You Meet The
Nicest People
At A Trade Show
When I was a teen, back in the 60s, Honda had not invaded the US yet with their auto line but they did sell a very popular line of motor scooters (I don't think they were macho enough to be called motorcycles back then). I remember they had a catchy commercial with a tag line of "You meet the nicest people on a Honda."
I think of that line often when I am asked how I feel about trade shows. It amuses me to hear some of my fellow exhibitors complain about the long hours and arduous demands of working a trade show. Forgive me for spoiling the pity party, but there are a few jobs out there that are a bit tougher; jobs that don't require you to stay in nice hotels and eat in fine restaurants and socialize with good friends as part of the regimen.
For me, going to a trade show is like throwing B'rer Rabbit in the briar patch. I look at it as going to grown up camp every year and hooking up with your old pals that you never get to see except at trade shows.
One of the best perks of working trade shows is meeting new people and making new friends. Last year at the FarWest Show, my booth neighbor was Rick Young of Rick Young Outdoors, a well known hunter and guide in the great Northwest, who also happens to be a tree farmer. I wound up bringing some of Rick's hand made knives and hunting videos back home
for Christmas presents.
This year at FarWest I met Peg Conley, a very talented watercolor artist and writer who has a popular line of cards, notes, and pads,
each created, painted and scripted by Peg.
Being a huge fan of watercolors, I did a double take one day when I accidentally happened by Peg's booth and saw her delightful display.
With her whimsical style, beautiful script, and catchy phrasing, I was hooked. By the time I left her booth I had bought enough merchandise to get wholesale pricing and had found a new friend. If any garden center buyers out there are looking for a a "casual but elegant" line of note cards, pads, and greeting cards, I would highly recommend that you check out Peg's website,
And please tell Peg that your referral came from that good old boy with the slight Georgia accent.