July 1, 2011

We are excited to announce some big changes taking place on the Avanti Sustainability Committee.  Effective today, July 1, we welcome Angela Frazier, Chelsea Sanders and Robert Wright as new members.  We are looking forward to the energy and enthusiasm I know they will bring to our Team. 

I also want to take this opportunity to thank three individuals who will be leaving the committee.  As original members, Athena Karageorgos, Matt Gall and Dave Phipps all made significant contributions to Avanti's sustainability efforts since we started this program in December 2008.  Their ideas and the passion they all brought to this effort is greatly appreciated.  Thank you!


We are in the final process of moving away from the disposable, single-use items in our lunchrooms.  We are supplying each of our locations with silverware, china plates, bowls and mugs to use in place of the one-use items we have had for so long. 

From a sustainability standpoint there is a lot of debate on the issue of reusable (increased water usage) versus single-use biodegradable items (energy used to manufacture and ship).  While this debate will continue, we have decided that from an economic standpoint this will be better for Avanti.  The fact that we use almost 100 cups per day has led us to the point of wanting to try this new approach.  Going forward we suggest that you bring in your own mug or drinking glass if you do not want to use one of the new Avanti-branded mugs that will soon be available.


As always, you are encouraged to contact any member of the Sustainability Committee with your ideas and questions.  We are always looking for fresh thinking and new approaches to help us impact sustainability issues. 

Lastly, for those of you who have been wondering, we do plan to have a summer service outing project again this year.  More details will follow as we firm up this event.


Thank you for your continued support of our sustainability efforts.  Please make good use of our new Recycling Center locations at Taylor and Murphy/Telegraph and remember to LIVE GREEN!

cal recycles



Cal Kerr, 8610

avanti recycled
                     OUR MISSION 
Our mission is to promote, support and measure sustainability throughout Avanti and Omnigraphics and to insure that each strategic decision takes into account its current and future impact on our environment.