everything summer


 Dear Parents & Friends:


It's reunion time!  In addition to  turkey, pie, and football with family, your  kids may be having a sleepover with friends and looking forward to upcoming camp reunions. Teens and young adults are connecting via social media and may be bringing out-of-town friends for the holidays.    These reunions present both opportunities and challenges.  


Children may also express concerns over the holiday  about their school performance to date.  Our articles will hopefully assist you and them in having a stress-free and safe holiday.  


Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving! 


Jill & the Everything Summer Team


"Help!" My child's food-allergic camp friend is coming for a sleepover!


Sandi Kornblum is a Certified Life and Food Allergy Coach. She coaches families and children in person and by phone.  Sandi gives us a few of her tips and steps

to follow when hosting a food-allergic child in your home.

  sleepover diversity 

Careful preparation and proper communication can ensure a successful, safe and fun sleepover.


1.  Communicate with the child's parents: Ask lots of questions!  A good time to do this is when you are planning the sleepover with the child's parent.  Be sure to know the foods the child CANNOT eat. Learn the safe foods/snacks. Some parents may prefer to bring all of their child's food to your house. Keep in mind, they have likely done this before and know best. Don't be offended. Be supportive and use the opportunity to learn for future sleepovers and playdates.

2.     Put away all offending foods: Simply putting these foods "out of reach" before the child enters your home makes them inaccessible and eliminates almost any risk of exposure.

3.    Prevent cross-contamination: Thoroughly clean all surfaces in your home that the child may touch. Most

standard cleansers will eliminate possible residue from food that was previously eaten and prepared in your home. Consider using paper plates. If not, be sure to use clean dishes and utensils. Do not use the same utensil for more than one food or dish.  As an added precaution, always wash your hands and prepare the food-allergic child's food first.

4.    Understand emergency protocols: Have an "ICE" (In Case of Emergency) talk with the child's parents to review the child's emergency action plan. Make sure you receive clear understandable instructions. Be positive you know where the child's  epinephrine auto-injector (Epi-pen) is and how to use it. Don't hesitate to ask the child's parents for a demonstration if you feel you need one.  Also, be sure you know how much medicine you would need to administer. 


If you follow these steps, you can turn anxiety about hosting a food-allergic child in your home, into confidence and composure.  Be calm, be prepared!


Please visit www.TheFoodAllergyCoach.com.                

The Benefits of Reunions for Kids & Teens


Camp reunions are wonderful.

They get children excited for the upcoming summer, and they allow anyone feeling social or academic stress at home to return to a carefree camp mode. Given the competitive atmosphere which pervades academics and sports these days, many kids are happy to unwind and see summer friends with whom they have a deep connection. They recharge and are ready to face new challenges knowing that they have special friends who will always be there for them.  


Reunions make the long wait for next summer seem a little shorter. For children who become anxious about homesickness or other issues, reunions can remind them why they enjoyed camp so much and allay some  anxiety.


Often, a group of boys or girls reminiscing about the summer will discuss issues that came up at camp that you may never have heard about before (especially if you have boys who do not tell you much!!) Listen carefully. Once the reunion is over and you are alone with your child, question him or her casually, and if you feel that anything needs to be brought to the attention of the camp directors, definitely let them know. If the directors can avoid issues going forward, they will be more than happy to do so!


Virtual reunions via i-Chat, Skype and social media are often effective at giving teens a comforting social outlet, as they face intense social pressure and/or looming college visits and applications, by allowing them to share thoughts on various summer programs, extra-curriculars and choices.



Teens HappenTeens Happen:  A Parent's Guide to Deciphering the Most Secretive of Creatures

by Shea Rouda



 Class Warfare: Inside the Fight to Fix America's Schools
by Steven Brill






This   in-person guidance session is cost-efficient  and can help you to: 


Evaluate previous summer experiences.


Review your initial research.


Establish the best pre-college path of high school

extra-curriculars & summer programs.


Assess additional needs with referrals to professionals.


And so much more!


This is an additional service

our comprehensive
service remains available.


In Need of Help with Schoolwork?


School is now in full swing and Dr. Emily Levy has tips for students on how to stay organized and achieve academic success:


High School
1. Students should first read a passage and then highlight the topic in blue, main idea in green, and important details in yellow.

2. Next, they should divide their paper into two columns; the left column should be labeled "Main Ideas," and the right side, "Important Details."  Details should be in bullet points.
3. The student would draw then a horizontal line and underneath it write in the main idea and important details from the next paragraph, etc.

Middle School

1.  Tier 1 is the working notebook.

2.  Tier 2 is an accordion file divided into three sections for each class:  notes, homework, and tests.

3.  Tier 3 is a long-term filing cabinet.


Elementary School

1. Read a passage; then identify the topic and highlight it in blue.

2.  Next identify the main idea and highlight it in green.

3. Finally, identify the salient details and highlight them yellow. 


Dr. Emily Levy is the founder of EBL Coaching, a supplemental education company that offers individualized one-on-one tutoring and after school programs.  For more information on diagnostic and tutorial plans, please consult www.eblcoaching.com


 Everything Summer and Jill on the latest

 social media platforms.


Jill's latest blog thoughts . . .

 Camp Directors are sharers, a silver lining in the loss of power,

back-to-school and bullying,

love what you do

and more...  


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