Covering Ground



December 12, 2011




    Perennial Pipeline  


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 Pup of the Week  


 You can find out more about Scarlett and our other dogs by giving us a call at 310-860-0171 or sending us an e-mail or visiting Bill Foundation


For The Day


 Pablo Casals


"Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that has never been before and will never be again. And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel? You must work, we must all work, to make the world worthy of its children." 


Pablo Casals


Starter Plug of the Week


Lavandula stoechas 'Little Bee'

Lavandula stoechas

 'Little Bee'

Available in Cream, Deep Rose or Deep Purple 


72 Cell Tray @ $0.63 each


Available 01.09.2012


Perennial Pipeline


Hosta Ginko Craig
Hosta Ginko Craig



Ready Now 


 These plants are delivered on company trucks within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore, or palletized freight for larger orders or greater distances. These plants are delivered on company trucks within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore, or palletized freight for larger orders or greater distances.


Musical Message

Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift
Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift
This is dedicated to my two grandsons,
Radford Hale Pruett 
Felix Chisolm Pelzer III. 
words, and images
 fit for a Prince (or two)!


Yours Truly
Bo Tidwell
For better or for worse, I am responsible for this content.  I welcome your comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism.

Bo Tidwell

Tabula Rasa


 Radford Hale Pruett


Our newsletter is running a little behind schedule this week as Pam and I had to make a mad dash to Tuscaloosa to be there for the birth of our second grandson, Radford Hale Pruett, who arrived on December 8th.  We are pleased to report that he has all ten fingers and ten toes, and is obviously the smartest and cutest young man in town even if he does bear a striking resemblance to Sir Winston Churchill.  There are times when he has been a bit fussy but this is totally understandable since we think he possibly might have overheard his parents talking to the doctor about this procedure called circumcision.  I don't think he was too keen on the idea but he might as well get used to the fact that we don't always have our way in life.


As all the grandparents and uncles and aunts were jostling for the first glimpse of our new family member, I overheard Radford's maternal grandfather, Dayton Hale, offer some very sage advice to the new father.  He quietly and seriously whispered these two words, "Tabula Rasa".  For those of you who may be a bit rusty on your Latin, the English translation is "blank slate".  What a wonderful reminder this is and how fitting it is for this occasion.


This precious child has come into this world with no baggage and no preconceived ideas about who he is and what he might become or how he should treat other people,  the way things are or the way things ought to be.  And so he is handed over to his parents to nurture him, to love him, to teach him what is important in life and as he grows and learns and matures, he inevitably will become, for better or for worse, a creature of their own persuasion.


A couple of days ago, I was reading an article on Tim Tebow, who has all the sports pundits scrambling to try to find words to describe what magic he is working on the football field this year and I found one very interesting perspective.  When searching for reasons that Tebow has been so successful relative to other rookies who have had a much rougher go of it in spite of the fact that most were better athletes or had developed better skills, one writer  made a wise observation.  The inescapable answer could be traced to the way he was raised: by two dedicated, loving, and attentive parents (emphasis on TWO) who made it their focus to imprint their faith, their values, their priorities and their standards on their son.  Isn't it amazing how these things that have ZERO to do with athletic prowess turn out to be the most important elements of success on the athletic field.  Well, maybe not quite so amazing when you consider that sports are as much about character, determination, commitment, integrity, and discipline as they are about athletic ability.


I will close with a quote I gleaned from Gus Whalen, a very successful author, businessman, and motivational speaker, who is married to an old classmate of mine.  Gus is in the business of manufacturing and marketing children's clothing and so he has made it a point to know everything there is to know about children.  On the back of his business card are these simple but profound words, "Children are living messages we send to a time we will not see." 


There is nothing I could add that is more powerful or relevant, so I will let that soak in and bid you adieu until next time.


Happy Trails! 


Fun & Games
Winston Churchill vs Lady Astor


We want to make sure YOU get your ipad2 before Christmas so we already have it in house so we can ship it immediately after the drawing. We will conduct the drawing at 3 PM EST on the 19th and ship the same day. FYI, we probably have less than fifty candidates for the drawing now, so everyone's chances are pretty decent. Entering is as easy as falling off a log! Are YOU feeling lucky? See details in the section below.






All who participate

will receive a coupon for

$10 OFF their next groundcover order

for $100 or more AND

be entered in a drawing

for an I-PAD (to be held

just in time for Christmas)!


A new puzzle will appear every week and you will receive a $10 Coupon AND be entered in the drawing with Each Order!


Submit Your Answer for Jumble Word Here




I have been asked a couple of times lately if you must purchase plants in order to be included in the drawing. That WAS the original intent, but since I did not make that clear enough, here is the way it will work:

  • All who participate in our Jumble Word game will be entered ONCE (no matter how many times you participate).
  • All who participate in our Jumble Word game will receive a $10 Coupon towards purchase of 4" Groundcover each time you participate.
  • All who USE their $10 Coupon will be entered EACH TIME THEY ORDER, so obviously, their odds are enhanced.
  • Promotion ends with Drawing 12.19.11.
  • Account must be current.

Please feel free to email or call

if you have further questions.