February 3, 2012
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

The ZimmComm team is on location at the 2012 Cattle Industry Convention this week. They've got hundreds of photos online for your viewing pleasure. Chuck has been Beef Board Blogging once again. After the event he heads off to Orlando where he magically morphs into the Biodiesel Blogger. This will be the 7th year that ZimmComm has blogged the National Biodiesel Conference!

While at the Cattle Industry Convention Chuck noticed a prominently displayed HSUS image in the Gaylord Opryland promotional video playing on screens all over the place. After tweeting about it and posting to FB the NCBA team jumped in to action and "explained" things to the hotel management who immediately apologized and removed the offensive video. We applaud them for that action!

Chuck also conducted a workshop on the use of smartphones and mobile apps as communications tools at the first ever NCBA Communications Workshop. It has been a busy week for the team.

ZimmComm sponsored the NCBA Excellence in Communications Awards again this year. The awards recognize communications professionals from NCBA state affiliate organizations and cattle breed associations, as well as an agricultural journalist. The recipient of the 2011 Excellence in Communications and Public Relations for a state affiliate is Carmen Fenton, director of public affairs for the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) and for a breed affiliate is Angie Stump Denton, director of communications for the American Hereford Association (AHA).

In our latest ZimmPoll we asked the question, "Do you agree with President Obama's call for more clean (renewable) energy?" Overwhelmingly, the answer was Yes at 74%, however, there were 24% saying no. Feel free to comment on the reason for your choice.

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, "What do you think about the proposed Egg Products Inspection legislation?" Let us know what you think. You can find the currently proposed House Bill here.

Here are some interviews you might have missed this week:

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
AgWired  AgWired   

Important Year for NCBA PAC

According to NCBA-PAC Chairman Phil Hardee of Alabama, the 2012 presidential election may very well be the most important election of our time.  MORE 


Amazing Attendance at Cattle Industry Convention

At about 9:00 this morning, Jesse Womack from San Antonio, Texas was filling out an on-site registration form to attend his very first Cattle Industry Convention.  MORE


NCBA Presidential Segue

It's that weird transition time of the year for the leadership of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association when one president is moving in while the other is moving out. MORE


Podcast 2
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel  

Eight Students Selected for Conference Scholarship

Eight students will receive a scholarship to attend the 17th Annual National Ethanol Conference: Accelerating Industry Innovation, according to the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and the Renewable Fuels Foundation (RFF).  MORE
Indiana Ethanol Industry Eager to Expand

Leaders in the ethanol industry got together last week in Indianapolis to discuss the future of the industry in Indiana.  MORE


Podcast 2 

Podcast 3

Preparing for E15 in the Market

At some point in 2012, the final i's will be dotted and t's will be crossed so 15% ethanol can finally become the new consumer choice at the pump.  MORE


Podcast 2

PPMark  Precision Pays 

Iowa Power Farming Show Just Keeps Growing

Last week, we heard from Todd Reed, farmer from Waverly, Neb., who works as a precision ag consultant for his family's dryland corn and soybean farm. He spends his days writing variable rate planting prescriptions and fertilizer prescriptions using Ag Leader's SMS SoftwareMORE 

Ag Leader At Iowa Power Farming Show  

The 57th Iowa Power Farming Show kicked off today and we want to thank Ken Root for helping us out. Ken was on hand to take photos and conduct some interviews for us starting with David King, Ag Leader TechnologyMORE       


Ensuring Consistent Seed Spacing   

You've heard the saying "don't put all of your eggs in one basket." If you're a grower during planting season, that means it's smart to plant several different varieties/hybrids so you can reduce your risk of poor performance by a single seed type. That's called genetic diversity. But have you ever thought about how switching between one seed type and another might impact your planting operation "in the trenches"?  MORE    


World Dairy Diary      

It's a battle between Wes Welker, of the New England Patriots and Hakeem Nicks, of the New York Giants! Which team do you think will win the Super Bowl?  MORE 

Bel Brands to Build Plant in S.D.  

Bel Brands USA will build a 170,000-square-foot facility in Brookings, S.D. to produce its Mini Babybel product.   MORE         

New Tool Available for Pa. Dairy Farmers  

Pennsylvania dairy producers can access a new tool to assess employee relations and development through the Dairy Decisions Consultant, or DDC, Program administered by the Pennsylvania Center for Dairy Excellence.   MORE         
Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1600 Skyview Dr.
Holts Summit, MO 65043
phone: 573-896-5842
email: [email protected] (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

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