Perennial Pipeline
A brief note about what we offer:
Please note that we rep for two other growers and therefore have 3 separate Availability Lists. Between the three of us, we can cover a lot of plants.
4" Availability is grown & shipped from here (GA).
Starter Plugs List covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses in sizes ranging from 38, 50 and 72 cells. Grown by Emerald Coast Growers and shipped from their locations in FL & PA.
Perennial Pipeline covers a broad range of perennials & ornamental grasses produced primarily in Quarts & Gallons. These are grown by The Perennial Farm in Baltimore and shipped from there.
Our minimum order is only One Tray.
So from the smallest needs
to requests for tractor trailer loads
& anything in between,
We've Got You Covered!
Contact Us
Thought For The Day
With mirth and laughter
let old wrinkles come.
Comic Relief
My wife has reminded me that I need to lighten up on these postings sometimes & she's usually right. So I would like to follow up my last message about birthdays and aging with a favorite true story from my buddy, David McDaniel, aka The Hatman of DJR's New Leaf Apparel from Radford, VA. (pictured above with Beth at The TAN Show, Houston, TX circa 1996). David is consistently good subject material for a laugh; he is perpetually smiling and always has a funny tale to tell.
A few years ago, on David's father's 90 something birthday, the family got together to celebrate on a Saturday evening, two days before the actual birthday date so everyone could attend. The entire family was there and a good time was had by all.
The following Monday (his Father's actual birthday), before leaving town for a trade show, David dropped by the nursing home to say good bye before hitting the road. As he greeted his father, David said, "Dad, I just came by to wish you a Happy Birthday before I leave."
His father stared at him with this puzzled look and replied, "You know I've always heard that the older you get the faster the years go by. I could have sworn I had a birthday just a couple of days ago."
So the next time you need a company hat, shirt, jacket, or promotional item, be sure to look up David (or Kourtney) at DJR's New Leaf Apparel. And be sure to ask about the time the waiter set his hair on fire while serving Cherries Jubilee! The apparel is the Best, the prices are Right, and the Smiles Are Always FREE!!
Southern Style
Romeo & Juliet
by William Shakespeare |
As Told By Sheriff Andy Taylor |
Starter Plugs
Delosperma Jewel of Desert Peridott 72
Delosperma Jewel of Desert Ruby 72
Delosperma Jewel of Desert Topaz 72
Gaura lindeheimeri Pink Lady (72)
Minimum Order Only 1 Tray!
Limited Quantities On These New Items!
Don't Miss The Boat!!
Perennial Pipeline
Astilbe 'Hennie Graafland'
Buddleia 'Flutterby Tutti Fruitti'
Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie'
Miscanthus 'Gracillimus'
Hundreds of Varieties of
Perennials & Ornamental Grasses
Grown Primarily in
Quarts & Gallons.
Delivered on company trucks
within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore.
Via UPS or palletized freight
for longer distances or smaller orders.
Pup of the Week
Something quite magical and beautiful happened today and I have to share it with you...
Over the past few weeks, several pleas for help have been sent to us and others about a large female mastiff and a tiny pug/Chihuahua living in an abandoned lot in the Carson/Longbeach area. The dogs have been there for about three months and no one has been able to safely capture either of them. Many tried, but everyone was worried that if it wasn't done correctly, only one would be caught and the other would escape. While they awaited help, some kind and loving people brought these pups food and water daily to insure they remained healthy.
Last night, one final plea went out and this plea was quite different than all the others. There was a plan in place, a rescue ready to take in the dogs and they simply needed people to help make the capture possible. The plan would require: people to surround the perimeter of the block and make sure the dogs remained distracted and unable to escape through weak points in the fencing, people to move portable fencing in towards the dogs to corner them, and yet more people to help safely capture the dogs.
Those involved with sending out this plea expected it to be answered only by a few. The best hope being 9 or 10 people might show up.
At 7:50 this morning, 30 people were on site and ready to help. By 8 am, there were 40.
As Eldad went through and described the plan for capturing the dogs step by step, I looked around the sea of faces and recognized many of them. Volunteers from local shelters, advocates from different rescues, well-known independent rescuers... and a whole lot of everyday folks who saw the plea and just came out to try and help.
We at Bill Foundation continually say that "It takes a village to save a dog". We whole heartedly believe this to be true and today we had the opportunity to see it in action. Forty people, mostly strangers to each other, came together for one purpose - To save two dogs in need.
Everyone was assigned a post and job they were comfortable with managing. The safety of each person being the top concern. We split up into teams of four and loaded into cars to head out to the rescue site. Many people sharing cars with complete strangers.
Once on site, with everyone in their assigned positions, the plan that had been so well thought out was put into action and everyone played their part. From the people securing the perimeter, to the individuals corning the dogs, to the ones prepared to catch the dogs. We had no means of communicating with each other across the vast property, yet the plan was executed... Flawlessly. Together, in less than 15 minutes, both dogs were captured safely. With the help of 40 caring people from all over southern California, two wonderful dogs are now at the vet receiving medical care and getting ready to be taken in by Marley's Mutts Dog Rescue. Today is a day to remember... A day when animal lovers came together from so many different parts of the rescue community and put aside their lives to not only help dogs in need, but to help each other make the impossible, possible. It didn't take a village to save these dogs, it took many villages. What was proven is that we are stronger when we stand together as one. And we can make anything happen. We are so proud of our community today and grateful to be a part of it! Click here to see the photo story: Rescue Photo Story
If YOU would like to know more about
Got You Covered |  |
For better or for worse,
I am responsible for all content.
I welcome your comments
and constructive criticism.
Bo Tidwell |
Our Mission

To Make The Earth Greener,
Your Job Easier, &
Your Business More Profitable