Covering Ground




April 23, 2012



Perennial Pipeline  



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Thought For The Day 


"Opportunity is missed by most people

because it is dressed in overalls

and looks like work." 


                                         Thomas Edison

                             Inventor, Businessman




Look for More Troubles

by Robert R. Updegraff


NC photo1


So you think your job is stressful? Want to trade places with these guys?  Be thankful for the troubles of your job. They provide about half your income. Because if it were not for the things that go wrong, the difficult people you have to deal with, and the problems and unpleasantness of your working day, someone could be found to handle your job for half of what you are being paid.


It takes intelligence, resourcefulness, patience, tact and courage to meet the troubles of any job. That is why you hold your present job. And it may be the reason you aren't holding down an even bigger one.


If all of us would start to look for more troubles, and learn to handle them cheerfully and with good judgment, as opportunities rather than irritations, we would find ourselves getting ahead at a surprising rate. For it is a fact that there are plenty of big jobs waiting for men and women who aren't afraid of the troubles connected with them.


Thank You Robert, I couldn't have said it better myself! 



Monday AM

Jump Start! 

Drew Carey Show - Opening Dance S02 E01

5 O'Clock World 

Drew Carey Show - Opening Dance


If you can watch this

and not SMILE

click Here 

and I will send you $10

to get you started on your therapy!


On The Road Again

Random shots

of  plants

shipped this past week.


Shipping Action

Assembly Line


Shipping Action

Get Those Wagons Rolling


Shipping Action

A Little Something For Everyone


Shipping Action

Liriope True Blue & Silver Dragon



Pachysandra terminalis

A lot more where these came from.



Acorus Oborozuki

Acorus Oborozuki



Ajuga Bronze Beauty
Ajuga 'Bronze Beauty'

We have about 40+ Trays of Bronze like this

to hold us until the new crop is ready.

Grab Yours Now!



 Starter Plugs 
Jump Start your next Perennial
or Ornamental Grass crop
from this huge selection.
These little guys grow up &
start ringing the registers in a hurry!
 Shipping Action
Andropogon gerardii
Shipping Action
Baptisia Australis
Shipping Action
Carex m. Oehme

Perennial Pipeline

Hundreds of varieties of

Perennials & Ornamental Grasses

grown primarily in

Quarts & Gallons.

Delivered on company trucks

within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore.

Via UPS or palletized freight

for longer distances or smaller orders. 


Shipping Action

Ajuga Black Scallop


Shipping Action

Carex Evergold


Shipping Action
Carex 'Bowles Golden'


Shipping Action 

Euphorbia 'Blackbird' 


Shipping Action

 Galium odoratum 


Shipping Action 

            Gaura 'Siskiyou Pink'                             


Shipping Action

                              Hakonechloa 'All Gold'

Shipping Action

Tiarella 'Oakleaf'


Pup of the Week


Bo Tidwell


 Scarlett is a Pomerian, about 5 years old, and she weighs about 10 pounds. She was a stray found on the street, and rescued by one of our greatest volunteers, she went through the shelter system, and when no one claimed her, BF stepped up to save her life! Having had a tough time out in the world, she was a little fearful of humans, but is coming around very nicely due to the care of her super foster parents. She is a little beauty & very sweet.



Please visit for an adoption event schedule & for information on how to adopt.
Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
For better or for worse, I am responsible for all content herein.  I welcome your comments and constructive criticism. 

Bo Tidwell

Our Mission  




To Make The Earth Greener,

Your Job Easier, &

Your Business More Profitable



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