Only In the South

A few days ago I received a nice email from my good friend, Lory Wolf, from "up North" who described herself as "...the Jersey girl who is a Southern girl at heart."
That set in motion a train of thought about just what IS a "Southern girl". I replied to Lory that if she could truthfully lay claim to this title, that she obviously likes Grits (yes, Grits is a Proper noun in the South), is not afraid to bait a hook, can change her own tires, and has been to at least a half dozen Hog Killin's. Turns out that she was good on three out of four.
In deference to their more genteel side, these same creatures can converse with royalty and paupers with equal grace, go toe to toe with anyone in the business or academic world, charm the socks off the crustiest adversary, and heal skinned knees and hurt feelings.
The point is that the South, like all the other regions of this great country, has its own peculiarities, predispositions, affections, afflictions, and habits. Having lived in Georgia all my life, I have accumulated a wealth of real life experiences that can only be titled "Only in the South" because I can't imagine these things happening in any other part of the country. The following true event is a case in point.
The last time I was called to jury duty, the case that I was summoned to hear involved a charge of Assault & Battery. The first order of the day was the jury selection. At this point the attorney for the defendant came over to the "pool" of juror candidates to ask us a few questions that would help him decide whom to keep and whom to strike. The last question on his list was, "Do any of you think that there is EVER a situation that would warrant striking another person and attempting to do physical harm to that individual?"

All of us were motionless and silent except for this rather large lady sitting in front of me who raised her hand. The lawyer recognized her and she replied, "It Depends."
"It depends on What," asked the lawyer.
Very seriously she replied, "It depends on whether they said something about yo' Mama."
You can't make this stuff up.