July 13, 2012
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

The temps may be lower in the midwest but as Chuck saw first hand this week the dry weather continues. He started out on the Indian Creek Watershed Project Field Tour north of Bloomington, IL where the corn looks bad. From there he went to NW Iowa for the Wyffels Hybrids Corn Strategies and saw some very good looking corn although farmers there are still hoping for another nice rain. After that he moved down to Ames, IA for an FMC Anthem Field Plot Tour. All in all he interviewed 29 people and will be posting those interviews on the ZimmComm News Network (,, and during the coming week. Next up Chuck will be attending the International Conference on Precision Agriculture in Indianapolis the first of next week. No summer slowdown for the ZimmComm Team.

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, " How will Obamacare affect you and your business?"

Our poll results: Sixty percent said negatively; thirty percent said positively; five percent said not at all and the remaining five percent didn't know.

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, " How worried are you about the weather impact on crops this summer?" The worst U.S. drought since Ronald Reagan was president is withering the Midwest's corn crop. The condition on July 1 was the worst since the drought of 1988. What do you think - will the rest of the summer bring relief or are the crops in trouble?

Here are some interviews from this week that you might have missed:
Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
 AgWired  AgWired     

 Cloud management of data for precision ag applications and more is just a natural part of the continuing technology revolution and it is now here thanks to AgIntegrated which is launching their Onsite service very soon.   MORE  

Committee, Ag Leaders React to FARRM Bill

As Cindy already noted, it took nearly 15 hours, but members of the House Agriculture Committee were able to pass their version of the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act (FARRM) Bill. Committee Chair Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK) and Ranking Member Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN) praised the bipartisan legislation.   MORE

Corn Market Commentary

Corn growers got the world market viewpoint today at the Wyffels Hybrids Corn Strategies from Bill Tierney, Chief Economist, AgResource Company. I spoke with him after his presentation. China was a market he spoke about and I was fascinated to learn that the average holding of corn there is about 10-12 feet wide by about 60-100 feet! Bill says, "When you have such a small level of production which contributes very little to farm income the incentive to make investments in yield enhancing technology, better seed, better fertilizer, just isn't there." As he puts it, "Farming's not big business in China."   MORE  

DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel  

RFA Reiterates Safety of Ethanol By Rail

While the fiery derailment and crash of a train carrying 90,000 gallons ethanol in Columbus, Ohio makes for some spectacular pictures and video, the folks at the Renewable Fuels Association point out that this is the exception and not the rule as 99.99 percent of all hazardous materials are delivered by rail without any issues.    MORE  
Researchers are looking for ways to get more value out of the byproducts of ethanol production, and thus, making the production of the green fuel more efficient and cost effective. During the recent Corn Utilization Technology Conference, USDA's Kurt Spokas presented his ideas of getting more value out of those ethanol byproducts. He's been working with the Minnesota Corn Growers on a project that converts distillers grains into various bio byproducts that are of higher value than the grains themselves.  MORE


The nation's first E15 gallons under the EPA waiver were finally pumped this week at the Zarco 66 "Oasis" station in Lawrence, Kansas at a price two cents a gallon less than E10.   MORE

PPMark  Precision Pays 

Mobile Weather from John Deere 

Mobile weather sounds like it would be a high priority for farmers today. John Deere unveiled their version of it at the FarmSight Tech Summit. I visited with Janae Tapper, Product Manager in the John Deere Intelligent Solutions Group about the product. MORE

Ag Leader's Educator Training 

Ag Leader's 3rd annual Educator's Training will be held on Aug. 2-3 at Ag Leader Academy. The program is designed for institutions that are teaching precision ag practices to their students either in the classroom or in the field with the purpose of educating institutions on Ag Leader's various services and products, as well as to provide hands on demonstrations of Ag Leader's product lineup. MORE


Podcast 2

Will Corn Crops Make it Through the Summer? 

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, " How will Obamacare affect you and your business?"MORE 

World Dairy Diary      

Paterson & Fessenden Awarded Scholarship 

Congratulations to Molly Paterson, Johnston, Iowa, and Sam Fessenden, King Ferry, N.Y., the winners of the 2012 John Brandt Memorial Foundation given by the Land O'Lakes Foundation. Paterson is attending Iowa State University and Fessenden is attending the University of Minnesota.   MORE 

Holstein Junior Results 

The National Dairy Bowl and Dairy Jeopardy contests were held in Springfield, Mo. at the National Junior Holstein Convention. Nearly 300 youth showed off their dairy knowledge.   MORE  

Dairy Reports at Risk in USDA Budget Cuts 

Some USDA reports vital to dairy producers could be on the budgetary chopping block. A recent Farm Foundation webinar featured several speakers from the federal government, private industry and commodity groups discussing how to head off cuts to many market reports. Jim Robb, the Senior Agricultural Economist and Director at the Livestock Marketing Information Center, told the panel that the real problem is that livestock reports, in particular, are not sexy and hard to explain to the average person, including lawmakers who will be voting on funding for these programs. MORE   

Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1507 Templemore Dr.
Cantonment, FL 32533
850-780-6617 office
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Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

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