Thought For The Day
"When you hear my fiddle, you gotta start to dance."
The Mountain
Stephen Vincent Benet |
| |
Jan 19th
| Donna The Buffalo |
Check out the best band this side of the Solar System above!
Performing LIVE
Thurs Jan 19th, 8 PM
The Blind Tiger Greensboro
Join Me & the Rest of
The Herd
Smilin Jack
Mc Hutchison
Michael Proctor
Proctor Bros
Tony Case
Hybla Valley Gdn Ctr
Dave & Kourtney
and a host of others.
See You There! |
MANTS Report
Our newsletter schedule will be a little erratic for a while until Trade Show Season grinds to a halt in early February. I am happy to report that we started the year off on a very positive note in Baltimore.
Well, almost. Many times the Trade Show itself is a welcome relief once you get past the trauma of getting everything in order to leave home for the trip. As usual, I managed to get everything squared away in time to get TWO hours sleep before rising at 5 AM to dash off to the airport. I exited the house in the DARK at 6 AM and was doing well until I got about 100 yards up the driveway when this peculiar SMELL caught my attention. Upon reflecting for a moment, I realized the SMELL was a lot worse than peculiar, it was downright gagging!
The next thought was OMG, what have I stepped in!! Whatever it was, there was NO WAY I would get through airport security in this condition. I quickly reversed my course, returned to the house, and got my shoes in the light.
My worst fears were realized: one of our five rescue dogs had decided to forego the 28 acres of woods at his disposal in which to conduct his private business, and made an UNAUTHORIZED DEPOSIT right in my path from the house to the car. What a way to start the trip! After a hasty change of shoes, I dashed back to my car with hopes that the rest of the trip would be an improvement on the start.
Fortunately, my prayers were answered. Everyone at MANTS was upbeat, attendance was strong, and all exhibitors I spoke to were Happy Campers. Ironically, the traffic was so heavy that we ran out of Price Lists at noon on the second day! A good kind of problem!!
I also managed to work in two delightful evenings of great food & fun with Smilin Jack on his harmonica at the Harbor one night and The Cat's Eye at Fell's Point again. If you have not heard Jack Campbell perform with a live band in Baltimore, you need to put it on your bucket list. Maybe next year!
On Thursday evening I enjoyed an exquisite meal, South American style, with The Perennial Farm crew, some VIP customers and special guest, Dr. Allan Armitage, who is now spokesperson and resident consultant with PF. We were given a sneak preview of some new marketing plans and an exciting new twist on using QR Codes to help our customers SELL MORE PLANTS!!
If anyone needs a new price list, please contact us and we will get an updated 2012 List in your hands immediately. We no longer do mass mailers so please call or email if you need one.
Please come see us in Greensboro this week and remember, if you leave home in the dark, be very careful where you step!
Yours Truly |  |
For better or for worse, I am responsible for all content herein. I welcome your comments and constructive criticism.
Bo Tidwell |
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Arnold and Dearheart: Bonded Chihuahua
and Pitbull
Seek Adoptive Home
They lost their home, and simply left him behind. When the moving trucks drove away, there Arnold was. For almost a month he wandered his neighborhood streets and deserted homes looking for them while slowly starving. He was finally brought to Bill Foundation by a concerned neighbor, but was already severely traumatized and sad.
He did not know how to ride in a car or use stairs. He was afraid of everything except kind people. He trembled with fear all the time. He did not seek affection or know how to enjoy it. Although terribly skinny, he was too frightened to eat without great coaxing. He did not know how to be in a house, or how to relax and feel safe. He didn't know when he was going to be left alone again and that terrified him. The first time his foster mom left him alone he went into a state of panic and terror and tore the drywall off the hallway.

He was so frightened by his experience that being left anywhere has become too scary for him and he began actually hurting himself in an effort to escape crates and kennels. He seemed determined to escape to get back to his family. For days on end he paced and looked out windows, as if he had lost them and they might actually be worried and searching for him.
Bill Foundation tried everything to make Arnold feel brave and safe. He received much-needed love from volunteers and his foster mom, including help from experts. But Arnold stayed scared and anxious - a gentle boy, but one who wanted to escape, one who always shook with fear and looked so dejected.
Then along came Dearheart...4 lbs of fabulous. Frightened and uncertain, the diminutive canine was saved from death row by Bill Foundation. He was brought into a foster home to help with socialization and confidence building. It just so happened that this foster home was also Arnold's, and when the two met, they became fast friends.
In very short time, it became apparent that this was a rescue that was meant to play out exactly as it did. Apart, they are two wonderfully sweet dogs that are a little bit shy and scared by the rough knocks the world has delivered them. But together, Arnold and Dearheart are transformed.
Previously, if Arnold was in a crate at adoption events he would shiver, whimper and cry. Now Arnold and Dearheart share a crate and a life together, leaning on each other for support, and snuggling in peaceful bliss. Arnold clearly feels safer in the presence of his new pal, and their caretakers say both dogs have been changed forever by their partnership.
If you want to take Arnold for a walk, they say all you have to do is pick up Dearheart and start moving. Arnold will follow closely, hopping on his hind legs to keep an eye on his buddy as he is carried. When Arnold rolls over in his sleep, Dearheart picks himself up and daintily maneuvers around Arnold's paws, so he can adjust and nuzzle up to the velvety soft nose of his big BFF. Day in and day out, the two while away their time together as they wait for a forever home.

That's where you come in. Even if you cannot provide the right home for this inseparable pair, you may know someone who can. And Bill Foundation has made it abundantly clear that they will not be separated under any circumstances, saying "It's our duty to keep these two special boys where they belong - side by side, just as destiny has decided."
If you or anyone you know is able to provide a loving home for Arnold and Dearheart, please contact Bill Foundation at
Saying Good Bye
Monika, Bo, Wolfgang & son, Roland Oehme It's never easy to say goodbye to an old friend, especially one who has meant so much to our industry. Even though Wolfgang is no longer with us, his absence was certainly felt at MANTS this year. Baltimore has never been the same since he adopted this place over fifty years ago and the show felt a little emptier without Wolfie and his throng stirring up a commotion in the aisles. Monika Burwell of Earthly Pursuits was kind enough to share this old photo taken at Winterthur Museum on the occasion of Garden Fair in 2004. |