"What I want to say is..."
Presented by Take 5 Foundation May 22 - 26, 2012 Reception: Thursday, May 24, 2012, 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Brenda Bancel & students from Epiphany School. This exhibition features the work of five middle school children from Epiphany School in Dorchester who participated in Take 5's inaugural program in photography. Take 5 Foundation is an organization that provides quality time, attention, and instruction to five kids per project, utilizing the expertise and talent of individuals in the community. The individuals who give of their time and talents with these five kids for one full year specialize in a variety of fields, such as photography in this case. The foundation seeks to promote the idea that everyone does something really well, something he/she can give back to society no matter how simple. Children often just need extended time and care to realize their creative potential.
more info >> |
Exhibition of Ten PRC Members' Work at the New York Photo Festival May 16 - 20, 2012
Reception: Saturday, May 19, 2:30-4:30pm
111 Front Street, Gallery 210, Brooklyn, NY
Nancy Grace Horton. Red Hot, 2011. Pigment Print. 30 x 30 inches.
The PRC is thrilled to present the work of the ten winners from the call for entries in the PRC in NYC juried exhibition. Jurors Glenn Ruga, Neal Rantoul, and Chehalis Hegner met to discuss submissions and selected the artists to exhibit their work in a satellite exhibit at the New York Photo Festival. The PRC congratulates the winners and thanks everyone who submitted.
We invite all our members to visit the exhibition and join us at the reception in Brooklyn.
more info >>
Creative and Professional Development for Artists
Presenters: Alison Nordström and Rania Matar
Moderator: Glenn Ruga, PRC Executive Director
Thursday, June 7, 2012, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
BU College of General Studies, Room 527
871 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Online registration: $20 / $15 Members
At door registration: $25 / $20 Members
Maximum attendance: 50
Join Alison Nordström and Rania Matar for a two hour interactive seminar on strategies and techniques to advance your development as an artist and your career as a creative professional. Topics to be discussed include maturing your artist vision, critique and portfolio reviews, juried competitions, exhibitions, galleries, portfolio preparation, artist statement, resume, publishing, and choice of subject matter and technique. All will be looked at in light of how to use these various forums to advance your artistic development and professional career. Attendees will be encouraged to participate in discussion and ask real-world questions, although presenters will not comment on photographic work of individual attendees.
PANEL DISCUSSION Critique and the Creative Process - Photography In and Out of the Academy
Friday, June 8, 2012, 4-6 pm Fairmont Battery Wharf, Boston Free and open to the public Moderator: Glenn Ruga, Executive Director, PRC Panelists: Neal Rantoul (Photographer and Professor Emeritus of Photography at Northeastern University), Chehalis Hegner (Photographer and Assistant Professor of Photography at Umass/Lowell), and Bruce Myren (Northeast Regional Chair, Society for Photographic Education) Join in a lively dialogue investigating the meaningful influence critique can have on the creative process. Topics investigated include: creative mentorships, collaborative partnerships, and the potential benefits of peer, individual, and self-critique sessions. Through honest dialog, the goal of this panel discussion is to arrive at a set of underlying fundamental principles for critiques that will assist in the creative process. If time allows, there will be a sample critique session. |
Printing Workshop with Neal Rantoul
Saturday, June 9, 2012, 9:00 - 5:00 pm
Northeastern University (location TBD) $125 General Public / $110 Members (limited to 10 participants only)
Neal Rantoul, Utah. 7, 2010.
Want to learn how to make a truly gorgeous photographic print? In this intensive one-day workshop, Rantoul will discuss and demonstrate what it takes to make a superior print and demystify much of the technical steps. The morning session will cover monitor calibration and color correcting, output file size, dpi requirements, file management, storage, and effective sharpening, with the objective of learning the process of making excellent prints. The afternoon session will focus on using Rantoul's workflow and preparing files for printing. Additionally, Rantoul will demonstrate his own workflow, which utilizes Aperture, Photoshop, and Nik's Sharpener Pro. Then students will send their files to the printers so that they leave the day with first-rate prints. |
June 5 - July 18, 2012
Opening reception: Thursday, June 7, 2012, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Robert Moran, Free at Last, 2011, Archival Pigment Print.
From a submission pool of 270 photographers, Juror Alison Nordström selected the ten artists for inclusion in EXPOSURE 2012.
The PRC's esteemed annual juried exhibition, EXPOSURE, honors emerging photographers from across North America by providing a venue to celebrate their work in a group show. Since its inception in 1996, over 300 photographers have displayed their images on the PRC's gallery walls. Each year, a respected member of the New England art community--from curators to gallerists to photo editors--is asked to select ten to fifteen standout artists from a pool of several hundred. Each artist then shows five to ten photographs, adding up to a truly interesting exhibit each year.
more info >>
Chris Enos: The Remaking of Boston
June 12 - August 31, 2012
Reception: Tuesday, June 12, 6pm
Boston Society of Architecture
290 Congress Street, Boston, MA
Chris Enos, Untitled, 1976, Silver Gelatin Print, 16 x 20 inches.
The PRC presents Chris Enos: The Remaking of Boston, a series of 19 photographs by the artist and PRC founder Chris Enos. From 1975 to 1980, Enos documented her neighborhood, the Leather District and Fort Point Channel, at a time of tremendous urban revitalization in Boston. During this time, the historically industrial neighborhood transformed from gritty artist studios to the polished financial and cultural centers they are today. Chris Enos: The Remaking of Boston not only captures a portrait of Boston that would soon disappear, but also the process of urban revival. As such, this series is an important document of the architectural history of Boston at the moment of its remaking.
Large Format Night at the PRC
Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 6 - 8 pm
832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Guest Host & Lead Presenter: Chris Churchill
Open to all photographers using large format cameras, regardless of theme or subject matter. Four presenters only. Featuring short presentation, discussion, and book signing with Chris Churchill.
Portfolio Reviews with Glenn Ruga, PRC Executive Director
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Registration: Wednesday, May 16 at 10am
Monthly portfolio reviews at the PRC are one way that we find new talented photographers to invite to exhibit in NEO, Loupe, and our new Members Gallery at the PRC.
Photographers who sign up will be required to send 4-6 jpg images (under 1mb each), a resume, and an artists statement to reviews@prcboston.org prior to the review. The images should reflect the work that will be presented.
To reserve your slot, please call the PRC at 617-975-0600 beginning at 10am on Wednesday, May 16. This opportunity is for PRC Members only and is offered on a first come, first serve basis.
New England Photography ListingsMay 18 Gallery Kayafas Tara Sellios: Of the Flesh (May 18 - June 30; Reception: May 18, 5:30-8pm) 450 Harrison Avenue #37, Boston, MA. Vermont Center for Photography Chris Triebert: Shadowgraphs (May 4 - 27; Artist Talk: May 18, 5:30pm) 49 Flat St. Brattleboro, VT.
May 19 Robert Klein Gallery Cig Harvey: You Look at Me Like an Emergency (May 19 - June 23; Reception & Book Signing: May 19, 2-4pm) 38 Newbury St. 4th Floor, Boston, MA. May 19 & 20 Newton Open Studios (May 19 - 20, 11am - 5pm) Church of the Redeemer, 379 Hammond Street, Chestnut Hill, MA.
May 22 MIT Museum Berenice Abbott, Photography and Science: An Essential Unity (May 3 - December 31; Lecture: May 22, 6-7:30pm) 265 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA.
Bristol Community College - Grimshaw-Gudewicz Art Gallery 3rd All Media Juried Exhibition (May 24 - July 7; Reception: May 24, 6-8pm) Jackson Arts Center, 77 Elsbree Street, Fall River, MA.
Click here for a complete list of current exhibitions, events, and more call for entries >> |
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