Jeff Jacobson: Melting Point
January 18, 2011 - March 20, 2011Opening reception: Thursday, February 3, 6:30 - 8:00 pm Lecture with Jeff Jacobson and David Strick: Tues., March 8, 7 pm Shanghai, China, 2002Melting Point reflects over 20 years of Jeff Jacobson's observations of what he describes as "a meltdown period, when old norms of politics, religion and even photography are changing.... In working from the paradox of a curious melding of beauty and fear these photographs emerged." While photographing the American presidential campaign in 1976 Jacobson began using color film-Kodachrome, particularly in innovative ways, branching out from the black-and-white norms that dominated documentary-style photography at the time.
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Join Us for Memory/Autobiography Night at the PRC Wednesday, January 19, 7 - 9 p.m. Photographic Resource Center 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
Note: Please check our website for snow closings prior to attending. If you have registered for the event, we will notify you by email if we close the PRC due to weather.
Open to all who are interested in photographs addressing memory and the self. These informally structured programs offer opportunities for photographers to share images and insights about particular topics in contemporary photographic practice. Contact the PRC at 617-975-0600 or to reserve presenter slots. You're also welcome to attend without work as an audience member, no reservations needed. Presenters bring prints or show images on their own laptops, and are asked to make a brief statement about their work. Audience members must bring their curiosity. Everyone is welcome to bring refreshments.
Portfolio Reviews with PRC Curator George Slade Wednesday, January 26, 1 - 4 pm Photographic Resource Center 832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston If you would like to reserve a spot for this month's portfolio review, please call the PRC at 617-975-0600 on January 19 at 10 am SHARP. This opportunity is for PRC Members only and is on a first come, first serve basis. To learn about more about Portfolio Reviews >> |
Mary Virginia Swanson
Beyond Print -- Creative Communication in the Digital Era Saturday, January 29, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Members: $60/ Non-members: $100 Click here to register >>
Mary Virginia Swanson is a nationally-recognized lecturer on business development for photographers. The seminar is focused on helping photographers find the strengths in their work and identify appreciative audiences in today's marketplace. This will be a large, information-packed, and fast-paced class. Her lectures on industry awareness and marketing opportunities in the arts have aided countless photographers in moving their careers to the next level. She is the author of The Business of Photography: Principles and Practices. Swanson, with co-author Darius Himes, has recently completed Publish Your Photography Book (to be released February 2011).
PRC members who have registered for this seminar are eligible for reduced rates on a one-on-one consulting session with Ms. Swanson. Please contact her at before Monday, January 24, to schedule an appointment. Click here to register >> |
Anyone have a spare DSLR camera and tripod?
Although we are New England's premiere fine art photography organization, we do not have a digital SLR camera or tripod for our in-house use. If you have such a camera and/or tripod in working condition, and if you want to donate it to a worthy organization, please call us at 617-975-0600 or email to |
Call for Volunteers
The Photographic Resource Center is looking for volunteers for 3 events. Please pass this information on to any interested persons.
EVENT 1: Memory/Autobiography Night Wednesday, January 19, 2011 1-2 Volunteers Needed: 6:30pm-9:30pm (PRC needs a volunteer to photograph the event and for general help. Volunteer must have experience photographing events. You are welcome to use your own camera or PRC will provide camera.)
Mary Virginia Swanson Workshop - Beyond Print: Creative Communication in the Digital Era Saturday, January 29, 2011 1-2 Volunteers Needed: 8:00am-10:00am (Help with registration) 3 Volunteers Needed: 1:00pm-2:00pm (Help with clean up) 1 Volunteer Needed: 8:30am-1:00pm (Photographing event-must have experience photographing events, welcome to use own camera or PRC will provide camera). (Volunteers will be able to attend workshop free of charge when not working.)
EVENT 3: Jeff Jacobson: Melting Point Exhibition Opening Reception Thursday, February 3, 2011 ARTIST WILL BE PRESENT!!! 4-5 Volunteers Needed: 5:00pm-8:30pm, Shorter shifts are available (setup, welcoming attendees, book sales, refilling food, bartending, cleanup) 1 Volunteer Needed: 5:30am-8:00pm (Photographing event- must have experience photographing events, welcome to use own camera or PRC will provide camera.)
For more information or If you are interested in volunteering, please email Julie Kukharenko at or call 617-975-0600.

UNCATALOGUED - Klan Rally: A Photographic Essay by James R. Holland by Stefanie Maclin, PRC Library Volunteer.Sometimes, the point of photography is to be controversial. Photographs share something of the world which we see around us, and sometimes, that world is not pleasant. In the 1960s South, photographer James R. Holland traveled to different Klan rallies, often photographing up-close and personal. "The fondest goal of every photographer," he writes in the introduction of his book Klan Rally: A Photographic Essay, "is to produce photographs that are so powerful and clear in their meaning that even the simplest captions are not necessary." In allowing the photographs to speak for themselves, he lets viewers develop their own interpretation of the photographs. His feelings and emotions are not what we are seeing here; rather we are seeing only what he is photographing. These raw images, whether or not we agree with the context, show only what Holland saw in those moments he took them: men and women in white robes, burning crosses or sitting down to lunch, or preaching their ideals to a rapt audience. In this way, the photographs speak volumes. There are the required photographs of a cross-burning, including two photographs of only the sparks against the blackness of the night. There are portraits taken in shadows of the men involved in the organization, and one of a Klanswoman, face uncovered, unaware she's been photographed, caught in a candid conversation. As a stark contrast, another woman, not dressed in white robes, head in her hands, the diamond in her engagement ring startling. She might be mourning, or she might be praying. To read the complete review >>
New England Photography Events
January 21 Brookline Arts Center Gallery Tar Gazing: Photographs by Eric Myrvaagnes (January 18 - March 18; Opening Reception: January 21, 6:30-8:30pm) 86 Monmouth Street, Brookline, MA. 617-566-5715.
Gallery Kayafas Herb Snitzer "Glorious Days and Nights" Harvey Loves Harvey "What are we Doing" (January 21 - February 26; Reception & Live Performance: January 21, 5:30-8pm)450 Harrison Avenue #37, Boston, MA 02118. 617-482-0411.
January 22 Robert Klein Gallery Olivia Parker: Still and Not so Still Life (January 14 - March 5 Opening Reception with the artist: January 22, 2-4 pm) 38 Newbury St. 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02116. 617-267-7997.
January 29 Photographic Resource Center Mary Virginia Swanson: Beyond Print - Creative Communication in the Digital Era (January 29, 9am-1pm) Boston University, George Sherman Union, Conference Auditorium 2nd Floor, 775 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston 02215. 617-975-0600.
February 3
Bannister Gallery-Rhode Island College Here and There: New Work by Jonathan Sharlin (February 3 - 24; Reception: February 3, 5-8 pm) 600 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Providence, RI 02908. 401-456-9765.
Photographic Resource Center Jeff Jacobson: Melting Point(January 18 - March 20; Opening Reception: February 3, 6:30-8pm) 832 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215. 617-975-0600.
| February 4
Calumet Photographic Iran: Images from Beneath a Chador (January 3 - February 28; Opening and Gallery Talk: February 4, 5:30-7:30pm) 65 Bent Street, Cambridge, MA. 617-576-2000.
Gallery Kayafas Herb Snitzer "Glorious Days and Nights" Harvey Loves Harvey "What are we Doing" (January 21 - February 26; Reception and Signing: February 4, 5:30-8pm) 450 Harrison Avenue #37, Boston, MA 02118. 617-482-0411.
February 19 Great Hall in Codman Square We Shall Not Be Moved (February 19-25; Opening Reception: February 19, 4-7pm) 6 Norfold Street, Dorchester, MA 02124. 617-771-2844
Click here for a complete list of current exhibitions, events, and call for entries >> |

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