Covering Ground



 September 6, 2011     




  Perennial Pipeline 


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Pup of the Week 

Edsel Jake
Edsel Jake is a Pommie (Mix?), approximately 5 years old who weighs about 6 lbs.  How would you like a chocolate sundae every day of the week?  He is as sweet as a little Pommie can be.  In spite of the poor condition they found him in he is happy, attentive, respectfully playful and housetrained.  He mixes easily with other dogs of all flavors, and at 6 lbs. fits like a cherry in your arms or lap.  He is at ease in a crate, doesn't bark and, if you're sweet with him, does a delicious dance!  Best of all, zero calories - full grown yet puppy-sized - are you ready to dig in?


  You can find out more about Edsel Jake and our other dogs by giving us a call at 310-860-0171 or sending us an email or visiting Bill Foundation.



for the Day 


Martin Luther King

All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence ~


Martin Luther King, Jr.



Summer Salad


Watermelon Salad 


 Refresh yourself with this cool watermelon salad as summer flings her last few days of scorching temperatures our way.  Thanks to good friends Silvia and Jeff Jarrett of Green Thumbs Galore for sharing this easy, healthy, and delicious recipe:


Start with a cold seedless watermelon.  Slice bite size chunks into a bowl.  Douse liberally with about half a lime, sprinkle with coarse ground black pepper and top with either bleu or feta cheese (you choose) and you are in for a treat!




40 Hour Week

Coal Miner
Please take a moment to listen to Alabama's tribute to the backbone of this country:  all those who grab a lunch pail every day and put in their "40 Hour Week"


Ajuga 2

Bronze Beauty


Ajuga 3

Burgundy Glow


New Crops

Ready Now



Labor Day Wrap




It's good to be home after exhibiting in three trade shows during August.  It was also encouraging to end the summer on a positive note with good turnouts and positive feedback at The IGC Show in Chicago and The FarWest Show in Portland.   


I must admit that I was a bit starstruck by the gargantuan Marilyn Monroe exhibit in Chicago and could not resist having my picture taken with her supersized foot.  In the Windy City I also enjoyed dining with friends at Gibson's, Chicago Cut, and The Purple Pig, where I highly recommend the Pig Ears and the Bone Marrow Spread.  Unfortunately I was unable to try the Fried Deviled Eggs, as they were sold out each time I was there. 


I love the FarWest Show hours: noon to six PM.  Some other show directors out there could take a hint.  After a hard day on the show floor in Portland I was able to work in my favorite restaurant, The Heathman, as well as Jake's, and Veritable Quandary, where you must order the bacon wrapped dates and the poached egg salad.  It's a tough job but someone's gotta do it.


Here are a few amateur photos that I was able to capture in both cities with my trusty Droid. 



Bo and Marilyn  Chicago Landscaping 


Bizon Nursery Picture

Bizon Nursery

Evening Land WineEvergreens
Prosciutto and Melon
Wine and OystersMichael Jordan's Restaurant
Lemonade StandMarilyn Monroe's Foot

Watermelon Salad

Marilyn Monroe 2