EPN Consulting Limited

The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 10 - June 2011 

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In This Issue
Featured Message
FP7 & other Calls shortly expiring
FP7 Transport InfoDays
Next Professional Events in Europe
Training Courses
EPN Consulting Masterclass Video
News from EPN Consulting Members: SBOING
New EPN Consulting Member: QUAERYON
The Website of the Month

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Dear Subscriber,   

Welcome to the June issue of the EPN Consulting newsletter.
June is the month of the 8th European ITS Congress that will be held in Lyon (FR) from the 6th to the 9th June 2011. Besides, the 6th June, always in Lyon, there will be the ITS Conference 2011, which makes this month very much oriented to the Intelligent Transport Systems discipline!
Although we are in June, many items of news will regard July as well. Why? Because for the 7th Framework Programme July will be a very important month as many important calls are expected for publication. We are talking about: Transport, ICT-8, Environment, Security as well as many other calls.
We are talking about hundreds of million Euros of EC funding that are earmarked to promote innovation in Europe. These are very important events that we must bear in mind to plan ahead our 4th Quarter of 2011 as far as financial and workload issues are concerned.
As a matter of fact, the FP7 Transport Infomation Days will be held in Brussels next 18-19 July. Registration procedures are described below.
Other information days will be organised in July. Stay tuned with us!
We are delighted to announce that a new consulting company, QUAERYON from Italy, has joined the fast-growing EPN Network of Professionals. More details about their expertise are described below.
Besides, one of our existing members, SBOING from Greece, have recently reported excellent recognition in their activities. More information below.
Last but not least, EPN Consulting and the University of the West of England, Bristol (UK), are designing a short course on ITS, behavioural changes and European Projects that will be held at UWE on the 8th July 2011. Stay tuned and visit often our News Section to receive more information and to register your attendance!
In short time you will receive innovative information about the future of our free Events Section where you can find the main professional events organised in Europe in the next 12 months. Visit this section often to be the first ones taking part in this renovation deal.
In accordance with what  announced, EPN Consulting is available to provide assistance to public and private organisations that would like to see their ideas converted into a sound proposal to be submitted. We are also an ideal partner for your project consortium as we have got a lot of experience in dealing with EC projects. Contact us to know more about how we can help you.
EPN Consulting is a front runner within this fast evolution process and its network of professionals generates a lot of excellent know-how. If you are not a member yet, don't wait any longer and join us: a number of exclusive services are waiting for you.
Finally, if you are already an EPN Consulting Member, please remember that if you introduce new members both of you will receive a discount on your membership fees! As this newsletter is also published on LinkedIn and on Twitter, we ensure our members to gain an immense visibility within and beyond Europe!
We wish you a positive June!


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This EPN Consulting Newsletter is delivered to your mailbox to inform you about EPN Consulting news, events, business opportunities, happening in Europe.
It is sent to both members and non-members willing to foster innovation in Europe.
You receive this newsletter because you have been in touch with EPN Consulting or its CEO in the past.
FP7 & other Calls shortly expiring 
European Projects
This month there are close deadlines of following calls for proposals:
If you would like to be advised on how to prepare and submit project proposals within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and/or other Programmes, EPN Consulting is the right consultancy to choose. Visit the EU Projects Consultancy  for more information.
Would you like to know more about what an EU project is like? Attend one the tailored training courses that EPN Consulting organises for its clients. Visit the Training courses and Seminars section.


Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts on EU projects assistance as well as up to a fantastic 20%-discount on Training Courses packages. Join us!

FP7 Transport Information Days
European Projects

The FP7 Transport Information Days will be held in Brussels next 18-19 July 2011 and the registration page was recently opened.


You have time until 4th July to register yourself to this important event although due to their huge popularity we suggest that you should book your place as soon as possible.


Notice: if you become an EPN Consulting Member you will receive earlier and bespoke information about launches of new calls! Join us.

Next Professional Events happening in Europe

01-05 June 2011 - Getxo (ES) -

ENE+ENV+TRA - Sustainable Mobility Fair

(in Spanish)

02 June 2011 - London (UK) -


05-09 June 2011 - Baden Baden (DE) - INN+ITS+TRA - IV '11 - 2011 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium

06 June 2011 - Lule� (SE) - ICT - Workshop on "Social and Privacy Aspects of Mobility"

06 June 2011 - Lyon (FR) - ITS+TRA - ITS CONFERENCE 2011

06-07 June 2011 - Oslo (NO) - ENE+ENV - 16th European Gas Conference 2011

06-07 June 2011 - Luxembourg - ICT - FUTURE INTERNET 2011 - 2nd European Summit on Future Internet

06-07 June 2011 - Berlin (DE) - ICT - "FIBRE NETWORKS: Demand and Analyses of Costs and Benefits"

06-08 June 2011 - Pisa (IT) - ENV+ITS+TRA - URBAN TRANSPORT 2011 - 17th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment

06-09 June 2011 - Lyon (FR) - ITS+TRA - 8th ITS European Congress


Find out more events on the EPN Consulting Events Section.

There is a new fantastic business opportunity for you. It is now possible to sponsor one or more events (Event Sponsor) or even become an Event Section Sponsor (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze packages available). Please drop us an email if interested and we will provide you with all information.


Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy up to 20% discount on sponsoring packages. Join us!

EPN Consulting helps you prepare sound FP7 projects proposals. Book your place to learn how to improve your chances of success

EPN Consulting organises "INTRODUCTION TO EUROPEAN PROJECTS" Courses to help you understand strengths and weakenesses of your ideas and how they can fit in the relevant Calls of interest. Theses courses are very flexible (No. of Students, Course Duration and Course Locations)  to help you get the best out of it.

You find more information here. We look forward to receiving your numerous subscriptions!


EPN Consulting Members receive up to 20% discount on training courses!

EPN Consulting Masterclass on EU projects and Intelligent Transport Systems  - Video now available

In our April 2011 newsletter we informed you that 

EPN Consulting was one of the sponsors of the London conference on "Sustainable Transport Systems: Influencing Travel Behaviour" held last 14th April 2011. During this event the EPN Consulting's CEO, Dr Ing Stefano Mainero, made a speech in one of the Masterclasses on "How European Projects have contributed to increase awareness of Sustainable Transport"

If you didn't attend the event, now you can watch the video of his masterclass here.

Excellent achievement from our Member: SBOING

Sboing logoOur Greek Member SBOING recently aired in the News of the Greek national TV (channels NET and ET3) with a 2.5-min interview of its CEO, Dr. Fotis K. Liotopoulos. 

SBOING also made front page in the national (Greek) newspaper "MAKEDONIA", with several re-posts in various news blogs, e-magazines, e-news and social networks (facebook group: sboing.net).


The main headlines were: "A Company from Diavata/Thessaloniki challenges Google!", "Google's competitor from Thessaloniki", "Mr Google ..from Thessaloniki" ...and...


- "Dr. Fotis K. Liotopoulos and his team have developed SBOING, a patented technology based on a collaborative social network for GPS navigation, which gives more accurate routing results compared to Google and other GPS navigation giants of the market!"

- "For a 5h20min drive from Thessaloniki to Patra (Greece), Google gives a best route in 6h32min, while SBOING gives a best route of 5h29min, making use of the updated road network, which Google isn't aware of !.."

- "Dr. Liotopoulos said: 'We hope that SBOING soon becomes the Wikipedia of GPS routing!' "


The SBOING business plan recently qualified in the best 300 (out of 700+ submitted) at the MassChallenge International competition for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, (Boston, USA, May 2011).


An interview, in Greek, of Dr. Fotis K. Liotopoulos can be watched here


Welcome to QUAERYON: the latest EPN Consulting Member 

Quaeryon logoQUAERYON s.r.l.

is an Italian consulting company specialized in Innovation. 

Main sectors of activities are: Security, Transportation, Automotive and Energy. Quaeryon facilitates clients identifying areas to leverage business model, products, technologies, in order to create Value.

The distinctive approach is the capacity to operate on Human Resources, working on their way of thinking/acting, to let them become the very change agents.

The multi disciplinary teams of the company are able to integrate all sides of a need, problem or opportunity.

Quaeryon furthermore has a campus to provide talents with the capacity to carry out innovation process autonomously.

That's what Quaeryon likes to define "HUMANISTIC INNOVATION".

The Website of the Month: LOW EMISSION ZONES IN EUROPE 

LEZs logoThis month EPN Consulting has chosen LOW EMISSIONE ZONES IN EUROPE, the Europe-wide information on LEZs.

Low Emission Zones (LEZs) are areas or roads where the most polluting vehicles are restricted from entering. This means that vehicles are banned, or in some cases charged, if they enter the LEZ when their emissions are over a set level. They are also know as Environment Zones, Umweltzonen, Milieuzones, Lavutslippssone, Miljozone, Milj�zon.

They are often the most effective measure that cities can take to reduce air pollution problems in their area. The emissions that are aimed to be reduced by LEZs are mainly fine particles, nitrogen dioxide and indirectly ozone. 


Please contact us for any question about becoming an EPN Consulting member, proposing business offers, informing us on your business specialties, et cetera.
Kind Regards,

Stefano Mainero

CEO, Founder

EPN Consulting Limited
London, UK