Dina Kantor: Treece
Dina Kantor uses the finely developed skills of a journalist, documentarian, and artist to inform us of the lives, specificity, and texture of the residents of Treece who must now deal with the waste of the 20th century brought upon their doorstep.

Vickie and Clyde, Treece, Kansas, 2011.
Chris Enos: The Remaking of Boston
June 12 - August 31, 2012
Opening Reception: Tuesday, June 12, 6pm
Boston Society of Architects
290 Congress Street, Boston, MA
Chris Enos, Untitled, 1976, Silver Gelatin Print, 16 x 20 inches.
The PRC presents Chris Enos: The Remaking of Boston, a series of 19 photographs by the artist and PRC founder Chris Enos. From 1975 to 1980, Enos documented her neighborhood, the Leather District and Fort Point Channel, at a time of tremendous urban revitalization in Boston. During this time, the historically industrial neighborhood transformed from gritty artist studios to the polished financial and cultural centers they are today. Chris Enos: The Remaking of Boston not only captures a portrait of Boston that would soon disappear, but also the process of urban revival. As such, this series is an important document of the architectural history of Boston at the moment of its remaking.
Support the PRC Summer Appeal!
Following an extremely vibrant and busy season of programming at the PRC, summer is just around the corner. We are now deeply involved in planning our programs for the fall and the following spring. Highlights of fall programming include an exhibition featuring Rania Matar, our annual benefit auction, a lecture by Ernesto Bazan, and a pinhole camera workshop with Jesseca Ferguson.
Our largest source of revenue to support these programs is our annual auction in October, but that is still five months away. As we approach the summer, the PRC needs your support more than ever so that we can continue to plan and present the programs that have come to define the PRC. It is only through the generosity of individual supporters who believe in our work that the PRC can continue to be the leading center for creative photography in New England. Our goal, starting June 1, is to raise $20,000 in donations by August 31. Every contribution helps and every contribution is important. The PRC has been an integral part of the cultural fabric of this region for more than 35 years. Your support now will allow us to continue this important work of exploring, interpreting, and celebrating photography in New England.
Click here to make a donation to the PRC Summer Appeal now! |
NEPR Showcase Artists Announced Exhibition: August 7 - August 25
Opening Reception: Thursday, August 9, 6-8 pm PRC Gallery, 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
The PRC is pleased to announce the photographers who will be featured in the New England Portfolio Reviews (NEPR) Showcase in August.
Beth Hankes
David Ricci
David Torcoletti
Anita Licis-Ribak
Shaun O'Boyle
Phillip Jones
To be considered for inclusion in the NEPR Showcase, the photographers met these eligibility requirements:
* Participated in at least one review at this year's NEPR
* Participated in the Portfolio Walk on Saturday, May 12, 2012
The PRC staff then selected six photographers from the pool of artists showing work at the NEPR Portfolio Walk. This exhibition, team curated by the PRC staff, is just another way that we continue promote the talented photographers of New England!
The 17th Annual PRC Juried Exhibition
June 5 - July 18, 2012
Robert Moran, Free at Last, 2011, Archival Pigment Print.
From a submission pool of 270 photographers, Juror Alison Nordström selected ten artists for inclusion in EXPOSURE 2012.
The PRC's esteemed annual juried exhibition, EXPOSURE, honors emerging photographers from across North America by providing a venue to celebrate their work in a group show. Since its inception in 1996, over 300 photographers have displayed their images on the PRC's gallery walls. Each year, a respected member of the New England art community--from curators to gallerists to photo editors--is asked to select ten to fifteen standout artists from a pool of several hundred. Each artist then shows five to ten photographs, adding up to a truly interesting exhibit each year.
more info on artists >>
We Want Your Photographs!

PRC 2012 Benefit Auction
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Thanks to your generous donations to past auctions, the PRC has been able to sustain its leadership of the New England photo community. By participating, you have made exhibitions, lectures, workshops, portfolio reviews, Loupe, and other strong programming possible. We embrace this partnership with our members. With terms that encourage photographers to donate their strongest work, the PRC has established a viable new model for future auctions. Photographers can now keep up to 50% of the sale price and set their own reserve price up to 75%. The venue is exciting; where else in New England do 300 people come to look at, bid on, and purchase photographs--your photographs? For more than 25 years, the PRC Benefit Auction has been a showcase of the finest photography from New England and vintage prints donated by photographers, collectors, and galleries. We expect your selections for this year's auction to continue that tradition of excellence.
To donate a photograph, please send one jpeg of the image you would like to submit. If you prefer the Auction Committee to select your image, you can choose to send up to three jpegs.*
Visit out website for submission forms and more information on donating photographs to the auction >>
*In the interest of creating the strongest auction possible, the Auction Committee reserves the right to limit the number of pieces that are selected. |
Alt Night at the PRC with Jesseca Ferguson
Wednesday, june 20, 2012, 6 - 8 pm
832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Guest Host & Lead Presenter: Jesseca Ferguson
Open to all photographers using "alternative" or "original" processes, from handmade to antiquarian to pinhole, in celebration of photography's wonderful eccentricities! Five presenters only.
Presenter spots are full. Please come to partake in the viewing and discussion of alternative processes.
Portfolio Reviews with Glenn Ruga, PRC Executive Director Wednesday, June 27, 2012 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston Registration: Wednesday, June 20 at 10am
Monthly portfolio reviews at the PRC are one way that we find new talented photographers to invite to exhibit in NEO, Loupe, and our new Members Gallery at the PRC.
Photographers who sign up will be required to send 4-6 jpg images (under 1mb each), a resume, and an artists statement to prior to the review. The images should reflect the work that will be presented. To reserve your slot, please call the PRC at 617-975-0600 beginning at 10am on Wednesday, June 20. This opportunity is for PRC Members only and is offered on a first come, first serve basis. |
New England Photography ListingsStrike! (June 15 - August 16; Reception: June 15, 5-7pm) Chester Sidell Gallery, 56 Island Street, Lawrence, MA.
June 16 Fryeburg Academy Strangers and Others (May 18 - August 19; Reception: June 16, 1-3pm) Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, 18 Bradley Street, Fryeburg.
Rocky Neck Gallery Michael Seif (Reception: June 16, 6-8pm) 53 Rocky Neck Ave Gloucester, MA.
June 21 Real Art Ways Dave Sinaguglia: Skin in the Game (June 21 - September 9; Reception: June 21, 6-8pm) 56 Arbor Street, Hartford, CT. June 23 & 24 Digital Silver Imaging Tintype & Ambrotype Wetplate Workshop (June 23 & 24) 9 Brighton Street, Belmont, MA.
June 26 Griffin Museum of Photography Cambridge Homes: The Farm: Photographs by Rich Perry (May 21 - August 5; Reception: June 26, 6:30-7:30pm) 360 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA.
June 29 & 30 The Art Institute of Boston Main Gallery: MFA in Visual Arts Graduate Exhibition (June 25 - 30; Reception: June 30, 8-10pm) 700 Beacon Street, Boston, MA University Hall Gallery: MFA in Visual Arts Graduate Exhibition (June 25 - 30; Reception: June 29, 8-9:30pm) 1815 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA.
Click here for a complete list of current exhibitions, events, and more call for entries >> |
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and numerous individual sponsors.