (Owner, Baton Rouge); Linda Antonopoulos (Owner, It's All About Me! Tanning Studio); Tom Hayes (CTV); Dr. Raymond Goh (RVHS Chief of Radiology); and Dr. Mark Prieditis (RVHS Radiologist).

Sokoloski award winners didn't expect to receive the honour  

Sandra and Wayne CassidyWayne and Sandra Cassidy very nearly weren't on hand to hear their names called when the Howard Sokolowski Award recipients were announced at the 2010 Mayors' Charity Golf Tournament this fall. The award recognizes those who devote time, resources and leadership to Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital.

Completely unaware of the possibility of receiving the award, and having completed their round of golf, Sandra says they were considering leaving early. But something made them stay. As a result, it came as a pleasant surprise to the couple when their names were called, but more so for Sandra, she says.

"I had absolutely no idea. I was so shocked when they said my name," she explains. "I was surprised for me, but not for Wayne. I thought it would just be my husband."

Wayne agrees it was unexpected and explained why it's a special honour to have their names on the Howard Sokolowski Award.

"Sandy and I were taken quite by surprise when we were announced as the 2010 recipients," Wayne says. "We are honoured to be included in the same company as the previous recipients."

To read the entire story and learn more about the award, visit the Foundation blog.

V O L U N T E E R   S T O R I E S

A week full of entertainment  

The lobby of Rouge Valley Centenary will be alive with the sound of music next week.

The Buy a Bed committee has arranged for a week of daily entertainment from Tuesday to Friday, Dec. 14 to 17. There will also be a chance to get your picture taken with Santa on an official Buy a Bed race bed.

The Buy a Bed committee would like to recognize all of the performers for volunteering their time and the Toronto Catholic District School Board for their support in arranging for some of the performing groups.

Check out the event listings at the end of this edition of Community Giving to find out what performers to expect on each day.


Work of amateur artists makes

for eye-catching display in RVAP 

A length of hall in the RVAP hospital's new west lobby has been transformed from a stark white into a varied collection of eye-catching original oil paintings thanks to a caring group of community artists and the efforts of OR nurse Alma Kelley and her art teacher.

Alma and Patrick Hickman, first conceived the project earlier this year when they discussed just how much a painting can brighten a patient's hospital stay. Patrick had been a patient at the hospital and his artist's sensibilities caused him to notice just how plain the walls in a hospital are. The two approached their art class together to propose creating art to brighten the hospital experience. The response was 100-per cent support. 

As a result, on Dec. 2, Alma, Patrick and most of the class gathered to celebrate the official installation of their work.

"I am very proud to be able to give back to my hospital, both as a staff member and neighbour.  Each painting is beautiful and reflects the individual artist," Alma said of the occasion.

Alma will continue to work with community artists to change the display every three to four months so that Rouge Valley patients, staff and volunteers have an ever-changing pictorial landscape in the hospital. To view images of the artwork and the artists at the installation, please visit the Foundation's Flickr page,
P A T I E N T   S T O R I E S
Buy a Bed campaign accepts a special patient donation 

Dave Saunders explains he has a very personal reason behind his decision to donate $5,000 to the Buy a Bed campaign at Rouge Valley Centenary hospital. It is a gift to honour the physicians and staff who treated him when he was a patient earlier this year.

When Dave first arrived at Rouge Valley Centenary his health was quickly deteriorating, he says, and he eventually lost consciousness.

"A nurse from the ER came out and told my wife that I might not survive," says Dave. "You can imagine the shock to my wife. My heart stopped for about 10 minutes, but the doctors revived me... However, there was still a lot of concern that I may not recover and, even if I did, there might be brain damage."

Today, Dave says, he is back to work and within a month of the incident, he had even resumed jogging.

"The care that I received in the ER at Centenary was excellent. Because I was not conscious, I only know what has been relayed to me by my wife." says Dave. "Consequently I have no recollection of any of the staff at Centenary, which is disappointing since they were responsible for saving my life. However, my wife witnessed everything and was extremely impressed, not only that they were able to get my heart started and for keeping me alive, but also for the time that the doctors and nurses in the ER took to explain to her what was happening and to reassure her that everything possible was being done to keep me alive. Both of us are most grateful."

Thanks to Dave, we are one bed closer to restoring comfort and health for future patients.

Gift of Health messages pouring in   

The holiday season is traditionally a time of giving, and the Gift of Health campaign reminds our community residents and local businesses about donation options that support the purchase of urgently-needed medical equipment and the building of new and renovated spaces at both hospital campuses of Rouge Valley Health System.

You can give The Gift of Health. Your gift will impact the lives of our patients and their families.

Please also show your support for your local community hospital, physicians, staff and volunteers today by posting a message on the discussion board or wall of our Facebook page. We will then add them to our campaign posters within the hospital for all to see for the duration of the holiday season.
Vanails art
Peter Vanails sent us this work of art with his Gift of Health message.

We've already received many messages that are posted on the Tree of Giving posters in the lobbies of both Centenary and Ajax and Pickering.

Here are just a few samples:

"We are so grateful for your care and compassion to your patients. Seasons greetings to all and may God bless you all."

"Hello, may all the staff & patients have a healthy & happy holiday season. Keep smiling!"

F U N D R A I S I N G   E V E N T S

East York Concert Band and Santa visit RVC
Date: December 14, 12:30 to 2 PM
Get your photo with Santa in an official "race bed." 
Minimum $5.00 donation will go to the Buy a Bed campaign
Location: Rouge Valley Centenary hospital lobby
Contact: Katherine Craine, 416-281-7119

Jerry Jerome & The Cardells Steel Pan band
Date: December 15, 12 noon
For: The Buy a Bed Campaign
Location: Rouge Valley Centenary hospital lobby
Contact: Katherine Craine, 416-281-7119

St. Victor's Catholic School Choir
Date: December 16, 12:30 to 1:30 PM
For: The Buy a Bed Campaign
Location: Rouge Valley Centenary hospital lobby
Contact: Katherine Craine, 416-281-7119

St. Lawrence Catholic School Choir
Date: December 17, 12:30 to 1:30 PM
For: The Buy a Bed Campaign
Location: Rouge Valley Centenary hospital lobby
Contact: Katherine Craine, 416-281-7119

Having a staff social?
Think of Rouge Valley Centenary when doing your staff fundraising or holiday gift giving this season.  Help the Buy a Bed campaign to purchase 100 new beds for  Rouge Valley Centenary.  For more ideas for your workplace fundraising, go to

Christmas Warehouse Sale
Date: October 30 to December 26
For: Buy a "Gift Bag" for $1.00. All proceeds to the MRI fund and Phoenix Enterprises will match all donations
Location: 190 Westney Rd. S., Ajax
Contact: Maureen Dowhaniuk, 905-683-2320 x1212 

Rotary Club of Ajax Christmas Ham fundraiser
orders and payments received no later than December 15
For: a portion of the proceeds will go to RVAP hospital
Location: No Frills, 105 Bayly St. W., Ajax
Contact: Maureen Dowhaniuk, 905-683-2320 x1212

To Rouge With LoveTo Rouge With Love
February 7-13, 2011

 For: Cocktail events to celebrate Valentine's Day and healthy hearts. Proceeds to purchase echocardiogram machines. Become a host today!Contact: Roselyn Sagar-Lal 416-281-7463
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We do not rent, sell, or trade our mailing lists.  The information you provide will be used to deliver services and to keep you informed and up to date on the activities of the Foundation.  If at any time you wish to be removed from our mailing lists, simply contact us by phone (416) 281-7342 or (905) 683-2320 extension 1501.