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Dear Subscriber,
Welcome to the August 2011 issue of the EPN Consulting Newsletter. Although many of you may be on holiday (that's why this issue is a bit shorter than normal), we would like to keep you informed about the extraordinary number of new FP7 calls published last 20th July 2011. They regard a number of different subjects with different deadlines, although the 1st Dec 2011 seems to be an important date as on that day many calls will close at 17:00 Brussels time. In the Events Section of the EPN Consulting website you can find all deadlines so that you can plan ahead your workload. Last 8th July 2011 EPN Consulting and the University of the West of England, Bristol (UK) held successfully a 1-day Short Course on: " Intelligent Transport Systems and their applications in EU Projects" at UWE premises. A new edition is being planned for the end of 2nd semester 2011 and this time could be organised in London at the EPN Consulting premises. If you couldn't participate in the previous one this will be an excellent opportunity for you. Let us know if you prefer to attend it in November or December 2011. We remind you that EPN Consulting is available to provide assistance to public and private organisations that would like to see their ideas converted into a sound proposal to be submitted. We are also an ideal partner for your project consortium as we have got a lot of experience in dealing with EC projects. Contact us to know more about how we can help you. EPN Consulting is a front runner within this fast evolution process and its network of professionals generates a lot of excellent know-how. If you are not a member yet, don't wait any longer and join us: a number of exclusive services are waiting for you. The 2011 membership fees are now 40% discounted ! Finally, if you are already an EPN Consulting Member, please remember that if you introduce new members both of you will receive a discount on your membership fees! As this newsletter is also published on LinkedIn, Ecademy and Twitter, we ensure our members to gain an immense visibility within and beyond Europe! We wish you a relaxing August!
This EPN Consulting Newsletter is delivered to your mailbox to inform you about EPN Consulting news, events, business opportunities, happening in Europe.
It is sent to both members and non-members willing to foster innovation in Europe.
You receive this newsletter because you have been in touch with EPN Consulting or its CEO in the past. |
FP7 & other Calls shortly expiring
This month there are close deadlines of the following calls for proposals:
If you would like to be advised on how to prepare and submit project proposals within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and/or other Programmes, EPN Consulting is the right consultancy to choose. Visit the EU Projects Consultancy for more information.
Would you like to know more about what an EU project is like? Attend one the tailored training courses that EPN Consulting organises for its clients. Visit the Training courses and Seminars section. Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts on EU projects assistance as well as up to a fantastic 20%-discount on Training Courses packages. Join us! |
New Calls recently published
 Last 20th July 2011 was an important day for the 7th Framework Programme as more than 50 new calls were published in several field: Transport, ICT, Environment, Energy, Green Cars, Energy-Efficient Buildings, Factories of the Future, etc.
If you would like to be advised on how to prepare and submit project proposals within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and/or other Programmes, EPN Consulting is the right consultancy to choose. Visit the EU Projects Consultancy for more information.
Would you like to know more about what an EU project is like? Attend one the tailored training courses that EPN Consulting organises for its clients. Visit the Training courses and Seminars section. Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts on EU projects assistance as well as up to a fantastic 20%-discount on Training Courses packages. Join us! |
EPN Consulting attended in Brussels FP7 Information Days on PPP Research and Transport
 Last 11 and 12 July in Brussels EPN Consulting attended the FP7 Information Days on Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) organised by the European Commission. The event included plenary sessions as well as parallel sessions where specific topics regarding Factories of the Future (FoF), Energy-Efficient Buildings (EEB) and the European Green Car Initiative (EGCI) were discussed. Analyses of the current situation of PPP projects and their future after 2013 were also carried out.
One week later, 19 July 2011, EPN Consulting returned to Brussels to attend the FP7 Information Day on Sustainable Surface Transport (SST) organised by the European Commission. The event included a morning plenary session and a brokerage event in the afternoon where companies and academic organisations presented their project ideas.
Notice: if you become an EPN Consulting Member you will receive earlier and bespoke information about launches of new calls! Join us. |
Next Professional Events happening in Europe
There is a new fantastic business opportunity for you. It is now possible to sponsor one or more events (Event Sponsor) or even become an Event Section Sponsor (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze packages available). Please drop us an email if interested and we will provide you with all information. Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy up to 20% discount on sponsoring packages. Join us! |
Special Announcement for Local Authorities
In this difficult economic climate you may want to carry out some projects but you have little funds for doing it. One solution could be submitting your ideas through an European project proposal and, if successful, receiving a co-funding budget.
This would help you accomplish your goals, acquire visibility on the European scenario and meet a range of different public and private organisations with whom sharing your current and future plans. You could also learn one from the other best practice that could suit your area.
Your fields of interest could regard Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Sustainable Transport, Public Transport, Environmental issues, Promotion of Green Transport modes such as Walking and Cycling, Smart Cities solutions, etc.
EPN Consulting can assist you in this process from cradle to grave with a bespoke service. Please write to us and we will explore how to meet your requirements.
EPN Consulting helps you prepare sound FP7 projects proposals. Book your place to learn how to improve your chances of success
EPN Consulting organises "INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN PROJECTS" Courses to help you understand strengths and weakenesses of your ideas and how they can fit in the relevant Calls of interest. Theses courses are very flexible (No. of Students, Course Duration and Course Locations) to help you get the best out of it.
You find more information here. We look forward to receiving your numerous subscriptions!
EPN Consulting Members receive up to 20% discount on training courses! |
EPN Consulting has started a Crowd Funding Campaign
EPN Consulting has got plans to expand its EVENTS Section to include professional events happening anywhere, Worldwide!. This will represent a definitive added value for visitors that will enjoy one of the most exhaustive lists of professional events. This Crowd Funding Campaign will ensure that this Section will be kept FREE as well as enriched with hundrends of additional events that currently are not listed.
The campaign will stay open for 6 months, until 17th Dec 2011, and will allow
EPN Consulting to implement the Section expansion from early 2012.
Contributions start from a minimum fee of £3 up to whatever amount makes you feel comfortable with. We hope that many of you will be eager to contribute to this project
to bring benefits to all! We look forward to feeling your sensitivity about this topic! |
The Website of the Month: EC HORIZON 2020: The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
This month EPN Consulting has chosen one of the European Commissione websites and, in particular, that one dedicated to HORIZON 2020.
Last month we announced that the name for the new Framework programme for Research and Innovation covering the period 2014-2020 was chosen. This month we give you the opportunity of reading what changes will be introduced in comparison with the 2007-2013 programme currently ongoing. More information can be found at the link below.
http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm?pg=home |
Please contact us for any question about becoming an EPN Consulting member, proposing business offers, informing us on your business specialties, et cetera. |
Kind Regards,
Stefano Mainero
CEO, Founder
EPN Consulting Limited London, UK |