Environmental Engineering Firm
Profile #1611
This well established company provides a wide variety of environmental services to clients in the Rocky Montain region. It has stable earnings and offers the right buyer significant potential for expansion. There is a well-trained staff in place, a diversified client base, a wide range of well maintained equipment, and the owner is willing to stay on for an extended period of time to assist in a smooth transition. REAL ESTATE IS AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE WITH THE BUSINESS. Gross Sales and Adjusted Profit are for the first seven months of 2011.
Gross Sales.............$1,671,134
Adjusted Profit...........$622,735
Country Supermarket in Great Area
Profile #1110
This small town "supermarket," located in Southern Colorado, has a long history of profitability. The store is very well positioned in its territory, with almost no competition. Sales for the first six months of 2011 are ahead of the same period last year. Key employees are in place, there is a loyal customer base, and the REAL ESTATE IS INCLUDED IN THE SALE. Industry experience is not necessary, but would be helpful. This business should make an appealing acquisition to a wide variety of buyers who are intersted in living a high quality, peaceful lifestyle.
Gross Sales...........$1,815,841 Adjusted Profit.........$189,984
Contact Ron Brasch, rb@fbb.com
(Business Summary)
Quick Links Confidential Purchaser Profile

First Business Brokers, Ltd.
Email: fbb@fbb.com

Most business owners are justifiably concerned about customers, employees, and competitors finding out that their business is for sale and that proprietary information may be used inappropriately.
I recently met with the owner of a business ("Company A") that was approached by another company in the same industry ("Company B" ) about a potential merger. After the initial conversation, Company A shared some financial information with Company B, but wasn't sure what to do next, so the owner of Company A contacted me and we discreetly met to discuss the situation. Early on in our conversation, I asked if a Confidentiality Agreement had been signed. In response, I got the classic "deer in the headlights" response.
I share this story because this is a situation that we encounter all too frequently. When approached by a potential acquirer, we believe that it is critical to have a Confidentiality Agreement executed before any information is shared. If the potential acquirer is a competitor, the Confidentiality Agreement should be carefully drafted and information should be disclosed in stages, on a "need to know" basis, as the negotiations progress.
One of the benefits of using an intermediary to assist you in negotiating a transaction is to insert an experienced negotiator as a firewall between the business and the potential acquirer(s) to help maintain the proper level of confidentiality.
First Business Brokers, Ltd., is the proud Founding Sponsor of the 15th Annual Southern Colorado Economic Forum. Please remember to mark your calendars for the Forum which will be held on October 14th, 2011, 7:00 a.m., at the Antlers Hilton Hotel in downtown Colorado Springs. This year's Forum will address the benefits and impact of regional economic development efforts.
Please consider referring our services if you encounter a situation involving the potential purchase or sale of a business.

Ronald V. Chernak
Inspiring business relationships since 1982!
15th Annual 2011-2012
Southern Colorado
Economic Forum
Keynote Speaker:
Jim Paulsen, Chief Investment Strategist, Wells Capital Management
Heritage Ballroom
Antlers Hilton Hotel
4 South Cascade Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO
About the Forum
The Southern Colorado Economic Forum brings together local experts from the public, private, and academic sectors to report on our economy. Thought of by many as our region's economic "State of the Union," the Forum offers the community an annual snapshot of local economic activity and provides forecasts to help businesses plan for the upcoming year.
This valuable research, about where our community has been and where where it is headed, is made possible through a cooperative effort between UCCS and local business sponsors. This long-standing partnership between the academic and business communities has produced timely, accurate, and objective economic data to guide local businesses for more than a decade.
Benefits of Attending the Forum
- The Southern Colorado Economic Forum is the premier resource for local economic information. This information is provided for - and supported by - local businesses.
- The Forum is an opportunity for you to learn about the trends and dynamics occurring nationally, statewide, and in our community, and how they will impact your business.
- Experts from UCCS and the community will present objective forecasts about key economic indicators, such as population, employment, wages, prices, retail trade, and housing that your organization can use in planning future business strategies.
- The Forum is a tremendous networking opportunity; you'll have the chance to meet experts from a variety of industries, UCCS, and other businesses that have an interest in the local economy.
- Participants who attend the Forum will receive a comprehensive report filled with data, statistics, and trends. The content can help you uncover new opportunities, make better business decisions, deliver more compelling sales presentations, and position your business as an expert who is "in the know."
- Attending this year's Economic Forum and obtaining the annual report is a great way to jump start your business planning for next year.