Tribute to a UVM graduate...
This past weekend, a very special young adult crossed the stage at the University of Vermont commencement ceremony. The diploma he received represents years of true grit. Josh Bennett started attending King Street's Afterschool program in about 2nd grade... and even once he moved on to middle school, he kept coming back to King Street Center for academic support and mentorship. Through Josh's persistence, we saw a need. King Street Center's Teen Futures program was born. During his time at King Street, Josh took part in almost every aspect of programming. From tennis with Jake Agna to running on the youth marathon team, from nightly homework club to poetry club, Josh could always be counted on to be the first to try something new. As the first person in his family to attend college, Josh had to navigate the waters of higher education independently. It did not come easily. There were bumps in the road that could have stopped him short. But, with a lot of hard work, he prevailed.
Even now his connections with King Street staff remain strong. In fact, just the other day we were having lunch together. After he shared a difficult story with me, I said, "Josh, how have you managed to keep going? To do so well when there is so much pulling you down?" He looked at me and said, "Haven't you figured this out yet? It was King Street." Josh, we are so proud to have you be a part of our King Street family. Thank you for teaching us so much. Sincerely,
 Vicky Smith Executive Director, the King Street Center
Join us to celebrate 10 years
of Kids on the Ball!
Ok - so it's not Breakfast at Wimbledon - but we think it's the next best thing... Please come to Breakfast at King Street Center to celebrate 10 years of Kids on the Ball, Coach Jake Agna, and the first recipient of the Jake Agna Award.
 Wednesday, June 29, 2011 10 a.m. King Street Center 87 King Street |
Let's Play Golf! Only a few spots left... Don't miss a sell-out crowd at the 21st Annual King Street Center Bob Aldrich Memorial Golf Invitational - one of our premiere fundraising events to support programs for youth and families.
King Street Center is so grateful to Gold Sponsors, FairPoint Communications, Peoples United Bank, and Redstone.
Thank you also to our Silver Sponsors, General Dynamics, Vermont Federal Credit Union, and Bronze Sponsors, Hadley Financial Group, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont, Northfield Savings Bank, Halvorson's Upstreet Cafe, Shearer Chevrolet, New England Floor Covering, and G. Housen.
Our Hole in One Sponsors are Almartin Volvo and Heritage Aviation.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Burlington Country Club
8:30 a.m. shotgun start
Contact kelli@kingstreetcenter.org with questions.
Register here!
Kids' Lemonade Keeps Guests Refreshed at the Clothes Exchange
Kids' Lemonade student managers, Frank and Lule, served King Street's signature fresh-squeezed lemonade to over 600 shoppers at the 10th Anniversary Clothes Exchange.
Congratulations to the CE board, volunteers, sponsors, and shoppers on another great event and hats off to Spectrum, this year's primary beneficiary!
And the Leopold Scholarship award goes to...
What are your goals? That was the subject of the application essay for the 2011 Roxane Leopold Scholarship. The scholarship, named for King Street Center's long-time former Executive Director, goes to support King Street Center students who are currently enrolled in post-secondary education. This year, the committee distributed $8,000 among the following winners: Tenzin Sherab, Jo A. Evans, Justin C. Reed, Yessi Gar-Elnabi, Tenzin Choezin, Tenzin Gurmey, and Delila F Modeste.
Volunteer of the Month
Sam Steinfeld, a sophomore at Burlington High School, has been volunteering for Kids on the Ball for the past nine months. Sam's passion for King Street Center was driven by his desire to work alongside Jake Agna and teach kids the game of tennis. Jake said, "Sam's ability to combine discipline with fun has been a huge help on the tennis courts."
When asked what has been his most rewarding experience, Sam said, "By far the best was watching how much better the kids got over time. Telling them how much better they got always brought smiles to their faces, which in turn brought one to mine..."

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 | A King Street Center Mentoring Pair |
You did it!
Generous community members spurred on by the 40 for 40 Committee pitched in to raise $5,909 to send King Street kids to Camp Abnaki and Camp Hochelaga. The Red Bus will be taking them to camp in just a few weeks! King Street welcomes ongoing support of this program as we strive to offer this opportunity to our youth for years to come. Thank you!  | King Street Kids Love Camp.wmv |

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