Don't Blame it on The Corporation
The term, "Corporation" often gets a bum rap. When things go poorly, it's The Corporation's fault. When it's a tough place to work, The Corporation is to blame. Conversely, The Corporation is a good neighbor when it sponsors a softball team, charitable drive or community event.
But The Corporation doesn't exist except as a legal and tax entity. It does not make decisions, promote agendas, enact strategies, hire workers with disabilities, or pollute the environment. The Corporation can't do these things because it has no brain or conscience or even a body.
PEOPLE comprise a corporation for the purpose of doing or achieving something. People make decisions, are good or bad bosses, use toxic chemicals, and build bridges that stand the test of time (or fall down). Blaming a corporation for causing the world's ills or giving it credit for making it a better place is misplaced and misguided.
So how's that for a provocative thesis? I'm not done. Click below:
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