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Dear Subscriber,
Spring has arrived, longer days too, Easter is approaching: lot of news this April! In particular EPN Consulting would like to remind you that from 11th to 15th April the EU Sustainable Energy Week will be celebrated. Since March the homepage of our website shows a picture promoting this important week for Europe! We invite you to contribute. The following paragraph was taken from the EUSEW website: Be a part of it - organise an Energy Day in your city or region Wherever you are in Europe, join the EUSEW 2011 and organise an Energy Day in your city, town or region between 11 and 15 April 2011 (weekends before and after accepted). Interested? Get more information and inspiration from the Energy Days 2011 flyer.The EUSEW 2011 in Brussels - inspiring, informing, sparking changeThe European Institutions, associates of the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign, and other important players in the field will organise a series of events in Brussels during the EUSEW. Another important news happened the 28th March when the European Commission published the new White Paper on "Sustainable and Competitive Transport" that can be read here and a suggestive video that can be watched here. Besides, the EC Transport 2050 plan to increase mobility and reduce emissions can be read here. Finally, an interesting report on the Future of Transport can be read here. As we can see there is a lot of effort put in Europe to improve the quality of our lives. We shouldn't forget that a lot depends also on each of us during our daily life. If you have got ideas on how to contribute to this process, get in touch. As you know, EPN Consulting is available to provide assistance to public and private organisations that would like to see their ideas converted into a sound proposal to be submitted. We are also an ideal partner for your project consortium as we have got a lot of experience in dealing with EC projects. Contact us to know more about how we can help you. EPN Consulting is a front runner within this fast evolution process and its network of professionals generates a lot of excellent know-how. If you are not a member yet, don't wait any longer and join us: a number of exclusive services are waiting for you. As a matter of fact, EPN Consulting actively searches for new Business Partners and this month we are happy to inform you about two collaborative alliances signed: one with the Italian S.T.A.R. and another one with the Spanish PIMEC. Below in this newsletter you find further details. Last but not least: if you are already an EPN Consulting Member, please remember that if you introduce new members both of you will receive a discount on your membership fees! We wish you an Environmentally friendly April!
This EPN Consulting Newsletter is delivered to your mailbox to inform you about EPN Consulting news, events, business opportunities, happening in Europe.
It is sent to both members and non-members willing to foster innovation in Europe.
You receive this newsletter because you have been in touch with EPN Consulting or its CEO in the past. |
FP7 Calls shortly expiring
Would you like to know more about what an EU project is like? Attend one the tailored training courses that EPN Consulting organises for its clients. Visit the Training courses and Seminars section. Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts on EU projects assistance as well as a fantastic 20%-discount on Training Courses packages. Join us! |
New Calls recently published
- FP7-PEOPLE-2011-NCP - from 10 Mar to 22 June 2011
- FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IOF - from 16 Mar to 11 Aug 2011
- FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IIF - from 16 Mar to 11 Aug 2011
- FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF - from 16 Mar to 11 Aug 2011
- ERC-2011-PoC - from 29 Mar to 15 June 2011 (08 Nov 2011)
Notice: if you become an EPN Consulting Member you will receive earlier and bespoke information about launches of new calls! Join us. |
Next Professional Events happening in Europe
03-06 Apr 2011 - Udine (IT) - ICT - ISPLC 2011 - 15th IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications 04-05 Apr 2011 - Amsterdam (NL) - TRA - Fleet and Asset Management Europe 2011 05 Apr 2011 - London (UK) - INN+TRA - PORTEC Workshop on: "The Future of Automated Container Terminals" 05-06 Apr 2011 - London (UK) - TRA - ESC 2011 - Extended Supply Chain 2011 Conference 05-07 Apr 2011 - Newquay (UK) - TRA - 7th International Forum on Air Transport in Remoter Regions 05-07 Apr 2011 - Birmingham (UK) - TRA - MULTIMODAL 2011 05-07 Apr 2011 - Lille (FR) - TRA - SIFER 2011 - 7th International Exhibition of Rail Technology 05-07 Apr 2011 - Lille (FR) - ITS+TRA - MOBITRAFIC 2011 - International Exhibition for Traffic Management and Highways Operations 05-07 Apr 2011 - Antwerp (BE) - BIO+TRA - LOGICHEM - Chemical Supply Chain & Global Logistics Conference 05-08 Apr 2011 - Paris (FR) - ICT+INN - CSSS 2011 - 1st International Conference on Small Satellites Systems 05-09 Apr 2011 - Zaragoza (ES) - SMOPYC 2011 - 15th International Show of Public Works, Construction and Mining Machinery 06 Apr 2011 - Brussels (BE) - ITS - ERTICO Forum on ITS for Electromobility [...]
There is a new fantastic business opportunity for you. It is now possible to sponsor one or more events (Event Sponsor) or even become an Event Section Sponsor (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze packages available). Please drop us an email if interested and we will provide you with all information. Notice: EPN Consulting Members enjoy a 20% discount on sponsoring packages. Join us! |
EPN Consulting sponsors the London "Sustainable Transport Systems" Conference
EPN Consulting is one of the sponsors of the London conference on "Sustainable Transport Systems: Influencing Travel Behaviour" that will be held next 14th April. During this event the EPN Consulting's CEO, Dr Ing Stefano Mainero, will speak in one the Masterclasses on "How European Projects have contributed to increase awareness of Sustainable Transport".
His masterclass will describe how European Projects and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have improved the Transport sector in the last twenty years with an evolution from pure technology to sustainability. Participating into EC projects is also a way of funding new initiatives that help introduce and consolidate Sustainability in Transport with a consequent improvement of the Environment Protection and Quality of Life.
To read more about this Masterclass click here whereas for the conference website click here.
New EPN Consulting's Business Partner: S.T.A.R.
EPN Consulting has recently signed a cooperative alliance with the Italian company "S.T.A.R. - Strategies Tools
Advices and Research" based in Genoa. This agreement aims to merge and complement the wide experience that both organisations have acquired on the European scenario and International projects. Major areas of activities in European Projects and consultancy
services provided to private and public undertakings are related to: Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Sustainable Transport, Logistics, Environment, Research Development and Innovation (RDI) on Intelligent Systems, and Information Communication Technologies (ICT). This alliance between the two networks will generate remarkable benefits for the organisations themselves, their Members and Clients.
New EPN Consulting's Business Partner: PIMEC
| PIMEC, Catalunya |
EPN Consulting has recently signed up a cooperative alliance with PIMEC, the association of SMEs in Catalunya, based in Barcelona (Spain). PIMEC with its 100,000 associates is the largest organisation of its kind in Spain. From now on EPN Consulting members an clients can benefit from PIMEC contacts and vice versa; this collaboration has a great potential of generating new business opportunities and easing the creation of European Projects consortia.
Latest news from EPN Consulting Members - HODOS
One of the EPN Consulting Members, HODOS Consulting, based in Brussels, will take part in a number of training courses aiming to teach how to manage a project with PCM method. The events will be held in Brussels in several dates. You can find more information here.
Notice: if you become an EPN Consulting Member you will be able to publish your latest news on this newsletter as well as on the News Section of the EPN Consulting website. Join us!
The Website of the Month: EDEN

This month EPN Consulting has chosen EDEN (European Destinations of ExcelleNce). EDEN is a project promoting Sustainable Tourism Development models across the European Union. The project is based on national competitions that take place every year and result in the selection of a tourist "destinantion of excellence" for each participating country.
Through the selection of destinations, EDEN effectively achieves the objective of drawing attention to the values, diversity and common features of European tourist destinations. It enhances the visibility of emerging European destinations, creates a platform for sharing good practices across Europe and promotes networking between awarded destinations.
EPN Consulting wishes You Happy Easter !

Please contact us for any question about becoming an EPN Consulting member, proposing business offers, informing us on your business specialties, et cetera. |
Kind Regards,
Stefano Mainero
CEO, Founder
EPN Consulting Limited London, UK |