July 21 - August 20, 2011
Opening reception: Thursday, July 21, 6:30 - 8 p.m.
 Elizabeth Libert, The Libert Family, Cambridge, Archival Inkjet Print.
Juror Whitney Johnson, Director of Photography at The New Yorker, selected work by ten contemporary photographers from across North America to comprise the sixteenth iteration of the PRC's highly regarded annual juried exhibition. She made her selection from an original pool of 170 submissions.
The artists featured in EXPOSURE 2011 take a strong interest in the human condition. Probing portraits, vibrant social interactions, historically-inflected landscapes, and provocative situations are all present in Johnson's selections. The placement of each project encourages the viewer to find connections between the artists' subjects. Although the show encompasses wildly different stylistic approaches, each project flirts with documentary photography, shedding light on the human experience in unique ways. However, the photographers seem more intent on introspection, discovery, and questioning than pointing out conditions in need of change.
Steven Beckly Single Rooms
Eliot Dudik Road Ends in Water
Tealia Ellis Ritter The Live Creature and Ethereal Things
Elizabeth Libert Libert & Company
Dina Litovsky Untag This Photo
Rania Matar A Girl and Her Room
Mary Beth Meehan Undocumented
Monika Merva The City of Children
Dana Mueller The Devil's Den
Jason Reblando New Deal Utopias
Read more about the artists' projects and bios >>
All the World is a Stage: Costa's Boston Street Photography Workshop with Magnum Photographer Constantine Manos September 8-12, 2011 Workshop fee: $810 PRC members / $850 general public For more information & to register >>

Learn or perfect urban street photography in Boston with world-renowned Magnum photographer Constantine Manos. The city of Boston is your stage to explore, but let the master critique your creative images. Manos will conduct this five-day workshop exclusively for the PRC September 8-12, 2011.
Manos has developed an international reputation as a pioneer street photographer, using the standard tools of the trade-a small-format camera and a wide angle lens-to explore the most intimate moments and the most visually compelling portraits of the cacophony of humanity played out on public thoroughfares. Manos' unique vision borrows from the intelligence and formal structure of Cartier-Bresson, the humor of Winogrand, and the critique of Frank to bring us beautiful, insightful, and structurally complex frames of his world.
PRC 2011 Benefit Auction Update  |
Olivia Parker. Bottle, 2010. Pigment Inkjet Print, 24 x 35 inches, Edition 1/10, signed. Parker is represented in Boston by the Robert Klein Gallery.
PRC 2011 Benefit Auction
Saturday, October 15
808 Gallery
Boston University.
We are still accepting donations of art work. Click here for details. Auction include photographs by: Carl Chiarenza Elsa Dorfman Arthur Leipzig Rania Matar Susan Meiselas John O'Reilly Olivia Parker Lydia Panas Robert Richfield August Sander William Wegman Auction Sponsors Digital Silver Imaging DSG Meridian Printing Puritan Press Vineyard Road Auction Benefactors Karl & Teryn Weintz Joseph & Cailleen Bernardi Faith & Glenn Parker Sponsors and Benefactors as of July 19, 2011. Click for complete information on the PRC 2011 Benefit Auction |
Reception in Memory of Bela Kalman Wednesday, July 27, 6-8 pm Photographic Resource Center The Photographic Resource Center and the family of Bela T. Kalman invite you to a reception in his memory. The reception will be held Wednesday, July 27th, at the Photographic Resource Center at Boston University, 832 Commonwealth Avenue from 6-8 pm.
For complete obituary >> |
Center Notes George Slade Returns to Minnesota George Slade, PRC Program Manager and Curator, left the PRC in early July to return full time to his native Minnesota. George moved to Boston in May 2010 to take on the position as the PRC curator. He came here with an immense knowledge of photography as an independent writer, curator, blogger, and formerly serving as the artistic director of the Minnesota Center for Photography. He quickly became familiar with the New England photography community through portfolio reviews and meetings with photographers throughout the region. In the year that he was at the PRC, he was instrumental in launching Loupe, the new PRC magazine, and re-launching NEO, the online gallery that had been discontinued for over a year before George and PRC Executive Director Glenn Ruga redesigned the new incarnation of this monthly gallery of work by New England photographers that went live in October 2011. George also helped to start the new program of Nights at the PRC, informal monthly meetings of photographers to look at and critique each other's work. Slade's achievements also included reaching out to all of the PRC's institutional member schools to create the largest and most successful Student Exhibition this past spring.
The PRC Welcomes Erin Wederbrook Yuskaitis as the PRC's Program and Events Manager Erin Wederbrook Yuskaitis began in June as the PRC's new Program and Events Manager. She is responsible for the operations and management of the PRC's Benefit Auction, Master Lecture Series, Workshops, Exhibitions, and all other public programs. She comes here from Birmingham, Alabama where she served as the Program Manager at VSA Alabama, a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to serving children and adults with disabilities and chronic illnesses through the arts, where she handled art auctions, curated and facilitated exhibits and satellite gallery spaces, and coordinated 30 programs with partnering organizations in community, education, and healthcare settings. Click here for Erin's full bio. Welcome, Erin! |
Books for Sale at the PRC Last chance to purchase following titles American Studies by Jim Dow A limited number are signed. $39.95 PRC members receive 15% discount.

Grace Before Dying by Lori Waselchuk A limited number are signed. $39.95 PRC members receive 15% discount. To purchase, stop by the PRC or call 617-975-0600. |
New England Photography Events July 22
The Gallery at Hallmark Institute of Photography Paul Wainwright: A Space for Faith: The Colonial Meetinghouses of New England (July 22-Sept. 4; Opening Reception: July 23, 1-5pm) 85 Avenue A, Turner Falls, MA.
July 28
Griffin Museum at the Atelier Gallery at the Stoneham Theatre Street Stage: Takin It To The Streets - Photographs by Robert Hunt & Sharon Devereax (July 28-August 29; Opening Reception and Book Signing: July 28, 6-7pm) 295 Main Street, Stoneham, MA.
July 29 Roxbury International Film Festival Fambul Tok: A Documentary Film About the Power of Forgiveness Directed by Sara Terry; Director of Photoraphy, Henry Jacobson (July 29, 7pm) Blount Theatre at Wentworth Institute of Technology, 550 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA Click here for a complete list of current exhibitions, events, and call for entries >> |
If you would like to advertise in this eNewsletter or in the PRC Magazine, Loupe, click here. Have other announcements? Feel free to post directly to our Facebook page. |
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