125th Street BID
360 West 125th Street, #11
New York, New York 10027

In This Issue:




-Holiday Lights



-Beyond the Lights


-Sanitation & Street Maintenance  


-Illegal Dumping 

-311 Reports 

-Posting Violations 



-Public Safety


-Retail Updates




-Harlem  News  


Quick Links:


125th Street BID Website  


Harlem Events Calendar


Follow us on Twitter


Like us on Facebook





  dmaDistrict Management Association 


The first 125th Street BID Board of Directors meeting of FY2011-2012 was held on Thursday, October 27th. The meeting was productive and well attended. The 125th Street BID is working with Curtis Sherrod from H2C2 on a promotional video entitled "Harlem, Believe In Dreams!" The video will depict Harlem and 125th Street's past, present, and future. After the board meeting on the 27th, some of our board members were interviewed on film for the video. The video is narrated by Vy Higginson from the Mama I Want to Sing Foundation.


Sanitation and Outreach Committee continues to meet every two weeks.

Streetscape Committee has continued to work on projects to improve the streetscape of 125th Street. 


HHLNov Harlem Holiday Lights Updates

Harlem Holiday Lights: The Initiative and Event

Lighting Ceremony: November 21st, 2011  6:00pm

Plaza of Harlem State Office Building 

Click to view flyer as pdf 


fundraiserHarlem Holiday Lights Fundraiser    

The second annual Harlem Holiday Lights Fundraiser will be held at the BID Office on Tuesday, November 15th from 6:00 to 8:00pm. $25 Minimum Suggested Donation. All proceeds will be used toward the installation and maintenance of Holiday Lights along 125th Street this holiday season.  


Click to view the event flyer on the 125th Street BID Website


Click to view and RSVP on Facebook 


sponsorshipSponsorship Opportunities

We are no longer offering specialized pole decorations, but it is not too late to sponsor or contribute to the 2011 Harlem Holiday Lights initiative! Click here to view current sponsorship opportunities.


The 125th Street BID is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible.   


beyondthelightsBeyond the Lights

The 125th Street BID has created the "Beyond the Lights" initiative to publicize sales, discounts, activities, events, and other happenings on 125th Street and the surrounding area that occur after the November 21st Lighting Event. See the "Beyond the Lights" page on the 125th Street BID's website for more information on Holiday Happenings in Harlem, how to get involved and promote your business for free, American Express's Small Business Saturday, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and more


Look for updates on the 2011 Harlem Holiday Lights Campaign on our Website, Twitter, and Facebook.  


sanstreetmaintSanitation and Street Maintenance

sanfocus October Sanitation Focus: Graffiti removal; curbside wash down; scrubbing and disinfecting of corners; trash receptacle repair and cleaning.

dumpIllegal Dumping  

In October, the BID Sanitation team was hard at work gathering up illegally dumped garbage in the district. During the month of October, we encountered plastic garbage bags containing commercial garbage, cardboard boxes, plastic storage boxes, and furniture. The BID Sanitation Team is working closely with DSNY to gather up and remove the garbage and keep 125th Street clean. Dumping in the district had subsided with our release of the Dumping Is Destructive brochures, but is now becoming a problem again. The 125th Street BID and DSNY are working closer together to identify violators, increase awareness and eradicate the problem.


three11reports311 Reports   

The BID submits service requests via 311, which has been very responsive.  In the month of October, the BID reported several exposed wires, a damaged pedestrian crossing, and two potholes to 311. All conditions have been repaired.


 postingPosting Violations    

On an ongoing basis, the BID Clean Team removes handbills, posters, notices, signs, and advertisements on any curb, sidewalk, gutter, tree, lamppost, telephone pole, public garbage bin, or any other public item in the district. During the month of October, the BID Sanitation Team removed approximately eighty flyers that were illegally posted in the district.



There were four protests/demonstrations on 125th Street during the month of October. Protesters demonstrated against crimes against humanity; Verizon Wireless; cutting Police Athletic Programs; and the NYPD's implementation of "Stop and Frisk."  

PublicSafety Public Safety


The 125th Street BID Public Safety Ambassadors work hard to keep 125th Street safe.  Throughout the month of October, BID Public Safety Ambassadors responded to a car accident, a fainting incident, and an intoxicated male harassing a pedestrian. In each situation, the Public Safety Ambassadors notified the proper authorities, who responded promptly. 


OpeningsClosings Retail Updates


Store Openings: 

True Value Discount Inc. - 2346 Frederick Douglass Boulevard


Store Closings:

Furniture Zone - 3 West 125th Street     

Young Spring Farm Market - 62 West 125th Street 

News  Harlem in the News

10/26/2011- Soul Food Alive and Well in Harlem, Say Area Restaurateurs  


10/25/2011- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Come to Harlem Bodegas  


10/12/2011- Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard to Undergo Traffic Calming  


10/12/2011- National Dance Institute Opens New Harlem Space  


10/6/2011- Harlem Restaurants to Suit Any Mood  


10/3/2011- Michael Baisden Helps Launch $3 M For New Mama Foundation    


Visit the 125th Street BID online to learn about what 125th Street has to offer. Events, Shopping, Entertainment, Dining, and more...


Visit us on Twitter and see many more store sales and offerings from our businesses.


Check out our Calendar of Events. Events in Harlem just about every day of the week.