November 23, 2011
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

We've got a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  For starters, we can't say enough how much we appreciate our clients and sponsors.  Your support means more than we can say.  We also thank everyone in the ZimmComm community.  We'll continue to strive to bring you our best.  We're also thankful to America's farmers and everyone involved in the production/processing/distribution of food. For that we give #FoodThanks!
The ZimmPoll is one year old! And you can re-visit all of them since they are all archived right here on AgWired. Thank you Rhea+Kaiser for your sponsorship and support.
In our latest ZimmPoll we asked the question, "Will higher cost (13%) of Thanksgiving dinner affect your meal?" Apparently it won't for most of our respondents. 64% said, No, same as usual; 22% said Yes, Fewer items on table; 9% said Yes, Planning smaller portions and 5% said No, Bigger dinner this year. A story in yesterday's USA Today seems to reflect this response. It says that some will be cutting back.
Our new ZimmPoll is now live. We're asking the question, "Do you use Facebook or Google+?" Google+ now allows company pages but so far they don't seem to have attracted the kind of audience found by companies using Facebook. Which "house" do you live in? Feel free to chime in. We appreciate it.
Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:
Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network:
AgWired  AgWired   

Meet New NAFB President

He looks very presidential in this photo doesn't he? He's Tom Steever, Brownfield and the new President of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. Tom actually takes over officially on January 1, 2012. However, he has been serving as interim President following the tragic death of Lindsay Hill earlier this year. So that kind of makes Tom the "old" and "new" member leader of NAFB. MORE


Learfield Studio D Named Derry Brownfield Studio

I admit it. I got a lump in my throat when I read this release from Learfield Communications about naming Studio D, the Derry Brownfield Studio. The first image that came to my mind was seeing Derry in his chair getting ready for his talk show. He would start snapping his fingers and bounce around in his chair saying, "Let's get whomped up!" Yeah man. He used to whomp up a lot of people! Thank you Clyde Lear and company for doing this. Here's Clyde pictured with Derry's wife Verni at the naming ceremony. Thanks to Tom Steever for the photo. Sure wish I could have been there. MORE  
Dedication of the Derry Brownfield Studio
Dedication of the Derry Brownfield Studio


Farm Family Purchase Decision Influences 

During the NAMA Trends in Agriculture conference I visited with Sara Steever and Heather Covrig, Paulsen Marketing, about their new thought paper titled, "How Multi-Generational Farming Operations Make Major Purchase Decisions."  MORE


DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel  

Government's Role In Ethanol's Future

At the recent National Agri-Marketing Association Trends in Agriculture conference one of our panel discussions focused on "Trends In Energy/Alternative Fuels." On the panel were Nathan Schock, POET & Matt Roberts, PhD. Here's what their session focused on. MORE 

NAMA Trends 2011 - Trends in Energy and Alternative Fuels
NAMA Trends 2011 - Trends in Energy and Alternative Fuels

U.S. Navy Successfully Runs Ship on Biofuel

The U.S. Navy successfully concluded the largest demonstration of shipboard alternative fuel use last week when the Self Defense Test Ship (SDTS) arrived on November 17 at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme, Calif.  MORE 

Major Global Companies Sign on to WindMade™ label

Major global companies including Motorola Mobility, Deutsche Bank, Bloomberg, Method and BD (Becton, Dickinson and Co.) announced their commitment to use at least 25 percent wind energy and become certified under the new WindMade™ consumer label at a Global Launch event in New York last week.  MORE
PPMark  Precision Pays 

Agritechnica Attendance Smashes Previous Record

More than 415,000 visitors are reported to have attended Agritechnica 2011 last week in Hanover, Germany, the huge international agricultural show held every two years and organized by DLG - the German Agricultural Society. That's a giant leap from the 350,000 visitors who attended the previous show in 2009.  MORE

John Deere Combine Can Sculpture Complete  

On Thursday John Deere finished and revealed the sculpture for Project "Can Do" - which is being considered now for inclusion in the Guinness Book of World Records.  MORE 


Building the Canstruction Combine -- Time Lapse Video
Building the Canstruction Combine -- Time Lapse Video

Changes to Ag Leader Support Schedule

Late November and December are particularly busy months for Ag Leader's Technical Support department, as they are currently making preparations for Dealer Training 2012. Here's a head's up so you can plan ahead.  MORE


Podcast 2 

World Dairy Diary    


A new video, "U.S. Dairy Farmers Care," has been making the rounds on social media today. Have you viewed it yet? If you like it, be sure to share it on your channels!   MORE

U.S. Dairy Farmers Care -- Merck Animal Health
U.S. Dairy Farmers Care -- Merck Animal Health

SaveEnergy Resource for Farmers   

The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy® has launched the SaveEnergy online resource that connects dairy producers to financial assistance programs and educational materials to help them reduce on-farm energy use and related costs. The tool is part of the U.S. Dairy Sustainability Commitment, an effort established by dairy producers to reduce environmental impact and create business value across the supply chainMORE

Pedigree Analysis List Updated 

Holstein Association USA has updated the Pedigree Analysis of National Holstein Show winners to reflect the 2011 show season.  MORE        

Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1600 Skyview Dr.
Holts Summit, MO 65043
phone: 573-896-5842
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

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