125th Street BID E-Newsletter One Year Anniversary
| We are proud to announce that this August marks the One Year Anniversary of the 125th Street Business Improvement District's E-Newsletter! Visit our Newsletter Archives to read the past year's E-Newsletters.
In honor of our Newsletter Anniversary, we have created a brand new newsletter layout! We hope you like it!
We thank all of our readers; we have truly appreciated your interest and comments, and we hope you have enjoyed the past year's Newsletters! We are also very excited to extend an invitation for contributions. We are approaching our 20th Anniversary in September, 2013, and are beginning to gather material on 125th Street's rich past, present, and future. For this new Creative Contributions section, we welcome your 125th Street related creative work: - Artwork
- Poems
- Short fiction or short non-fiction about 125th Street
- Old or current photographs
Contributions must be related to 125th Street. We will select one to two contributions per month to feature. Please email your submission/s to jsilverberg@125thstreetbid.com along with your full name, if you would like to receive credit for your work in our newsletter. We can't wait to hear from you!! We look forward to celebrating and honoring our wonderful street with your creativity. |
The Business Beat
Hints and Tips for Your Business
Tips from NYC Business Solutions: NYC Business Solutions is a set of free services offered by the Department of Small Business Services to help businesses start, operate, and expand in New York City.
NYC Business Solutions' Blog Bulletin: How to Manage Cash Flow, Stay Focused, and More! This issue includes... Cash is King: Cash Flow Made Simple How can a hugely profitable company fall behind on its rent? When is winning a large contract bad for your business? The explanation behind these perplexing questions is a business concept called cash flow.
Business Law: Copyright and the Internet With the rapid expansion of the Internet, it becomes less and less clear what content users may take and make their own. Since 1989, copyright protection for certain original works of authorship has been automatic. But, despite that, the ephemeral nature of the Internet may contribute to diminished respect for such legal protection, and may cause unauthorized users to inadvertently subject themselves to harsh penalties.
Tips from the Harlem Business Alliance (HBA):
HBA serves as an advocate for the preservation and retention of Harlem's business community.Click here for HBA's programs and services 10 Tips for a More Beautiful and Functional Home Office (via mashable.com)
WIBO's 16-week workshop, How to Build a Growing Profitable Business is for people who are in business or are planning to start a business very soon. WIBO has been developing entrepreneurs since 1966 and has helped over 15,000 graduates start and expand their businesses. We are confident that your experience at WIBO will be an educational one.
29th National Night Out
The 29th National Night Out Against Crime took place on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012. NATIONAL NIGHT OUT is designed to: - Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
- Generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs;
- Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
- Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
The 28th Precinct and the Harlem community celebrated National Night Out on the plaza of the Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Harlem State Office Building. We enjoyed wonderful performances, delicious food from local restaurants, a strong police presence, special guests, and even a raffle. The event was extremely well attended and successful! A large crowd enjoys the performances on stage
 Left: NYC Comptroller, Honorable John Liu, presents Jake McGee, President of the 28th Precinct Community Council, with an Official Proclamation honoring him for his extensive work in the community.
Right: The raffle winner is announced! Someone will take home a brand new 32" Philips TV.
The BID Public Safety Ambassadors with the new Impact Captain of the 28th Precinct, Christopher Henning. The BID looks forward to working with with Captain Henning to continue our efforts of maintaining the public safety of the BID corridor.
125th Street BID Members' Survey
Thank you to all who participated in the 125th Street BID Members' Survey!
Your input will help us to reach our goal of making 125th Street a more comfortable, successful, and attractive corridor in which to live, work, and visit.
Elly, our wonderful summer intern all the way from England, draws the lucky winners with Sunshine, Special Projects
If you submitted your survey by July 26th, 2012, you were entered to win one of five prizes. The BID staff is now happy to announce the winners!
$25 Gift Card to Starbucks: V. Gholson
$25 Gift Card to M.A.C.: D. Givens, Sr.
$25 Gift Card to Duane Reade: S. Mentor
$25 Gift Card to Old Navy: Anonymous
Grand Prize: Weekend Stay at Aloft Harlem Hotel:
C. Tomlinson
Congratulations to all of the winners! Again, we would like to thank everyone who has participated in the 125th Street BID's Members Survey.
Although the prize drawing has passed, you may still fill out the survey at any time to give us your input on issues in the BID corridor, the effectiveness of BID programs, and any needs you perceive. SURVEY RESULTS:
We have learned a lot of useful information about your perceptions of 125th Street's needs from your survey responses. Some of our key findings include: BID Services: Public Safety/Lighting (BID Ambassadors, police visibility, street lights, etc.) was the most important category of services to respondents (average rating of 4.5 out of 5), with Sanitation/Beautification/Street Maintenance (landscaping, litter removal, etc.) as a close second (average rating 4.4 out of 5). Perception of Needs on 125th Street
Respondents found the following categories to be most important: The most urgent Sanitation need is: Illegal DumpingThe most urgent Public Safety needs are: Street Lighting & ViolenceThe most urgent need regarding Promotion of the Business Corridor is: Social MediaThe most urgent Market Retail Mix need is: RetailBID Programs:87.5% of respondents were familiar with the "Harlem Holiday Lights" program; 83.3% have seen the "BID On Culture" Banners.
New Business on 125th Street: MPG
| On Wednesday, August 1st, Manhattan Physician Group celebrated the Grand Opening of their new practice in Harlem with a Ribbon Cutting ceremony.
Participating in the ribbon cutting ceremony: (back row, left to right) Maurice Cummings; Curtis Archer; Earl Monroe; Dr. Kenneth Redcross; Dr. Courtney Jones; Dave Mahder; (front row, left to right) Willie Walker; Lloyd Williams; Michelle Paige-Paterson; Howard Tepper; Dr. William Gillespie; Dr. Navarra Rodriguez; Caroline Gainey. Photo and caption courtesy of The Marcus Group
Manhattan's Physician Group (MPG) has opened a multi-specialty medical practice at 215 West 125th Street, between Adam Clayton Powell Jr. and Frederick Douglass Boulevards in Harlem to provide coordinated health care with increased access and convenience for all residents in the community. EmblemHealth will provide "point-of-care" support to MPG patients in the Harlem facility to help with medication and treatment adherence, home care, and community resources. Point-of-care coordination helps reduce the need for hospital readmission after discharge and has resulted in improved health outcomes and increased member satisfaction.
Read the full press release about MPG's arrival
The 125th Street BID welcomes Manhattan's Physician Group to the district!
Stay Connected!
As the 125th Street BID's 20th Anniversary approaches, we have begun to compile a timeline of the past twenty years' activities. In conjunction with this timeline, we have launched a Flickr (a photosharing website) page to showcase the BID's history in photos.
Photos from the BID's history are now archived on Flickr and available to all! |
"BID On Culture" Recycled Banner Bags
As winners of the "BID On Culture" Banner competition, these banners became outstanding pieces of public art that hung on the famed 125th Street for one year. These artistic banners now live on as recycled bags for you.
All of our "BID On Culture" Recycled Banner Bags are currently sold out! New bags coming soon! |
Pedestrian Count
125th Street BID Customer Counting
Corner of 125th Street and Frederick Douglass Boulevard

Total Visitors This Month:630,631
Total Visitors This Year:
4,403,533 (Chart on Right): Tuesday had the highest customer count at 113,923 for the Month beginning 01-JUL-2012, which was 4,494 more than any other day during that Month. The day with the greatest increase in its customer count from the previous Month was Tuesday (31,189).
This Month In Harlem...
Click here for events during the month of August. Events in Harlem every day! This week, be sure to check out...
...and more!
Harlem in the News
| August 1st, 2012 - Manhattan's Physician Group Opens Patient-Centered Medical Home in Harlem
July 25th, 2012 - First-ever 'Literacy Across Harlem' march brings new message to 14th annual Harlem Book Fair
July 24th, 2012 - Harlem Week Celebrates 38th Anniversary
July 20th, 2012 - Sylvia Woods, who started Harlem restaurant, dies
July 19th, 2012 - Harlem's Victoria Theater to be hub for arts and cultural center
July 19th, 2012 - NYC breaks ground on Harlem housing development
July 15th, 2012 - Harlem's ImageNation salutes Don Cornelius, tries to produce longest Soul Train line
July 10th, 2012 - Harlem seniors keep fit with synchronized swimming
July 1st, 2012 - Harlem Artists to have Banners Displayed by 125th St. Business Improvement District
125th Street Business Improvement District | 360 West 125th Street, Suite #11 | New York, NY 10027
(212) 662-8999