Covering Ground




   October 7, 2011     




    Perennial Pipeline  


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Pup of the Week


Rosie is a 4 year old Chihuahua who weighs about 6 lbs. She's had a rough past. When Rosie first came to us, she was afraid of everything and would constantly hide under the bed. After a few months of love and socialization, she is now the most lovable little gal. She wants nothing more than to sit in your lap and watch you. Rosie is the ultimate lap dog. She loves to have her belly rubbed. She loves to give kisses. She is still a bit shy and still doesn't trust everyone completely, but if you show her love she will return that love and then some. Rosie loves to snuggle up in bed and will keep you warm. Rosie's tail wags a hundred miles an hour when she gets excited - it's the cutest thing. She gets along well with dogs and cats. Rosie is crate-trained as well as house-trained.


You can find out more about Rosie and our other dogs by giving us a call at 310-860-0171 or sending

us an e-mail or visiting Bill Foundation


For The Day 


Steve Jobs 


Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.


Steve Jobs





Steve Jobs Commencement Address at Stanford University 

Steve Jobs Commencement Address at Stanford University 2005


This memorable speech has been viewed more than five million times on YouTube.  If you have never seen it, do yourself a favor and listen for ten minutes to this brilliant man as he shares his insights on life, death, failure and success.


Starter Plug of the Week


Baptisia australis
Baptisia australis





Aruncus dioicus
Aruncus dioicus


Coreopsis 'Limerock Dream'
Coreopsis 'Limerock Dream'


Geranium 'Karmina'
Geranium 'Karmina'


These plants are delivered on company trucks within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore, or palletized freight for larger orders or greater distances. 



Goodbye My Friend




A musical tribute for the loss of a dear friend.
Music & Lyrics
by Karla Bonoff 







Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs 

I have been around long enough to recognize impending death when I see it.  The hardest part is admitting to myself what I'm seeing.   


When I saw a clip of Steve Jobs presenting his last "insanely" fabulous product  earlier this year, I saw this  dynamic spirit trapped in a frail body that was obviously failing its occupant, and I recognized the "look" that I have seen too many times before.  So in August, I was not surprised to learn that he had stepped down as CEO of this incredible company that he had created and guided to the pinnacle of corporate success.  However, when I learned of his death this past week, even though I knew it was the next logical step in the progression, I was still not prepared for the kick in the stomach that I felt at that moment.


Far be it from me to attempt to put into words the void  so many of us feel at this time or to compete with the accolades that have poured in from all corners of the globe. I simply know that the world has lost the most creative mind of our time and quite possibly, of the 21st Century.   I am certain that there are untold ideas and innovations that we may never see because his time among us mortals was cut too short.  And this is tragic because there is no successor to genius.


In the aftermath of the dot com crash over a decade ago, I remember thinking that everyone on the planet has a personal computer now, so the heyday of all those companies has come and gone.  Many were fleeing the entire tech sector and an investment in Apple at that juncture was considered to be dead money; that is, unless one had an inkling of the imagination, the creativity, and the sheer will of Steve Jobs. 


Thanks to his insight and guidance, Apple's shares have mushroomed over 7,000% in value since the end of the year 2,000 while former competitors have stayed totally flat, languished behind, or simply ceased to exist. Apple's 927 million outstanding shares, at Wednesday's price of $378.25 each, are worth more than the combined stock value of Microsoft Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co., DirecTV, Dell Inc. and Nokia Corp. Not bad for a company that emerged from a college dropout's parents' garage in the late seventies.


You may recall the caustic response from Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO, when asked his opinion of Apple diving into the smartphone market with zero experience and zero market share just four short years ago.  Check it out:  This is a textbook example of how to open your mouth and insert your foot.  Ballmer obviously forgot that he was dealing with a man who said he wanted "to put a ding in the Universe"; by comparison, the smartphone market was a relatively small challenge.  Since its launch, the Apple iPhone has captured over 27% of the smartphone market, and is aggressively expanding its share every day, while many have learned once again that you never, ever bet against Steve Jobs.


But as much as anything else that we may have gleaned from this extraordinary man, let us remember that the foundation of his immeasurable success was his boundless passion for his dream and his absolute insistence on demanding the very best from each person who was involved with him and his work.  For those who choose to adopt this as their standard, the spirit and the legacy of Steve Jobs will continue to enhance and improve our lives far beyond any of his finest technological creations.  As it has been said, "Fame is a vapor.  Fortune is a mist.  Only true character endures."


Rest well my friend;  a Job well done. 


Fun & Games
Jumble Word



All who participate

will receive a coupon for

$10 OFF their next groundcover order

 for $100 or more AND

 be entered in a drawing

for an I-PAD (to be held

 just in time for Christmas)! 


A new puzzle will appear every week and you will receive a $10 Coupon AND be entered in the drawing with Each Order!


Submit Your Answer for Jumble Word Here





I have been asked a couple of times lately if you must purchase plants in order to be included in the drawing.  That WAS the original intent, but since I did not make that clear enough, here is the way it will work: 

  • All who participate in our Jumble Word game will be entered ONCE (no matter how many times you participate).
  • All who participate in our Jumble Word game will receive a $10 Coupon towards purchase of 4" Groundcover each time you participate. 
  • All who USE their $10 Coupon will be entered EACH TIME THEY ORDER, so obviously, their odds are enhanced. 
  • Promotion ends with Drawing 12.19.11. 

Please feel free to email or call with if you have further questions.



 Plant Spotlight

Pachysandra terminalis 3-31-11
Pachysandra terminalis


Someone called this week inquiring about our Pachysandra.  I promised to send a photo, so I'd like to share it with our newsletter readers also.


We direct stick FOUR cuttings in each container so you will be guaranteed the fullest 4 Inch Pachysandra in the industry. 


Don't Settle For Less!  You deserve the best and so do your customers.




Here's To The Crazy Ones


Here's to the Crazy Ones - Steve Jobs Tribute

The Legendary Ad 



When Steve Jobs was wooed to return to the helm at Apple ten years after he had been relieved of his duties there, he came back to a company that had lost its direction and was rapidly coming unglued. One of his first moves was to re-visit and revive the core values of the company. With this as his focus, he crafted this ad to launch what has been called the most amazing turn around in corporate history.