June 2011
Rose Park Neighborhood Association

Rose Park




RPNA Grant Application

A collaboration of Rose Park Neighborhood, Craftsman Village Historic District; North Alamitos Beach Association and 7th St. Retailers applied for and has been awarded NPP monies to brand and improve the appearance of East 7th Street. There are two elements of this project: 1) street clean-up day that will precede 2) the installation of street banners on the light poles.  

The three neighborhoods along with retailers on 7th St recognized that restitution of 7th St. streetscape is a long process. We've have been collaborating since the first Restoration Trade Fair in 2008. Since then we've had several strategic planning meetings to address common problems. The conclusion of all these sessions is that we need to demarcate our neighborhoods for resident and visitor recognition and for use in building further improvement strategies.


We wouldn't have been able to submit our grant proposal if it hadn't been for

Signal Hill Petroleum's generous donation towards the needed matching fund.

 In addition, UPS, Rose Park Roasters, Tabling Creations and Fresh and Easy are all pitching in with services and refreshments for the Clean-up Day.


Thanks to committee


(Aaron Jackson (NABA);


Gretchen Swanson, Bonnie Strutin

and Emily Stevens (RPNA);

Michelle Ahrend-Eckert (CVHD)and Julie Bedard (7th St. Retailers),

Vice-Mayor Suja Lowenthal and Mark Magdeleno (Second Dist. Council Office) 

JULY 23, 2011 is the date of the clean-up and we NEED VOLUNTEERS!
Please help clean-up 7th (or hand out water and food) by emailing info@rpna.org  
The banners will look something like this.  
7th St Banners

[Preliminary design by NABA Artist Aaron Jackson]


Garden of the Mind
 The Mother Tree mosaic has been completed and will be grouted this week. 
Funds for this project were received from a City NPP grant to the Garden of the Mind.

Please make a point of stopping by Luther Burbank Elementary School later this month to view this awesome project created by students and volunteers. 

Movie Night In Rose Park

 Our Second District Councilmember and Vice Mayor of Long Beach Suja Lowenthal is again hosting the movie night in our park.

This annual event is so popular, we are pleased to announce

JULY 8TH as Movie Night so mark your calanders and come enjoy a great film with us! (more info will be emailed closer to the date)

We are excited to announce that the
Rose Park Bluegrass Festival
will be held August 21, 2011 12pm to 5pm
More information about this event can be found at:

All of the activities of the Rose Park Bluegrass Festival will be held in the iconic circular park located at 8th Street and Orizaba Avenue in Long Beach.

Don't miss this incredible gathering of neighbors, friends, music, food, and fun brought to us by Vice Mayor and Rose Park resident Suja Lowenthal and the Second District Council Office.


Free Breakfast in Rose Park

 We Love Long Beach! 

What a fun and delicious breakfast we had in Rose Park on May 21st!

Thank you to everyone who helped put this together.

Check out welovelong beach.org for more fun things to do in our city. 

Low Cost Pet Clinic Coming To Rose Park
Thanks also to the The City of Long Beach Animal Care Services who offered low-cost pet services at our park.
It was very successful and we hope they visit our park again soon.  
Take advantage of this great program and tell your friends and neighbors.
For more information click here
7th Street Business Association



Rose Park Neighborhood Association has been working with this newly formed group who's mission is to bring together the businesses and renovate 7th Street.


Are you interested in participationg?  Join their Facebook Page here: Seventh Street Long Beach  or email shop7thstreet@gmail.com



7th Street Business Association


Join Our Mailing List!

RPNA Board Election

July 8, 2011

All members with a current paid membership to rpna are invited to submit nominations for the coming year's Board of Directors.

Please email membership@rpna.org

Join Our Mailing List!


The Rose Park Neighborhood Association would like to thank the following organizations and businesses for contributing to our events and our organization.

Luthur Burbank Elementary School

The UPS Store, 7th and Redondo

St. Matthews

Long Beach Neighborhood Resource Center

Rivera's Mexican Restaurant

 Signal Hill Petroleum

Jeff Anderson Real Estate Group

Vice Mayor Suja Lowenthal

Big Lots

Neutral Grounds Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Academy

Native American Choices

Substance Abuse Foundation



Want to be a friend of Rose Park?

email us here

We want to reach all residents of Rose Park!
Please tell your friends and neighbors to join our email list to keep informed on all things Rose Park. 
If you or someone you know lived in or near Rose Park in the late 1980's, a novelist wants to talk to you for background she can use in her new book.  Please email info@rpna.org


Find us on Facebook Visit our blog


The Rose Park Neighborhood Association (RPNA) is a recognized a nonprofit volunteer organization organized to represent the residents of this area and to protect and promote its interests. Our Association is responsible for one of the largest geographical association areas in the City, with more than 22,000 residents and two designated historic districts.

Anyone can join! Membership is a smart investment in your home town, too: dues ($25/year) are the main source of funds for all of our association activities on behalf of Rose Park. Click Here


rpna logoRose Park Neighborhood Association

Have your curb address painted!

Membership with RPNA brings many benefits.  Some of which are:
City Contact Magnet, Curb Painting, free admission to the Rose Park Tradefair, Rose Park pins and much more.

Inscribe a brick in the Park Heritage Rose Walk.

The proceeds from this fund raiser will be used to finish off the landscaping in the park, additional benches, trash receptacles and a doggie bag dispenser.