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FBB eNewsOctober 2012
In This Issue
Coming Events





Profitable, Established Vail, Colorado Business

Profile #312

Owners' retiring.  Management expects 2012 performance to equal or exceed 2011.


2011 Gross Sales..$1,395,787

2011 SDE.....................$320,202

Business Summary


Contact Lynn Lage




Property Damage Mitigation & Reconstruction Franchises

Profile #1412 and #912


These recession resistant companies provide property and content damage restoration services throughout their market areas.  They specialize in restoration services for properties and contents that have been damaged by water, fire, smoke, hail, wind, tornadoes, ground settlement, explosions, freezing, and vandalism.  These companies have an established brand name, strong training programs, use the latest technology, and have ongoing business and technical support from the Franchisor.  Seller financing available for qualified purchasers.


Gross Sales....$4,496,967

SDE ................... $509,155

 Business Summary


Contact Jennifer Stevenson




Event/Party Rental

Profile #1512


This is an exciting and lucrative business in a growing industry with room for expansion.  Profits for 2011 were up approxiamtely 24% over the previous year, and 2012 year-to-date numbers are up significantly over the same time period in 2011.  There are many segments to this industry that have great revenue potential; segments that are untapped by the company at this time.  With a well-trained staff already in place to handle the day-to-day operation of the business, we believe this compay would be a good choice for an owner/operator that has marketing and/or sales experiece.  This could also make an excellent acquisition candidate for an industry buyer looking to expand into this region.


Gross Sales....$1,923,798


(Business Summary))


Contact Charlie Jones




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First Business Brokers, Ltd.




Email: fbb@fbb.com




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I was recently talking to a consultant that we have worked with for many years.  During the course of our conversation, I mentioned that we were working on completing a valuation assignment for a business where the son was considering buying the business from his parents.  Depending on the valuation results and other family dynamics, we were either going to assist in structuring a transaction to transfer the business to the son, or take the business to market to sell to a third party.  For internal transfers such as this, we would not only value the business, but would also negotiate the transaction, presumably in a tax friendly manner, and assist in obtaining financing.


The consultant that I was talking to commented that, even though we had worked together for years, he was not aware that we provided that kind of service, although it was a logical application of our core capabilities.  Although our primary service is representing the owners of privately held businesses in the sale of their business to a third party acquirer, we also provide a suite of collateral services, including: 


  • Opinions of Market Value ("OMV")  This is our opinion of what the business would sell for to a third party under current market conditions.  Although it is not a formal appraisal to be used for IRS matters or litigation purposes, the OMV can give business owners a good idea of what their business is worth for internal planning purposes.  The cost of an Opinion of Market Value will vary with the complexity of the assigment, but typically costs $1,950 to $4,850.  If the client elects to use our services to take the business to market, a substantial portion of those fees will be credited against transaction fees.


  • Investment Banking Services  As a principal of an affiliated investment banking firm, CFA Colorado, LLC*, I can provide investment banking services for larger, more complex transactions, such as minority and majority recapitalizations, mergers, and business acquisitions structured as a stock purchase.  CFA Colorado, LLC is affiliated with Corporate Finance Associates, an international network of investment banking firms with offices in the U.S., Canada, South America, Europe, India, and Hong Kong.


  • Retained Buyer Searches  Although the majority of our services relate to representing Sellers of existing businesses, in certain situations we will also work with buyers that have defined criteria and are able to act decisively when the right business is identified.  In a Retained Buyer Search we would enter into an agreement with the buyer to identify, solicit, screen, and negotiate a transaction on the buyer's behalf.  This service is particularly attractive to motivated buyers that have been unsuccessful in acquiring a business using conventional methods. 

We would be pleased to meet with you on a confidential, no obligation basis to discuss these services.


Please consider referring our services if you encounter a situation involving the potential purchase or sale of a business.  



Sincerely,                        RV Chernak Signature





Ronald V. Chernak 




 *Securities offered through Colorado Financial Service Corporation | Member FINRA/SIPC.



 Inspiring business relationships since 1982! 










Coming Events




Ron Chernak will be a panelist at this presentation: 



"Preparing and Positioning Your Company for The Successful Exit - With A Perspective on The Current Market" 




Ron Chernak, President, First Business Brokers, Ltd.  

 Patrick O'Keefe, Excellere Partners 

Sonny Allison, Partner, Perkins Coie, LLP  




  11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.   




Thursday, October 11, 2012 




Benson & Case Attorneys 

 1660 S. Albion St., Suite 916 

 Denver, CO 80222 



Lunch is Provided 




 Please let us know if you have an interest in attending by emailing gwoolsey@fbb.com. 









Ron Chernak will also be a co-presenter at this event: 




M&A Timing and Financial

Considerations for the Entrepreneur



Ward Cerny | Vice President, Bernstein Global Wealth Management

Ronald V. Chernak | President, The FBB Group, Ltd.




 Selling a business is often a complex and sometimes vexing task, but preparing yourself and your business can help maximize the end result. This is a private event geared toward local business owners, as well as their professional advisors. Among the topics we will address are:  

  • What makes a company sellable for a strategic exit valuation?
  • What is a strategic valuation in the current M&A climate?
  • What kind of deal structure makes sense given my personal goals? 
  • How do I calculate how much is enough to support my lifestyle needs?
  • In addition to the financial issues, am I addressing my personal needs?
  • How can I increase value to my beneficiaries and reduce my estate taxes?


This is a private event with limited seating.  Please let us know if you have an interest in attending by emailing gwoolsey@fbb.com  



 Date and Location 


Tuesday, October 30, 2012 

Presentations & Reception: 5:00-7:00 p.m.  

The Broadmoor

South Terrace, Schreyvogel Room  

1 Lake Avenue

 Colorado Springs, CO 80906