Covering Ground




November 22, 2011




    Perennial Pipeline  


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 Pup of the Week  



Scarlett is a Pomeranian, about 5 years old. She was pregnant, stray, and rescued by one of our greatest volunteers! Having had a tough time out in the world, she is still a little frightened of humans, but coming around very nicely due to the care of her super foster parents. She is a little beauty and very sweet. 


You can find out more about Scarlett and our other dogs by giving us a call at 310-860-0171 or sending us an e-mail or visiting Bill Foundation.



For The Day






"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." 







Starter Plug of the Week


Hakonechloa macra Nicholas
Hakonechloa macra 'Nicholas'

50 Cell Plugs @ $2.09 each

Available 12.19.2011


On The 8th Day

Farmers Tribute:  So God Made A Farmer.
God Made A Farmer.


Perennial Pipeline


Amsonia hubrichtii
Amsonia hubrichtii


Ready Now 


 These plants are delivered on company trucks within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore, or palletized freight for larger orders or greater distances. These plants are delivered on company trucks within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore, or palletized freight for larger orders or greater distances.



The Trishas

The Trishas "Too Old to Die Young"


This song was written twenty five years ago by Kevin Welch, expressing his feelings about wanting to live long enough to see his new baby girl grow up. It is performed here by that same baby girl, who is now a new parent singing those same words about her new child.  Well worth a listen.


Yours Truly
Bo Tidwell
For better or for worse, I am responsible for all content herein.  I welcome your comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism

Bo Tidwell


Counting Our Blessings



Today most of us have so much to be thankful for, it's hard to know where to start.  Sometimes we need to be smacked in the face with someone else's situation before we realize how fortunate we are.  A few days ago I received an email from a friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer.  I couldn't help but notice how differently my friend now looks at life.


With no reference to our Thanksgiving holiday but simply with the enlightenment that each day has suddenly become something to be treasured, an uncensored  list of things to be thankful for emerged.  The list included the sweet relief rendered by opium, reading a classic novel for the first time, the support of good friends who are genuinely concerned,  those fleeting moments when the dark cloud of illness is overshadowed by the joy of the moment, the Fall color that "continues to unfold in all its glory, as if I'm seeing it for the first time", and peanut butter and banana sandwiches. This new perspective was  summarized by saying, "it's a shame that it takes a tragedy for one to realize the things that matter most.  For the first time in my life I understand smelling the roses."

Autumn Leaves


This is the Law of Supply and Demand in its purest form;  the less of something we have, the more precious it is.  Like one cancer survivor said after beating this ominous adversary, "There is no such thing as a bad day."


So what would you be thankful for if you were living with the threat that this might be your last Thanksgiving?  (And who's to say it isn't the last for any of us). Would you hug your loved ones a little longer?  Would it make that four hour trek to Uncle Bill's a little less of an ordeal?  Would it matter so much that the dog chewed up your Sunday shoes?  Would you tell friends and family that you loved them one more time before you went your separate ways?  Would you thank God that you and your loved ones have survived another year?


I hope this will be a reminder for us all to slow down a little, let it sink in how blessed we really are, and savor the little things we so often take for granted or lose in the rush; the warm sun on our faces, the gentle breeze at our backs, the free symphony of Mother Nature's creatures each time we step outside;  each day and each moment of this journey we call life.


God Bless And Be With You And Yours This Thanksgiving.




Jay Leno 

Jumble Word 




All who participate will receive a coupon for $10 OFF their next groundcover order for $100 or more AND be entered in a drawing for an I-PAD (to be held just in time for Christmas)!

A new puzzle will appear every week and you will receive a $10 Coupon AND be entered in the drawing with Each Order!


Submit Your Answer for Jumble Word Here




I have been asked a couple of times lately if you must purchase plants in order to be included in the drawing. That WAS the original intent, but since I did not make that clear enough, here is the way it will work:

  • All who participate in our Jumble Word game will be entered ONCE (no matter how many times you participate).
  • All who participate in our Jumble Word game will receive a $10 Coupon towards purchase of 4" Groundcover each time you participate.
  • All who USE their $10 Coupon will be entered EACH TIME THEY ORDER, so obviously, their odds are enhanced.
  • Promotion ends with Drawing 12.19.11.
  • Account must be current.

Please feel free to email or call

if you have further questions.

Through The Eyes of a Child
What Are You Thankful For?
What Are You Thankful For?


We could all take a hint from these bright youngsters from First Presbyterian Day School in Macon, GA.  Thanks to Uncle Philip for sharing this video.


Giving Up the Green


Euonymus coloratus
Euonymus Coloratus

Pretty soon these little guys will be  wearing their scarlet and maroon winter colors, making a vibrant splash in any garden.