October 21, 2011
Hello ZimmComm Fans:

This week the agriblogging highway took Chuck to Moultrie, GA and the Sunbelt Ag Expo.  You canfind some stories from the show on AgWired.  He was there primarily to obtain some video for posting onto the New Holland Boomer 555 Contest blog.  This is a social media driven promotion for New Holland's compact tractor line and the new Boomer Guard 5 Warranty.

Chuck shot the video there with the new iPhone 4S.  He's more convinced than ever that this is the best all around mini computer/phone/camera on the market.  It was a test and confirmed that the camera in the new iPhone is a whole level better than the one in the previous model.  Feel free to ask him about using the new iPhone for agriblogging and farm podcasting!

Earlier in the week Chuck moderated FoodChat for the first time.  FoodChat replaces the weekly AgChat Twitter conversation once a month on the 3rd Tuesday.  The sessions take place from 8-10pm, eastern.  He has moderated AgChat a number of times over the years (years?, hard to believe).  Follow along using the hashtags, #FoodChat or #AgChat.

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, "Should the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS2) be changed?" A majority at 53% said, No, it's working as intended; 32% said Get rid of it entirely and 15% said Yes, change to adapt to corn stocks.

Our new ZimmPoll is now live. We're asking the question, "Are Farm Show Smartphone Apps Useful?" What do you think? The latest one on Chuck's phone is the Sunbelt Know on the Go App. Take our poll and feel free to comment. Thank you.

Here are some interviews/audio that you might have missed this week:

Now for some news from the ZimmComm News Network
AgWired  AgWired   

 Celebrating Georgia Peanut Commission 50th Anniversary 

IOne of the things I did not get to participate in at Sunbelt Ag Expo was the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Georgia Peanut Commission. Thanks to Willie Vogt, Farm Progress, I got this photo of the peanut cake that was cut and shared at the event.  MORE  

Real Farmers Real Food

The Animal Agriculture Alliance, a member of the Alliance to Feed the Future, is kicking off a new initiative called, "Real Farmers Real Food." The initiative has special support from 2011 Miss America Teresa Scanlan. See her video below and feel free to share out links via your networks.  MORE      


Real Farmers, Real Food
Real Farmers, Real Food

Hoosier Ag Today App

Here's a new app for your phone. The Hoosier Ag Today app was just announced. I've got it on my HTC Thunderbolt.  MORE
DomesticFuel  Domestic Fuel 

Bioheat Campaign Blankets New York

A new BioheatŪ advertising campaign is underway in New York City targeting oilheat customers who want a better, cleaner fuel.  MORE 

Anti-Ethanol Blender Pump Amendment Pulled

An amendment offered by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) that would have stopped funding for Flex Fuel blender pumps was pulled before it came up for a vote this week.  MORE   

Sad New From Today's Indy Car Race 

It was with great sadness that I tuned in to today's Indy Car race and saw the 13th lap multi car wreck and learned that Dan Wheldon was killed. Wow. I've had the opportunity to get to know a number of these Indy Car racers over the years. You can say all you want about the wisdom of driving a "car" at 220 MPH but they are still people. This brought back memories of Paul Dana in 2006. I liked Dan and certainly took a number of photos of him in the winner's circle. He was the winner of this year's Indy 500.  MORE 

PPMark  Precision Pays 

What Would You Do With A New Boomer Tractor

I had limited time to attend this year's Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, GA this week and had hoped to get some interviews to share with you, including some field demonstration video. But the weather did not cooperate. Opening day was a rain out and yesterday morning was windy and misty. Maybe next year.  MORE

Boomer555 Contest Entry - Sunbelt Ag Expo
Boomer555 Contest Entry - Sunbelt Ag Expo

ICM Designs Cassava Ethanol Plant in Mozambique  

Ethanol plant design company ICM, Inc. of Colwich, Kansas has designed and constructed equipment for a "one gallon per minute ethanol plant" currently under construction in Mozambique that will use locally grown cassava as a feedstock. MORE  

USDA Predicts Smaller Corn Crop But Larger Inventory 

Texas Governor and Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry donned a hard hat at a Pennsylvania steel plant on Friday to announce his "Energizing American Jobs and Security" plan that he says will create over a million jobs and "reduce dependence on hostile foreign oil. MORE  

World Dairy Diary  

Lopes Has New Position at Accelerated Genetics


Congratulations to Dr. Glaucio Lopes, the new Reproduction Specialist for Accelerated Genetics. MORE  

Pioneer Takes Specialized Approach to Inoculants 


When it comes to forage inoculants, Pioneer believes that one size does NOT fit all. MORE


PodcastThe Accelerated Genetics Team Effort 


Membership services at Accelerated Genetics is a job that Jim Iverson has held for 35 years. That means he has worked for the organization for half of its existence since Accelerated is celebrating 70 years this year. Quite an achievement and that really says something about what has contributed to their success, the team.  MORE


Contact Information
ZimmComm New Media

1600 Skyview Dr.
Holts Summit, MO 65043
phone: 573-896-5842
email: (inquiries/news releases/announcements)
Chuck on Twitter
Cindy on Twitter

Advertising: Dave Larson, Larson Enterprises  

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