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flowers2Recruitment and retention of a
diverse workforce: challenges and opportunities.

The field of nursing is already grappling with labor shortages and a lack of diversity, and it may serve as a model for diversity-friendly recruitment and retention initiatives. According to the General Accountability Office (2001), 40 percent of all registered nurses will be age 50 or older by 2010. But in 2001, the pipeline of future nurses remained relatively homogenous relative to race and gender, with 75 percent of prospective nurses reporting non-Hispanic white ethnicity and 91 percent female (Simpson 2004). Targeted formal and informal recruitment as well as monetary and nonmonetary rewards are now being used in nursing to increase gender and racial diversity and to improve retention. For example, to counter gender-based views of the profession and attract male nurses, some organizations depict the more rugged side of nursing, showcasing nursing in emergency and trauma units. Further, monetary and nonmonetary rewards such as occupational growth ladders, competitive compensation, and better working conditions are used to attract diverse talent (Simpson 2004).

Organizations that attract and retain a diverse nursing staff and create a climate in which veteran nurses can transfer their knowledge to neophytes, while maintaining or exceeding previous levels of quality, have' important lessons for healthcare as a whole. The key is for organizations to create a culture of mutual respect, promote the full participation of all workers, regardless of their rank or identity groups, and reward excellence.

by Myers, Valerie L. & Dreachslin, Janice L. Journal of Healthcare Management
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DiversityNursing.com is the nation's leading website for diversity nurse recruitment and career development for all nurses regardless of age, race, gender, religion, education, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or physical characteristics. We provide top-quality recruitment opportunities and networking, while linking under-represented nursing candidates to healthcare employers around the country.

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DiversityNursing.com is an idea that grew over time. As we talked with employers around the country, it became clear that nurse recruiters need a way to reach out to a broader, more diverse group of nurses. The patient population is ever-changing and so too is the nursing demographic.

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We support the career development and success of nurses from all levels of experience and all different backgrounds. DiversityNursing.com services include custom memberships, resume access, job postings, employer profiles and banners. Promote your company's commitment to a diverse workforce and reduce your cost of hire through our solutions-oriented online recruitment services.
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Sales Director
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