May 11, 2012
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

The ZimmComm offices will closing early today to get packed for the big re-location next week.  However, Chuck and Cindy are available by phone and will be checking all message sources.  Please pardon our dust the next seven days.  If you would like to update our contact information the following will be official starting May 19: 

Address:  1507 Templemore Dr., Cantonment, FL  32533  Phone/fax: 850-780-6617  All other contact information, including email and mobile phones, remains the same.

The agricultural communications community lost a good one this week with the passing of Stewart Doan, Agri-Pulse.  Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and the Agri-Pulse team.  Stewart has helped us out more than once when we needed an interview or some audio that we couldn't obtain ourselves.  He's been a friend for many years and will be greatly missed.

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "Should raw milk be allowed for sale?" The question was prompted by one of the panelists at the 2012 Animal Agriculture Alliance Stakeholders Summit. She is a reporter with a food safety publication who says that this issue is the one that gets the most comments and response of any other. This question generated the most comments of any ZimmPoll to date so we understand what she was saying. Actually, most comments wanted a 4th response option to allow the sale of raw milk but with sufficient regulation and testing to ensure it is safe. We saw the comments too late to make that change so don't know if these results would have been different. So the answer, Absolutely with no regulation received 66%; On a very limited and regulated basis received 20% and Definitely not, too many health concerns received 14%. Surprised? We're thinking that we not only have a lot of raw milk lovers in the ZimmComm News Network community but they are very active at getting others to vote! This poll also had one of the highest number of responses we've had so far. Why do you think that is?

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, "When was the last time you talked to a journalist about agriculture?" The question is inspired by this week's AgChat Twitter conversation and a question that had been submitted by @BASFAgro! We're supposed to stand up for our industry and livelihoods that are threatened by lots of misinformation that gets spread by the media. What are we doing about it? How are we speaking out? Are we willing to develop a relationship with the reporters at our local mainstream media outlets (newspaper/radio/tv/web)? More questions we know but there is a lot we can all do to help educate the ultimate consumers of the products we produce. Keep it up. It does make a difference!

Let your friends and neighbors know they can participate by sharing this link.


Here are some interviews you might have missed this week:

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
 AgWired  AgWired   

AgRacer Leading The Race

Just over 100,000 downloads! That's a big number and that's how many iTunes downloads there are in under three months for AgRacer by Fastline, the first ag game app for mobile devices. I got the update this morning from Tim Hess, Fastline President. That number will continue to grow now that the app is fully available for Android devices as well.   MORE


Top 5 Largest Agriculture Cooperatives in 2010

The nation's 100 largest agriculture cooperatives reported near-record revenue of $118 billion in 2010, announced USDA Rural Development Under Secretary Dallas Tonsager. This was an increase of 4 percent over 2009 figures. Net income for the 100 top agriculture co-ops was also up more than 10 percent in 2010, reaching $2.39 billion, up from $2.16 billion in 2009.   MORE

GROWMARK Keeps IT Growing

As a multi-state agricultural co-operative system with over 6000 employees and numerous brands, information technology (IT) is a vital aspect of GROWMARK's ability to communicate on a number of levels.    MORE


DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel  

Ethanol Report Analyzes USDA Corn Numbers

The first guess of corn production for the new year in USDA's May 10 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report is even higher than many in the industry expected.    MORE

New Tool for Energy Efficiency Education 


For those looking to learn more about energy efficiency, a new educational site has launched: Hosted by the Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) Foundation. The site was created to become a library of training programs, degrees and certifications that focus on energy efficiency, sustainability, green and alternative energy. In addition, visitors will also be able to research information about engineering, green building design and other disciplines.   MORE

My Energy Gateway - Introduction Video
My Energy Gateway - Introduction Video

 Anglers heading to the 2012 Fishing Opener this weekend in Coon Rapids, Minnesota can catch a deal Friday afternoon on 85% ethanol (E85).   MORE
PPMark  Precision Pays 

How Are You Controlling Resistant Weeds? 

Our first BASF Production Poll is in the can and it was no surprise to find that growers are overwhelmingly optimistic about the 2012 growing season.   MORE

Barcodes Help Track and Control Insects 

Barcodes may bring to mind the sales tags and scanners found in supermarkets and other stores. But USDA scientists are using "DNA barcodes" to monitor insects that damage crops as diverse as wheat, barley and potatoes, and to make pest management decisions.  MORE 

 Weed Scientists Endorse Strategies to Fight Herbicide Resistance

The Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) has endorsed a series of best management practices designed to reduce the incidence of herbicide-resistant weeds and the threat they pose to agricultural productivityMORE

World Dairy Diary      


New York Hosts Veal/Dairy Tour 


The New York Beef Industry Council (NYBIC) once again invited more than 50 industry influencers to an educational veal/dairy tour of New York State. The dynamics of this year's tour was different than the tour of 2010 as this year's attendees were a mix of chef educators and their students. Six different culinary schools, along with food service, retail, dietitians and media, were present for a farm-to-fork look at the veal and dairy industries.  MORE   


Cornell Offers Resources for Small Farms 

The Cornell Small Dairy Team has released a series of six new resources to help small dairy farms.   MORE         

Cornell to Sell Big Red Cheddar 

Cornell University will introduce a six-month aged mild white cheddar this fall. The cheddar, called Big Red Cheddar, will be sold online and in campus retail outlets such as Cornell Orchards and the Cornell Store, in one and two pound wheels.   MORE 

Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1600 Skyview Dr.
Holts Summit, MO 65043
phone: 573-896-5842
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

   Roundup Ready Plus
