Registration Deadline:

August 27


Fall Term Begins September 6! 


August 2011
Time and Money
Cost Conscious
Quick Links
BMEC Website 




With the volatility of the world - the heart-breaking and mind-boggling daily news - it's good to be able to count on something!  You can count on the Baldwin Music Education Center!   We are here - 45 years - offering quality, enriching, fun and educational music programs to kids of all ages.   Join us this fall and you won't be disappointed - you can count on us!  Music makes a difference, music counts and we want you to be included as we build a strong, healthy generation of creative people.   See you soon!   Register Now!

Rachel Kramer, NCTM, MM, MA, BM, President

Music Learning Center, Inc./Baldwin Music Education Center 






Schedule to meet your needs!

Baldwin Music Education Center offers 6 days of classes.   There are morning and afternoon and even Saturday classes!  Take a look at the schedule and find your class time!  Click here for the Fall 2011 Schedule.




Cost Conscious


1 week on the house!
We will be teaching 11 weeks - you can't make one?   No problem, you don't pay for it.  Take advantage of this cost-saving option!  Additionally, add savings to your tuition by bringing another family member or better yet - recommend us to a friend and save in the future!  





And the Beat Goes On!

Are you feeling that your children will be too overwhelmed with school to be enrolled in music class this fall? Please reconsider and here's why...  Music is a core curriculum component to a child's education and logical partner that strengthens all students. The skills learned in music enhances every child's life. Learning music is about skill building that is continuous and is only able to become a developed skill if the instruction is not interrupted - no matter what the age. Just think about all of those people you have heard say they wish they hadn't quit piano lessons!   


Kids on Keys
Baldwin Music Education Center/Music Learning Center, Inc. | PO Box 8534 | Cincinnati, Ohio 45208 | 5133511109