Covering Ground




March 19, 2012


 We're excited too!
These guys were so excited
they forgot the apostrophe, but we're going to give them a break.


Perennial Pipeline  



Contact Us 








Spotlight On Ajuga


 Available Now In Starter Plugs

Coming Soon In 4"

Ajuga 'Black Scallop'


Ajuga 'Bronze Beauty'


Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow'


Ajuga 'Caitlin's Giant'


Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip'


Ajuga 'Sparkler'




Spring Preview

A few snapshots of 4" material

 we are shipping now.


Asian Jasmine

Asian Jasmine


Dwarf Mondo


Euonymus Coloratus


Liriope Spicata


Pachysandra terminalis


Silver Dragon
Liriope Silver Dragon


True Blue
Liriope Tidwell's
True Blue




Butterflies Are Free


 Butterfly and Flower

Starter Plugs


Buddleia davidii 

Available Now

50 Cell Trays

.66 - .69 ea 


'Asian Moon' A modern sterile cultivar. Purple & orange blooms adorn rounded, compact shrubs.


'Black Knight' Bold and impressive -- the darkest, blue-black flowers in the genus.


'Nanho Blue' A proven performer from Holland, with cool mauve-blue flowers.


'Pink Delight' It is, and it does.


'Royal Red' Pour it on! Intoxicating wine-red plumes on big, vigorous plants.




Perennial Pipeline



East Indian Holly Fern
#1 Ready Now

Our Customers

Say It Best 


"Bo thank you. Tuesday or Wednesday is perfect.  We went up in price as well, to account for industry wide increases in plastic, labor, etc. Please charge us accordingly. We understand rising costs and would rather sell your product than other, lower quality liriope.




Long Island, NY




 Gazelle and Lion


Each morning in Africa a gazelle gets up knowing that he must out run the fastest lion in order to survive. At the same time a lion gets up knowing he must out run the slowest gazelle in order to survive. No matter if we are a lion or a gazelle, each morning we must get up running if we are to survive.  Which one are you?



Thought For The Day


Butterfly and Flower


 What makes a king out of a slave?


What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage!

What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk?


What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder?



What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage!


What makes the Hottentot so hot?

What puts the "ape" in apricot?

What have they got that I ain't got?


The Cowardly Lion


The Wizard of Oz  


Where Were You

In 1961?     


The Lion Sleeps Tonight - The Tokens

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

The Tokens






Read Instructions First!

Dad's New iPad
Dad's New iPad

Pup of the Week




Hayley is a 40 pound Am Staff / shepherd mix; she seems small for her breed. We believe that she is about 8 months old; we KNOW that she is a super sweet puppy! Hayley loves people and she appears to be submissive with other dogs, not so much cats. She really wants to chase! Hayley is crate trained and almost completely potty trained too with only occasional accidents.


Hayley will need to be placed with an athletic adopter who has the time and attention to devote to training and exercise that an active young dog needs. Bill Foundation believes that most dogs, especially younger dogs, are happier and healthier in homes with other dogs. We recommend placing female dogs into homes with males. More info to come as we get to know her better. 



Please visit for an adoption event schedule & for information on how to adopt.



Got You Covered
Bo Tidwell
For better or for worse, I am responsible for all content herein.  I welcome your comments and constructive criticism. 

Bo Tidwell

Our Mission  




To Make The Earth Greener,

Your Job Easier, &

Your Business More Profitable



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