Covering Ground




December 5, 2011




    Perennial Pipeline  


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Pup of the Week



Devon is a Pomeranian who weighs around 11lbs, and is 8 years old - just neutered, hence the collar! He is a very sweet boy who loves humans and gets along well with other dogs. He's not much interested in playing. Devon is learning to be inside the house as he is used to being left in the dirt outside, and is definitely enjoying his warm, clean doggie bed! Devon's vocal cords are gone, so he cannot bark, and he has a relatively minor (grade 2 out of 6) heart murmur - his heart is slightly enlarged (pretty much par for the course for a Pommie of his age). Like every Pom we've ever met, he is self confident, outgoing, and friendly - an all around well behaved pup.

You can find out more about Devon and our other dogs by giving us a call at 310-860-0171 or sending us an e-mail or visiting Bill Foundation




For The Day



I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape. Something waits beneath it; the whole story doesn't show.

Andrew Wyeth


Starter Plugs of the Week

Hakonechloa macra 'Fubuki'
Hakonechloa macra 'Fubuki'


38 Cell Plugs @ 2.84 each

Available 12.12.2011


Perennial Pipeline


Anemone 'Whirlwind'
Anemone 'Whirlwind'
Ready Now


 These plants are delivered on company trucks within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore, or palletized freight for larger orders or greater distances. These plants are delivered on company trucks within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore, or palletized freight for larger orders or greater distances.


Musical Question

Cat Stevens Where do the children play

 "Where Do The Children Play?"

Take a minute to enjoy the prophetic words written by Cat Stevens forty years ago that ring so true today.  Beautiful words and music accompanied by lush outdoor and wildlife scenes.




Yours Truly
Bo Tidwell
For better or for worse, I am responsible for all content herein.  I welcome your comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism.

Bo Tidwell

Historic Renovation

The Keyes To Success


Garden Design

The following article guides us through a garden renovation at the historic residence of the late James Beard, the famous chef and author. His old brownstone in New York's Greenwich Village has been transformed to become the home of the James Beard Foundation since his passing in 1985. After twenty five years, the garden which once was the scene of lavish social events and dinner parties, was in dire need of a makeover.
Our  good friend and client Paul Keyes of Paul Keyes and Associates, was called in as part of an elite group in the landscape design and installation community who shared their time and talents to make this new garden a reality.  This article leads us through a Ten Step process that was used to factor in all the elements that had to be considered in order to make this delightful and functional renovation. Reprinted with permission from Paul Keyes and Garden Design Magazine.
A Second Course
by Claire Lui 
On a leafy street in New York City's Greenwich Village stands a brownstone that was once the home of James Beard and now is the headquarters of his namesake foundation.  Beard, a chef and author, was a key figure in 20th century American cooking, helping to transform dining culture with his cookbooks, articles, and the first television show about food, 1946's I Love to Eat.  A droll man of obvious appetite, Beard once declared, "I believe that if ever I had to practice cannibalism, I might manage if there were enough tarragon around."  He had a circle of of fabulous food-loving friends and would take any excuse to entertain, so his four-story home's garden became the site of now-legendary dinner parties.


The mission of the James Beard Foundation, launched in 1986, is to "celebrate, nurture,  and preserve America's diverse culinary heritage and future," and it does so with educational programs, expositions, and, most agreeably, regular dinners at the house.  Not much has changed at the building since Beard passed away in 1985.  Its cozy rooms are filled with memorabilia and personal photos, and meals there, prepared by visiting chefs, have an intimate feel.  Over the years, though, the gardens deteriorated from shabby chic to just plain shabby.  The foundation had a small 



Fun & Games
Winston Churchill vs Lady Astor
Jumble Word






We want to make sure YOU get your ipad2 before Christmas so we already have it in house so we can ship it immediately after the drawing.  We will conduct the drawing at 3 PM EST on the 19th and ship the same day. FYI, we probably have less than fifty candidates for the drawing now, so everyone's chances are pretty decent. Entering is as easy as falling off a log!  Are YOU feeling lucky?  See details in the section below.



All who participate

will receive a coupon for

$10 OFF their next groundcover order

 for $100 or more AND

 be entered in a drawing

for an I-PAD (to be held

 just in time for Christmas)! 


A new puzzle will appear every week and you will receive a $10 Coupon AND be entered in the drawing with Each Order!


Submit Your Answer for Jumble Word Here





I have been asked a couple of times lately if you must purchase plants in order to be included in the drawing.  That WAS the original intent, but since I did not make that clear enough, here is the way it will work: 

  • All who participate in our Jumble Word game will be entered ONCE (no matter how many times you participate).
  • All who participate in our Jumble Word game will receive a $10 Coupon towards purchase of 4" Groundcover each time you participate. 
  • All who USE their $10 Coupon will be entered EACH TIME THEY ORDER, so obviously, their odds are enhanced. 
  • Promotion ends with Drawing 12.19.11.
  • Account must be current.

Please feel free to email or call

if you have further questions.




A few weeks ago we ran an article on scammers and rip off artists and mentioned the infamous outfit below.    After many, many years, they are still at it, so please read and heed!


Exhibitor WARNING


The FAIRGuide solicitation has been a problem for all trade shows across the country. The International Association of Exhibitions and Events has asked the United States Federal Trade Commission to commence an investigation of improper and misleading commercial activities within the United States. It is IAEE's goal to secure an order requiring that Construct Data Publishers cease all FAIRGuide advertising solicitation in the United States.


Please be aware:  You may have received a letter from the FAIRGuide, a company from Mexico, Austria or Slovakia, asking you to update your company information for the Exhibitors Directory for Fairs and Exhibitions. The FAIRGuide is NOT endorsed by the NCNLA and is not part of the Green & Growin' Show or Summer Green Road Show. DO NOT sign a contract with this company. By signing you are committing to a three year contract at $1,717.00 a year.