FP7 Calls shortly expiring
Within the 7th Framework Programme there are close deadlines of important calls: - ENERGY - 16 Nov 2010 - ENVIRONMENT - 16 Nov 2010 - TRANSPORT - 02 Dec 2010 - SECURITY - 02 Dec 2010 - ICT for GREEN CARS - 02 Dec 2010 - FACTORIES OF THE FUTURE - 02 Dec 2010 - ENERGY-EFFICIENT BUILDINGS - 02 Dec 2010 - FUTURE INTERNET - 02 Dec 2010 - SUSTAINABLE AUTOMOTIVE ELECTROCHEMICAL STORAGE- 02/12/10
If you would like to be advised on how to prepare and submit an FP7 project proposal, EPN Consulting is the right consultancy to choose. Visit the EU Projects Consultancy for more information.
Would you like to know more about what an EU project is like? Attend one the tailored training courses that EPN Consulting organises for its clients. Visit the Training courses and Seminars section. |
EPN Consulting is now an EAI Corporate Member
EPN Consulting has recently become corporate member of the European Alliance for Innovation. This result confirms the high interest that EPN Consulting has got for Innovation and Europe. The European Alliance for Innovation is a grassroots movement initiated through cooperation between public, private and government organisations to address the global challenges of Europe's future competitiveness through innovation. EAI focuses on societal issues and application areas of greatest potential for ICT-driven innovations. |
EPN Consulting will attend the ITN 2010 in Turin (Italy)
Next 11 and 12 Nov 2010 EPN Consulting is going to attend the ITN 2010 that encompasses exhibition and conferences on 
current and future developments in smart infrastructures, smart grids, GPS, Galileo, GIS, telematics and navigation services.
EPN Consulting will also attend the Brokerage Event that will be held on the 12 Nov 2010 with a number of companies already booked for meetings.
If you would like to meet us at ITN 2010 please contact us no later than Monday 08 Nov 2010.