EPN Consulting Limited

The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 16 - Dec 2011 

Be Connected. Be Contacted. Join EPN Consulting! 

In This Issue
Featured Message
FP7 & other Calls shortly expiring
IEE InfoDay 2012
TEN-T InfoDays 2012
New Funding Schemes for SME
The Horizon 2020 Portal
Next Professional Events in Europe
EPN Consulting's 2012 Membership Campaign
Training Courses
EPN Consulting Crowd Funding Campaign
The Website of the Month

EPN Consulting is The European Professionals Network.
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EVENTS Section Expansion Project



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Dear Subscriber,   

Welcome to the December 2011 issue of the EPN Consulting Newsletter that is received by hundreds of selected professionals in Europe.


The last few days have been very busy for those ones involved in submitting proposals within the FP7 as a number of calls ended on the 1st Dec. Results will be available in about four months but the good thing is the proposal partners had the opportunity to discuss their best ideas with the coordinators and the other partners, mutually increasing the amount of information detained. This is the important side effect of participating in European projects. If you have good ideas and don't know how to implement it, searching for a consortium and working on a proposal can help you do it. This is where EPN Consulting comes in place.

As a matter of fact,  EPN Consulting is available to provide assistance to public and private organisations that would like to see their ideas converted into a sound proposal to be submitted. EPN Consulting is also an ideal partner for your project consortium as we have got a lot of experience in dealing with EC projects.

Contact us to know more about how we can help you.  

EPN Consulting is a front runner within this fast evolution process:  its network of professionals generates a lot of excellent know-how. If you are not a member yet, don't wait any longer and join us: a number of exclusive services are waiting for you.


The New EU Comers and the EU Accession Countries enjoy a fantastic 50%-discount on the membership fees until 31 Dec 2012!


The 2011 membership fees are FREE for all New Members subscribing to EPN Consulting until 16 Dec 2011!
If you would like to advertise your products and/or services on this effective tool of information as the EPN Consulting Newsletter is, please contact us.


Have you missed some of the previous issues? Don't worry, you can find them online on this webpage.


Finally, if you are already an EPN Consulting Member, please remember that if you introduce new members both of you will receive a discount on your membership fees! As this newsletter is also published on LinkedIn, Ecademy and Twitter, we ensure our members to gain an immense visibility within and beyond Europe!
Ah, we didn't mention we are approaching Christmas!


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2012!





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This EPN Consulting Newsletter is delivered to your mailbox to inform you about EPN Consulting news, events, business opportunities, happening in Europe.
It is sent to both members and non-members willing to foster innovation in Europe.
You receive this newsletter because you have been in touch with EPN Consulting or its CEO in the past.
FP7 & other Calls shortly expiring 
European Projects
This month there are close deadlines of the following calls for proposals:

- 06 Dec 2011 - Deadline to submit proposals within the FP7-SME-2012 Call

- 13 Dec 2011 - Deadline to submit proposals within the FP7-HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-2 Call


- 03 Jan 2012 - Deadline to submit proposals within the FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1 Call

- 05 Jan 2012 - Deadline to submit proposals within the FP7-COH-2012-Procurers Call


Find out more expiring calls on the  Events Section of the EPN Consulting website
If you would like to be advised on how to prepare and submit project proposals within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and/or other Programmes, EPN Consulting is the right consultancy to choose. Visit the EU Projects Consultancy  for more information.

Would you like to know more about what an EU project is like? Attend one the tailored training courses that EPN Consulting organises for its clients. Visit the Training courses and Seminars section.


Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts on EU projects assistance as well as up to a fantastic 20%-discount on Training Courses packages. Join us!

Intelligent Energy Europe 2012: Information Day
European ProjectsNext 24 Jan 2012 in Brussels there will be the
IEE 2012 Information Day. The topics discussed will regard:
- Bioenergy
- Energy Efficiency & Renewables in Buildings
- Local Energy Leadership & Local Investments
- Consumers and Industry
- Energy in Transport
- Renewable Electricity
- Energy Services and Public Spending
During the day workshops and Bilater meetings with the IEE staff will take place. Attendance is free but registration is mandatory and will be validated by the IEE organisation.
More information here.
TEN-T Info Days 2012  
European ProjectsThe 2012 TEN-T Info Day will take place on 31 January 2012 in Brussels. The event will present the priorities for the 2012 TEN-T Annual Call, expected to be launched before the end of January 2012 (subject to approval by the relevant EU insitutions).

In case you didn't remember, the TEN-T acronym stands for "Trans-European Network for Transport." 

Registration is expected to be available as of 06 Dec 2011.


New funding schemes for SMEs involved in R&I
European Projects

On 05 Dec 2012 the EC (European Commission), the EIB (European Investment Bank) and the EIF (European Investment Fund) launched a new guarantee facility for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to help them access finance from banks. This builds on the success of the Risk-Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF), launched in 2007, that has so far helped 75 companies benefit from over €7 billion in EIB loans to projects enhancing European growth and competitiveness. The new risk-sharing instrument for SMEs will be managed by the European Investment Fund (EIF). In addition, the EIB and the European Commission are to provide extra resources for research infrastructures.


More information here.


The Horizon 2020 Portal
European Projects

In the past issues of the EPN Consulting Newsletter we already mention somethin on the new Research Framework, named Horizon 2020, that will cover the period from 2014 to 2020.


As it is a work in progress, we suggest you visit this useful portal to find fresh information.


Next Professional Events happening in Europe

05-06 Dec 2011 - Brussels (BE) - EUP+INN - INNOVATION CONVENTION 2011

08 Dec 2011 - Aachen (DE) - INN+LEG+PRO - 8th Aachen Information Day on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

08 Dec 2011 - London (UK) - FIN - FT Conference - MIGA-SUMMIT - Managing Global Political Risk

12-14 Dec 2011 - London (UK) - BIZ+ICT - M2M World Europe 2011 - Strategy and Opportunity in Embedded Mobile for MVNOs, MNOs and their partners

13 Dec 2011 - Bristol (UK) - ENV+EUP+TRA - CATCH Project Final Conference



Find out more events on the EPN Consulting Events Section.

There is a new fantastic business opportunity for you.

It is possible to sponsor one or more events (Event Sponsor) or even become an Event Section Sponsor (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze packages available). Please drop us an email if interested and we will provide you with all information.


Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy up to 20% discount on sponsoring packages. Join us!

EPN Consulting's 2012 Membership Campaign ending

EPN Consulting - ITS & TransportOnly few days left for the 2012 EPN Consulting membership Campaign.


New members subscribing to one of the 2012 available packages until 16 Dec 2011 will receive FREE services during 2011.

The Membership Packages available are designed to meet a wide range of requirements: from the individual professional to the large organisation and from a BASIC range of services to the ULTIMATE one that can satisfy any demanding member.


Membership fees can be paid in GB Pounds or in Euros in accordance with your Country currency or preference and thanks to the Member-Get-Member promotion any member can reduce its membership fee down to zero by inviting new members to join the EPN Consulting network.


Being part of The European Professionals Network (EPN) will

- give you visibility in projects and with other members and partners in Europe

- allow you to publish a short profile on he Business Hub Section of the EPN Consulting website

- give you the chance of advertise your achievements on the EPN Consulting monthly Newsletter and on the News Section of the EPN Consulting website

- provide you with advanced information and documents on your preferred topic(s)

- invite you projects consortia and bids

- help you boost your business growth 

and much, much more.


Every EPN Consuling Member is treated as a unique, valuable component of the Network. They receive personal communications in order to satisfy their needs in a totally bespoke way.


What's more, the New EU Comers and the EU Accession Countries enjoy a fantastic 50%-discount on the membership fees until 31 Dec 2012! Take your chance now of joining our exclusive network of professionals in Europe.  


Visit our Membership Section or contact us: we are looking forward to enrolling you as soon as possible! The more members the more business opportunities for all.


Be Connected. Be Contacted. Join EPN Consulting! 


EPN Consulting helps you prepare sound FP7 projects proposals. Book your place to learn how to improve your chances of success!

EPN Consulting organises "INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN PROJECTS" Courses to help you understand strengths and weakenesses of your ideas and how they can fit in the relevant Calls of interest. Theses courses are very flexible (No. of Students, Course Duration and Course Locations)  to help you get the best out of it.

We look forward to receiving your numerous subscriptions!


EPN Consulting Members receive up to 20% discount on training courses!  

Would you like to see the EPN Consulting Events Section expanded? We need your help! 

EPN Consulting has got plans to expand its EVENTS Section to include professional events happening anywhere, Worldwide!.
his will represent a definitive added value for visitors that will enjoy one of the most exhaustive lists of professional events. This Crowd Funding Campaign will ensure that this Section will be kept FREE as well as enriched with hundrends of additional events that currently are not listed.

There is still time available. The campaign will end on 17th Dec 2011 and will allow EPN Consulting to expand its EVENTS Section from early 2012.


Contributions start from a minimum fee of £3 up to whatever amount makes you feel comfortable with. We hope that many of you will be eager to contribute to this project to bring benefits to all!

We look forward to feeling your sensitivity about this topic! 

The Website of the Month: EGNOS


EGNOSThis month EPN Consulting has chosen the EGNOS website.


The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), Europe's first venture into satellite navigation, improves the open public service offered by the USA's Global Positioning System (GPS).

EGNOS makes GPS suitable for safety critical applications such as flying aircraft or navigating ships through narrow channels (see the EGNOS video for more information).

Known as a satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS), EGNOS provides both correction and integrity information about the GPS system, delivering opportunities for Europeans to use the more accurate positioning data for improving existing services or developing a wide range of new services.




Please contact us for any question about becoming an EPN Consulting member, proposing business offers, informing us on your business specialties, et cetera.
Kind Regards,

Stefano Mainero

Founder, CEO

EPN Consulting Limited
London, UK