Covering Ground




April 2, 2012



Perennial Pipeline  



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Sneak Peeks 


Liriope Spicata


Spicata  Liriope spicata

Liriope Spicata just keeps on keepin' on. 

One of the best solutions on earth

for slopes & masses.


 Pachysandra terminalis Pachysandra terminalis

Pachysandra 50 cell tray
Pachysandra terminalis - 50 Cell Tray

Jump Starts  

These are a perfect size for growers to step up into Quarts or for landscape contractors

covering large areas on a budget.




Pachysandra terminalis 4" 

This is what a 4" Pachysandra should look like.    




Starter Plugs

Juncus effusus 'Frenzy'

Variegated Corkscrew Rush

38 cells per tray

$1.67 / Plug

Available Now


Next time you think you are having a bad hair day, just remember, Juncus looks like this every day!




Perennial Pipeline

Hummingbird Favorites 



A quick way to attract hummingbirds is to put out a feeder. Do not use food dye in the feeder as this can be very harmful to the bird. You can now buy colored feeders, but hummingbirds will learn to come to a clear feeder. Be sure to change your feeder often, as in hot weather the solution will go bad, i.e. ferment. Hummingbirds like tubular flowers, but will also seek out cup-shaped or open circular blooms like the Delphinium and Hollyhock. Bright colors - especially red - are always a favorite.


Ajuga                         Hemerocallis             Phlox

Alcea                         Heuchera                    Physostegia

Aquilegia                   Hibiscus                     Platycodon

Asclepias                  Hosta                          Primula

Buddleia                   Lavandula                  Salvia

Calamintha              Lilium                          Scabiosa

Clematis                   Lobelia                        Stachys

Crocosmia                Lupinus                       Tiarella

Delphinium              Malva                          Verbascum

Dianthus                  Monarda                     Veronica

Dicentra                   Nepeta                         Campsis

Digitalis                   Penstemon                  And many more...


Hundreds of Perennials in 4", Quarts, & Gallons


Delivered on company trucks

within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore,

UPS & Palletized Freight Nationwide


Thought For The Day


The words below were written by an elderly man who was dealing with a terminal illness. It has been hanging in my office for many years, as a reminder that all our days are numbered and it's our job to keep our priorities in line and make the best of the time we have here on this planet.


Nobody's Perfect


 I Wouldn't Try To

 Be So Perfect


If I had my life to live over again,

I'd try to make more mistakes next time.

I wouldn't try to be so perfect.

 We all have perfect fetishes.

What difference does it make if you

 let people know you are imperfect!

 They can identify with you then.

Nobody can identify with perfection.


I would relax more.  I'd be sillier

 than I've been on this trip.

In fact, I know very few things

that I would  take so seriously.

I'd be crazier.  I'd be less hygienic.

 I'd take more chances.

I'd climb more mountains.

 I'd watch more sunsets.

I'd go more places I've never seen.

I'd eat more ice cream and fewer beans.

I'd have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary ones.


You see, I was one of those people

who lived sensibly and sanely

hour after hour, day after day.

Oh, I've had my moments,

and if I had it to do all over again,

I'd have more of those moments.

In fact, I'd try to have nothing

but beautiful moments;

moment by moment by moment.

In case you didn't know it,

that's the stuff life is made of

 - only moments.

Don't miss the now.

I've been one of those people

who never went anywhere

 without a thermometer,

a hot water bottle, a gargle,

 a raincoat and a parachute.

If I had to do all over again,

I'd travel lighter next time.


If I had it to do all over again,

I'd start barefoot earlier in the spring

and stay that way until later in the fall.

I'd ride more merry-go-rounds,

I'd watch more sunrises,

and I'd play with more children.

If I had it to do over again...





What would YOU do? 



Say It With Music


KEVIN WELCH - TOO OLD TO DIE YOUNG, Denton, TX - September 25, 2011
 TOO OLD TO DIE YOUNG, Denton, TX - September 25, 2011

Pup of the Week




Have you ever seen a more Dr. Seuss character of a dog? Tallulah is about 3 years old. She is super sweet, her playful personality is emerging and is as quirky and interesting as her unusual appearance. Tallulah is a true traffic stopper: a doggy Muppet Puppet! She LOVES to play with other dogs and is absolutely GAGA over young children! She has been in a foster home with a 3 year old little girl, and LOVES LOVES her! She is crate-trained as well as house-trained. Tallulah has a condition called Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, not unusual in German shepherds ... maybe that's the other part of her Dr. Seuss-like Schnauzer-ish good looks! This means that she will need a pancreatic enzyme supplement on-going in order to be able to absorb nutrition from her food. It is a a good idea to check blood work twice yearly. She needs to be on an easily digestible diet, currently Royal Canin, whitefish and potato formula. Her condition is easily manageable with supplements and proper nutrition.  





Please visit for an adoption event schedule & for information on how to adopt.



Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
For better or for worse, I am responsible for all content herein.  I welcome your comments and constructive criticism. 

Bo Tidwell

Our Mission  




To Make The Earth Greener,

Your Job Easier, &

Your Business More Profitable



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