December 2, 2011
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

It's back to the agriblogging highway for the ZimmComm team this week.  Chuck started off by attending the AgChat Foundation planning and board meeting in Milwaukee.  It's hard to believe that over two years have passed since farmers started communicating weekly via an online Twitter chat session.  The Foundation is going on two years old itself and has plans to continue to grow and help engage more and more farmers in the online conversation so they can tell their own story.  If your company or organization would like to become involved or assist financially please let Chuck know.

From Milwaukee Chuck travelled to Chicago for the Boehringer Ingelheim PRRS ARC&E Seminar. This annual seminar takes place just prior to the International PRRS Symposium.  The theme of BIVI's seminar this year is "Change the Game."  Eliminating or at least controlling this swine disease is the end goal and progress is being made.  Chuck took photos and conducted interviews for BIVI with many of them being posted onto AgWired.

Cindy hits the road this weekend for the National Agricultural Aviation Association convention  courtesy of sponsor BASF.  She'll be in Las Vegas providing coverage on AgWired so please check it out!

It looks like Facebook is still the big dog with this community. In our latest ZimmPoll we asked the question, "Do you use Facebook or Google+?" 50% of you said Facebook while only 7% said Google+. However, 20% said Both while 23% said Neither. Interesting. Looks like Google+ has a ways to go.

Our new ZimmPoll is now live. We're asking the question, "With net farm income up this year, how is your income?" USDA's Economic Research Service released it's Net Farm Income Forecast update yesterday showing a 28% increase over 2010. The report also states, "Net cash income, at $109.8 billion, is forecast up $17.5 billion (18.9 percent) from 2010, and $34.2 billion above its 10-year average (2001-2010) of $75.6 billion." Wow. How about you? How's your income doing this year compared to last?

Here are some interviews from this week that you might have missed:
Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
AgWired  AgWired   

Iowa Corn Caucus Grades Candidates on Farm Issues

HThe Iowa Corn Caucus released its report card for presidential candidates today, giving grades for different policy areas related to agriculture with an overall grade for each candidate. MORE


The BASF Advantage Keeps Getting Better

It seems like there is always something new from BASF Crop Protection to make life a little better for farmers. MORE 

Farm Family Purchase Decision Influences 

During the NAMA Trends in Agriculture conference I visited with Sara Steever and Heather Covrig, Paulsen Marketing, about their new thought paper titled, "How Multi-Generational Farming Operations Make Major Purchase Decisions."  MORE


DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel  

Iowa Corn Caucus Grades Candidates on Energy

The Iowa Corn Caucus released its report card for presidential candidates today, giving grades for different policy areas related to agriculture, including energy and biofuels, and an overall grade for each candidate.  MORE


Ethanol Group Hosts Farm Bill Listening Session

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) hosted a Farm Bill listening session with Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) and area agricultural leaders last week at the ACE office in Sioux Falls.  MORE 

Biodiesel Production Sets New Record

According to the latest government figures, U.S. biodiesel production has already set a new record this year.  MORE
PPMark  Precision Pays 

Ontario Pursuit of Maximum Yields Update

Harvest is just about complete in Ontario and so is the second year in the FS Green Plan Solutions Pursuit of Maximum Yields (POMY) project for that region.  MORE


Precision Pays: Making life a little simpler

Each month we look at different technologies that make our lives just a little easier.  Sometimes it is great technological advancements is precision technologies.  MORE


Where to Find Ag Leader This Winter

Are you interested in getting the latest information about precision ag equipment? If so, here are a few stops you might want to schedule this winter in order to talk with Ag Leader expert.  MORE  

World Dairy Diary      

Congratulations Dairy Farmers of America, Inc. (DFA) for having five their cheese products earned recognition at the 2011 National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) Championship Cheese Contest. The competition was held in conjunction with NMPF's joint annual meeting with National Dairy Promotion and Research Board and United Dairy Industry Association!   MORE 

New Feed Supplement For Newborn Calves 


Holstein Association USA has updated the Pedigree Analysis of National Holstein Show winners to reflect the 2011 show season.  MORE        

 Strangstalien Promoted 

Congratulations to Jill Strangstalien on her recent promotion to Animal Health Products and Distribution Manager at Accelerated Genetics.  MORE        

Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1600 Skyview Dr.
Holts Summit, MO 65043
phone: 573-896-5842
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

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