Dying to speak French fluently?

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  Five tips to improve your French~
  • 1.      Travel to French speaking countries as often as possible  
  • 2.      Sign up for  French tutoring from a native speaker
  • 3.      Watch one DVD in French each month
  • 4.      French Word-A-Day
  • 5.      Attend a Language Immersion Program

 Tip #1      TRAVEL TO FRANCE!   www.sidestep.com  has  some very attractive prices this year for anyone headed to FRANCE

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Buffalo-Paris  Round trip
6/7-6/24                                         $788
7/7-7/24                                         $774
8/7-8/24                                         $774
9/7-9/24                                         $558 

  •    Tip #2  My Personal Language Tutor  (www.myplt.com) allows you to learn foreign languages over the internet by hiring native speaking tutors who provide one-on-one lessons using Skype.  This innovative company provides language learning in Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and of course in FRENCH.  One of my friends, Joan, has a one hour lesson every other week with a college tutor from Paris. Parlez-vous francais?  Mais oui!
  •    Tip # 3     Watch one French film a month (en francais!)   

 Le Grand Bleu- A Luc Besson film
le grand bleuThis classic charts the competition and friendship of real-life champions Jacques Mayol and Enzo Maiorca.   The action is divided into two timelines - the nascent rivalry between the two divers as children, and (as adults) their final competition at the world free-diving championships at the Sicilian town of Taormina.  
One viewer wrote: "A captivating film that appears almost magical with a fine performance by Jean-Marc Barr.  Watch and  allow yourself to be taken on a magical journey into and through a man's heart and soul." 
  • Tip #4  French Word a Day    Perchance, while shopping for a new home share in the south of France, I met up with one of my favorite Maison Bleue owners from Iowa.  Robert looks the French part, from his slender build, great French accent, and even the way he casually sports a scarf. I digress.                                                                                                   

    After sharing a meal and some stories, I learned that this wine importer  toured the fairly new wine estate of Krisin Espinasse's husband, Jean Marc. For those of you who haven't read Kristin's book "Lessons in Love and Language from the South of France" Ms. Espinasse also has an engaging website: French Word a Day   
    A sample from today:
    la toile (twal) noun, feminine
      1. cloth, canvas
      2. web
      3. 'les toiles' = sails (boat, windmill)

    Le temps, c'est la toile dont je suis � la fois l'araign�e et la mouche.
    Time, it is the web in which I am at once the spider and the fly. --Jacques Lesourne


      Quarante map 







  •  Tip #5 Don't miss your chance to immerse yourself in this WONDERFUL LANGUAGE SCHOOL, Les Secrets du Bonheur, in Marcillac, France.  I had a chance to meet the owner, Hanneke Herbert, and she is fantastic.  Best of all, this is a slam dunk deal at only 500 Euros per person per week including lodging.  Your French is sure to leap ahead!

Bookings from Saturday-Saturday

3 hours tutoring each morning

Traditional French lunch

Afternoon excursions to practice speaking and to meet local artisans from the Auvergne

 This price is based on double accommodations with a minimum of 4 and maximum of 6 students.

Tel: 001 33 565 48 88 31


If the idea of a home share in Provence sounds appealing...that is where I'm headed today.
Let me know if this may be of interest~


  Your family or friends may want to learn  about International Property Shares- fractional properties in France and Mexico since 1988- Ginny Blackwell  (001) 585 905-0849
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French Property Shares
36 Howell St
Canandaigua, New York 14424
(001) 585 905-0849