ZimmComm With Background

October 2008

DTN/The Progressive Farmer
Greetings New Media Fans
The holidays are almost upon us which means the rest of the year will be a blur.  If you are thinking about Christmas presents, here is an idea - a portable digital photo album.  There are lots of different kinds - here is a review of three that ZimmComm has.  They come in all shapes and sizes and are really pretty handy for showing off digital photos. 
New Media Tip

You've heard of Twitter and we've written about it here but have you ever thought of using your Twitter account to distribute your blog or rss feed?  You can by using a little service called Twitterfeed.  That way your Twitter followers will get your blog updates!  Got a Facebook page?  How about having Twitter update your Facebook page?  You can do it by going to the Facebook Apps page and just search for it there.  It'll walk you though providing your login.  Then your Twitter tweets update your Facebook page.
New Media Training For COSDA Chuck Presents to COSDA Annual Meeting

The Communication Directors of the State Departments of Agriculture (COSDA) had their annual meeting in Topeka, KS and brought Chuck in for some new media training.  He held two half day sessions, one on blogging and one on podcasting and using social networks.  It was a lively conversation as these taxpayer-funded entities struggle to distribute good information in the face of lots of mis-information, especially in times of crisis.

Chuck is available for on-site training and consultation if you need him.
Power of YouTube For John Deere ZimmComm YouTube Channel

Over the last couple years we've produced a number of video clips for or about John Deere and it's products and services.  We just produced a summary of the activity of these video clips and were surprised ourselves to find that of 21 video clips we've uploaded to our YouTube account so far, they've been viewed collectively 165,000 times!  Many have viewer comments posted, almost all of which are very positive.

We've used the embed of the video clips in posts on various websites like AgWired and so have many other people since that's one of the features of this online social video network.

Remember that when you have the new media pioneers come to your event and shoot video, we'll be placing it in one of the most highly search engine optimized websites there is. 

For those of you who think that placing a video clip on your web page will drive traffic to your site, ask yourself how anyone will know it's there is you've buried it on a static web page.  Why not place it in a public environment and on your web page?  Let the video clip drive them to your website!
Where Have We Been Lately?

Rocktober was a blitz of on the road agriblogging.  Your ZimmComm event blogging pioneers attended the World Dairy Expo, AEM AgExecutive Forum, John Deere New Product Launch, Sunbelt Ag Expo, Farm Foundation Transition to a Bio Ecomomy Conference, World Food Prize Symposium, and annual meeting of the Communications Directors of the State Departments of Agriculture.  These were attended for training or sponsored online event coverage which included photography, audio/video production and posting onto client or ZimmComm websites.
Where Are We Going?

We take a few deep breaths in November but you can find us at the NAMA Trends in Agriculture, NAFB Annual Meeting and Chuck will be doing a presentation for the North Central Chapter of NAMA.  It's the lull before a storm of early December events.
Best of the ZimmCast ZimmCast
Woodward Has Two Rivers:
This program features an interview with Greg Ehm, Two Rivers Marketing, who explains the agency's acquisition by Woodward Communications.
Advice On Reaching Ruralpolitans: Chuck interviews Dennis Docherty, John Deere, and P. Allen Smith, Garden Home, about how they are communicating with those who like to live the country life.
Promote Your Company/Event
What better way is there to promote your company or event than by using the latest in agricultural new media and social networking?  It does not matter if you're an advertising agency, media company, agribusiness or commodity group.  You can benefit from creating online brand awareness in highly search engine optimized environments like ZimmComm blogs/podcasts.

You can do this with traditional display advertising, having us blog your event or perhaps letting us consult with you and create your own new media/social network outlets.
Our schedule for early 2009 is already filling up so take a look at your calendar and budget and give us a call.
Volume 1, Issue 10

DTN/The Progressive Farmer
Check out the over 21,000 photos in our online photo albums by clicking on the photo above.
In This Issue
New Media Tip
COSDA New Media Training
John Deere on YouTube
Where Have We Been
Where Are We Going
Best of the ZimmCast
Advertising and Event Sponsorships
AgWired Mobile


Want to stay on top of the latest news in agricultural marketing?  Then text "agwired" to 46786 and have it delivered to your phone as text messages.  We won't overload you and they're only sent 8a-5p, Mon-Fri. 
Send Your Questions

Send your questions about new media to Chuck and he'll answer them via email and on AgWired or ZimmComm.biz
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