2011 PRC Student Exhibition April 14 - May 8, 2011
Opening Reception: Thursday, April 14, 6-9 pm The reception has been extended by an hour to accommodate the large crowd that we are expecting. Student Night at the PRC: Thursday, April 28, 7-9 pm
The breadth of Boston's photographic education community is featured in this annual showcase of work by students enrolled in PRC Institutional Member schools. In 2011, twenty-two programs from Providence (RISD) to Portland (Maine College of Art) have signed up to represent their photographic output. Come see the creative talents of tomorrow on display today, and gain an appreciation for the diversity of young, contemporary, photographic visions (and the remarkable range of academic programs supporting them) that surround the PRC.
More information >>
APRIL NEO This NEO exhibit is part of the 2011 Boston Cyberarts Festival: April 11 - May 8 Brooke A. Knight: Excerpts and Video/Still 
Upper Yosemite Falls, 2009 One challenge we encounter with NEO's format (an online web portfolio/gallery) is when we want to present photographic work that expands into the third dimension of time. This venue is admirably suited for conventional photographic images that can be measured vertically and horizontally (height before width, always) in pixels. But as more and more artists utilize cameras that are as adept with moving images as they are with still ones, the notion of photography as a two-dimensional language is evolving into three dimensions.
This month, as we present Brooke A. Knight's work in conjunction with the Boston Cyberarts Festival, we consider how photography is changing as it adds the new dimension of time. Knight's work in his Excerpts series addresses the accumulation of attention represented in landscape images.
PRC Announces New Summer Photography Intensive for High School Students  The PRC announces a new three-week summer intensive program, ChallengeTHIS / Possibilities in Photography. This program welcomes all high school students who are interested in photography as a form of artistic expression. Visiting artists include Neal Rantoul, Barbara Bosworth, and Olivia Parker.
Dates: July 11-29, 2011 Register for one, two, or all three weeks. Days/Time: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Friday: 1:00 pm-5:00 pm Location: Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Click here for complete information and to register >> |
Karin Rosenthal: Refraction and Reflection Presented by the PRC in association with the Center for Theoretical Physics at MIT On display through December 2011 Reception: Wednesday, April 27, 5:30 p.m.

Karin Rosenthal, Shell with Hole, 2010. Rosenthal's fascinating photographs reveal the pleasures of close observation. Reflections and shadows of barely recognizable human forms mingle with physical objects and watery lenses within the spaces of sea shores. Please join Karin and the PRC to recognize her remarkable accomplishments and gather in the unique setting of the Center's offices.
More >> |
New England Portfolio Reviews Co-sponsored with the Griffin Museum of Photography May 6-7, 2011, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Registration Deadline: April 22 Limited number of reviews still available for all three sessions.
The New England Portfolio Reviews is an opportunity for emerging and established photographers to meet with curators, teachers, gallerists, and other image professionals. The Reviews will serve both individuals who are just embarking on their careers and those who have several years of experience and are hoping to reach new audiences by initiating connections with leading figures in the busy New England photography world.
For more information and a list of the reviewers >>
If you are interested in volunteering and experiencing the portfolio reviews from a "behind the scenes" point of view, please contact Julie Kukharenko. |
Submit Your Work to EXPOSURE 2011: The 16th Annual PRC Juried Exhibition Deadline for submissions: April 22, 11:59 pm Are you ready for some exposure? Then line up a selection of your best photographs and get ready to enter EXPOSURE 2011, the PRC's 16th annual juried exhibition of work by its members. Awards will include exhibition, publication, and $500 cash. This year's juror is Whitney Johnston, picture editor for The New Yorker. She will make the final selection of up to ten photographers for the exhibition at the PRC in July and August. Johnson will select one of these artists for the Juror's Award of $500. The PRC's executive director Glenn Ruga and curator George Slade will also select awards for publication in the PRC magazine Loupe and for inclusion in NEO, our monthly on-line showcase of work by regional members.
More information and submission guidelines >>
Portfolio Reviews with PRC Curator George Slade Wednesday, April 27, 1 - 4 pm Photographic Resource Center 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
If you would like to reserve a spot for this month's portfolio review, please call the PRC at 617-975-0600 on April 20 at 10 am SHARP. This opportunity is for PRC Members only and is on a first come, first serve basis.
To learn about more about Portfolio Reviews >> |
Job Announcement: Events/Program Manager The Photographic Resource Center is seeking an experienced Events/Program Manager to manage the implementation of PRC programs including exhibitions, lectures, workshops and PRC Auction.
More Information >>
UNCATALOGUED: Extraordinary Boston by Steve Dunwell By PRC Library Volunteer, Stefanie Maclin
Extraordinary Boston is Boston at its finest. Photographer Steve Dunwell does well to capture the eccentricity and uniqueness that is this city. In the book's introduction Dunwell writes: "This is a special place in America. Here, at the confluence of powerful natural, historical, commercial, and cultural currents, a unique metropolis has risen, sculpted by these forces and expressing their interplay." Dunwell's photographs showcase all these bits and pieces of Boston.
Boston is a city of contrast. It's a city of neighborhoods. While it is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States, sometimes you forget you're in a city. There's something about Boston. It gets to you; it gets in you. I've lived here for a decade, and I still can't cross the Charles via the Red Line without needing to see it.
Dunwell showcases Boston in all its glory: in all four seasons, in all times of day. He highlights what this city is about, mixes the modernity with the Colonial architecture. He shows Boston for how it is.
New England Photography Events April 12 ASMP New England Thomas Wener - The Business of Fine Art Photography (April 12, 7-9pm) E.P. Levine, 219 Bear Hill Road, Waltham, MA.
MassArt Spring Lecture Series: Susan Kismaric (April 12, 2pm) Tower Auditorium 621 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115. 617-879-7333.
April 14 The Art Institute of Boston - University Hall Gallery The Portrait: Three Views, BFA Thesis Exhibition (April 12 - 16; Opening Reception: April 14, 6-8pm) 1815 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA. 617-585-6656.
Photographic Resource Center 2011 PRC Student Exhibition (April 14 - May 8; Opening Reception: April 14, 7-9pm) 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215. 617-975-0600.
Red Eye Gallery People of the 99 (Opening Reception: April 14, 6:30pm) 30 North main Street, Providence, RI 02903.
Wellesley College, Davis Museum and Cultural Center Santosy Pecadores: Cinematic Drama in the Mexican Portfolios of Paul Strand and Leopoldo Méndez (February 16 - June 5; Lecture: Social Protest in Photography and Printmaking: April 14, 11:10am Jewett Art Center Room 450) Wellesley College, 106 Central Street in Wellesley, MA. 781-283-2051.
April 15 University of Southern Maine BFA Exhibition (April 15 - May 6; Opening Reception: April 15, 6-8pm) 37 College Avenue, Gorham, ME.
April 17 Christopher C. Brogdigan Gallery, Groton School Afghan Stories, Photo Exhibit by Paula Lerner (April 11- May 20; Opening Reception: April 17, 2-4pm) 282 Farmers Row, Rt. 111, Groton, MA 01450. 978-448-7637.
Concord Art Association Susan Lewinnek: Zipping Corn and Other Scenes From My Travels (April 2-30; Reception: April 17, 1:30-3:30pm) 37 Lexington Road, Concord, MA.
April 20 Institute for Infinitely Small Things The Border Crossed Us (April 20th - May 1; Opening Reception: April 20, 3:30pm) between Campus Center and Campus Parking Garage, 256 Sunset Ave, Amherst,MA.
April 21 Bristol Community College Annual Juried Student Art & Design Exhibition (April 21 - May 5; Opening Reception: April 21, 6-8pm) 77 Elsbree Street, Fall River, MA 02720.
April 22 MassArt Visible Light (April 18-26; Opening Reception: April 22, 6-9pm) Bakalar Gallery, 621 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115. 617-879-7333.
April 26 MassArt Spring Lecture Series: Hank Willis Thomas (April 26, 2pm) Tower Auditorium, 621 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115. 617-879-7333.
RISD TC Colley Lecture Series: Tanyth Berkeley (April 26, 7pm) Chase Center, Metcalf Auditorium, 20 North Main Street, Providence, RI 02903.
April 27 Center for Theoretical Physics at MIT Karin Rosenthal: Refraction and Reflection (April 27, 5:30pm) MIT's Building 6, 3rd Floor, 77 Massachusetts Avenue.
April 27 & 28 Iris Gallery Nick Brandt (April 23 - May 29; Auction for Big Life Foundation: April 27, 6pm; Artist Reception: April 28, 6pm) 129 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116. 617-985-8951.
April 29 Harvard University Susan Meiselas, Ed.M. '71 will receive the 2011 Harvard Arts Medal (April 29, 4pm) New College Theatre, 10-12 Holyoke Street, Cambridge, MA.
April 30 Photographic Historic Society of New England Photographica 75 (April 30 & May 1, 1:30pm) American Center, 467 Main Street, Wakefield, MA.
PHOTOSTOP Gallery & Studio Plain Curious with Jason Landry (April 30, 12-3 pm) 85 North Main Street, Suite 150, White River Junction, VT 05001. 802-698-0320.
Click here for a complete list of current exhibitions, events, and call for entries >> |
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