EXHIBITION Janelle Lynch: Los Jardines de México
November 29, 2011 - January 28, 2012
Janelle Lynch, Charles, from the series Akna.
The photographs in Los Jardines de México explore themes related to the life cycle and its representations in the urban and rural landscape. Made between 2002 and 2007, each project investigates, if not embraces, a specific facet of existence: loss, death, regeneration, and life.
The exhibition is comprised of four series: El Jardín de Juegos, highlighting the relics of a children's playground conquered by nature and neglect; Donde Andaba, focusing on wild plants that grow out of the urban infrastructure and architecture; Akna (the Mayan goddess of birth and fertility or "mother" in Mayan), delving deep into a nature preserve to anthropomorphize dormant tree stumps serving as hosts of new life; and La Fosa Común, beautifully featuring the vegetation in a century-old common grave at different stages of the life cycle. The combination of these four bodies of work, three from Mexico City and one from Chiapas, examines the persistence of life.
Read the review in The Boston Globe >>
Bookshop at the PRC Open for Holiday Purchases! Wishing that some of your friends and family members could have joined you at one of the latest PRC events? Don't worry, the PRC Bookshop is selling books from our past exhibitions and lectures, just in time for the holiday season! Most recently added to the shelves is Los Jardines de México by Janelle Lynch. Los Jardines de México by Janelle Lynch $45 members | $53 general public |
Other Books (member | general public prices):
* Eliot Dudik, Road Ends in Water - $27 | $32 * Mike Mandel & Chantal Zakari, The State of Ata - $38 | $45 * Monika Merva, The City of Children - $40 | $48 * Constantine Manos, A Greek Portfolio - $45 | $53 * Constantine Manos, American Color 1 - $108 | $127 * Constantine Manos, American Color 2 - $63 | $74
* Lynn Saville: Night Shift - $40 | $42
* Larry Volk and Danielle Currier: No Plastic Sleeves: The Complete Portfolio Guide for Photographers and Designers - $32 | $37 * Lori Waselchuk, Grace Before Dying - $36 | $42 * Catherine Wagner, Cross Sections - $51 | $60 * Catherine Wagner, Home and Other Stories - $64 | $75
PRC t-shirts are also for sale at the PRC. Come by and pick one up today!
To purchase a copy, please contact Laura Norris, PRC Bookshop Manager, at 617-975-0600, or stop by our gallery.
Site Night at the PRCWednesday, December 7, 2011, 6:00 - 8:00 pm 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA Open to all photographers interested in sharing their websites or learning about others. Glenn Ruga will host Site Night in celebration of his workshop on December 3. These free, informally structured programs foster a sense of community with photographers, PRC members, and students by offering an opportunity to share images and insights about particular topics in contemporary photographic practice. PLEASE NOTE: Presenters for Site Night will show their live websites and are asked to make a brief statement about their work followed by a discussion. Contact the PRC at 617-975-0600 or info@prcboston.org to reserve a presenter slot. Six presenter slots available. Audience members are also encouraged to participate, no reservations needed, but must bring their curiosity and open-mindedness. Everyone is welcome to bring refreshments. more information >> |
Flickr Photos Updated Photos from our latest events have been added to our Flickr page. Make sure to add these to your favorites! Or, if we missed you at the event, here's a peak to what happened. We hope we see you at an upcoming PRC event soon!
Book Night at the PRC >> Lynn Saville Lecture on Night Photography >> Night Night at the PRC >> VIrtual Tour of 7 Turkish Artists & Threefold >> |
New England Photography Listings
December 5-10
MassArt Holiday Sale (December 5 - 10) Lobby of Tower Building Tower Auditorium, 621 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA.
December 6 Griffin Museum of Photography @ The Aberjona River Gallery
Been Through the Mill: Photographing the Old Schwamb Mill (December 1 - February 26, 2012; Opening Reception: December 6, 6-7:30pm) 187 Swanton St., Winchester, MA.
MassArt Photography 2011 Fall Lectures: Robin Kelsey (December 6, 2pm) Tower Auditorium, 621 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA.
December 7
French Cultural Center
Under Sail- Photographs by Valerie Franc-Houge (December 3- 29; Reception: December 7) 53 Marlborough Street, Boston, MA.
Griffin Museum of Photography - Atelier & Griffin Gallery
Photographing People (December 7, 7-8:30pm) 67 Shore Road, Winchester, MA.
Panopticon Gallery
GRUNTS: The GI Experience Two Perspectives: Bradford Washburn & Vittorio Sella (December 7 - January 10, 2012; Reception: December 7, 5:30-7:30pm) 502c Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA.
December 8 Griffin Museum of Photography @ Digital Silver Imaging
Rock & Roll: A Group Show (December 8 - January 28; Opening Reception: December 8, 6-8pm) 4 Claredon Street, Boston, MA.
December 8-11 The School of the Museum of Fine Arts Annual Art Sale (December 8-11) 230 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115
December 10 Gallery Kayafas Geoff Hargadon: Dealers Protected! Thomas Gustainis: An Accruing Mass of (dis)Content: A Thomas J. Gustainis Retrospective Daniel Ranalli: Snail Drawings (December 2 - January 7, 2012; Reception: December 10, 3-5pm) 450 Harrison Avenue #37, Boston, MA.
December 13 ASMP New England Brian Skerry: Ocean Soul (December 13, 6-9pm) EP Levine, 219 Bear Hill Road, Waltham, MA.
December 15 Atlantic Works
Corpus Et Spiritus (December 3 - 27; Reception: December 15, 6-9pm) 80 Border Street, 3rd Floor, East Boston, MA.
The Griffin Museum of Photography @ Atelier Gallery at the Stoneham Theatre
The Fluid Figure: Michael Seif (November 10 - January 15; Reception: December 15, 6-7pm) 395 Main Street, Stoneham, MA.
Worcester Art Museum
Hymn to the Earth: Photographs by Ron Rosenstock (December 15 - March 18, 2012; Reception: December 15, 5:30-8pm) 55 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609. 508-799-4406.
Click here for a complete list of current exhibitions, events, and more call for entries >> |
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