Pardon My Rant:
Disclaimers & Warranties
Dwarf Mondo |
Just as surely as the sun comes up in the east, you can bet on finding a disclaimer somewhere on the paperwork or the packaging, whether you purchased plants in the green industry or bought something on Amazon, EBAY, or at your local Best Buy. It never ceases to amaze me how incredibly quickly the people that just sold me something are tripping over themselves in their stampede to run the other way in order to distance themselves from ANY responsibility for my satisfaction with their product.
Warranties have a special place in my heart too. You pay hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars for a high end piece of electronics or kitchen appliance and you can't even get past the checkout without the cashier (or is it Currency Extraction Associate) asking if you'd like to spend EVEN MORE money on an "Extended Warranty". Now why would you want to do that, since you have already put yourself in a pinch to pay an exorbitant amount of money for this fine piece of merchandise. Shouldn't quality, reliability, and longevity be a part of the package you get when you shell out large sums of money?
Only minutes earlier, a Lifestyle Enhancement Consultant (salesman) had convinced you that this item was the coolest thing since Bermuda shorts, and would surely make your life carefree and complete. How could all of this have changed in that short walk to the cash register and what could possibly go wrong after the original warranty expires? And why is it that the warranty for this fine product has about the same life span as a snow cone in a bonfire? We all know the answer to those questions.

But I digress; back to the Disclaimers. Don't you just love it when you read the paper work on your arriving shipment and see where the seller states that his responsibility for the condition of the material ended when the order was placed on the carrier's truck. In other words, now that the deal is done, you're on your own Buster!
We decided a long time ago that we would not run our business that way. For over thirty years we have stood by our promise that delivering plants is OUR RESPONSIBILITY and NOT YOUR HEADACHE. If there are any issues involving delays, damage, or losses, WE take it up with the carrier and YOU proceed along your way with a new batch of replacement plants if necessary. It's simply the way we would want to be treated.
So I am a little uncomfortable at the moment, as we are testing a new shipping box (photo above) that has this HUGE DISCLAIMER pre-printed all over it. Please be assured that we did NOT print this and this is NOT our policy. So if you receive an order that arrives in these boxes, don't panic. Just remember, we still do business the old fashioned way: we'll deal with the headaches and you deal with the good stuff. I'd sure hate for anyone to think we'd just digressed into being just like everyone else!