Covering Ground



 May 6, 2011    


 4" Availability

  Starter Plugs 


   Perennial Pipeline   


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Pup of the Week 

Walt dog

Meet Walter! Walter is a Jack Russell, Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen mix. He is about 14 months old, and weighs around 15 pounds.


Walter loves to play. He likes other dogs, especially if they will play! He knows how to use a doggie door and loves to go on walks.


Walter is available for adoption through the

Bill Foundation. Click

here to learn more about  Walter. 

The Perennial Pipeline

Dianthus Tiny Rubies
Dianthus 'Tiny Rubies'
Coreopsis Limerock Dream
Coreopsis 'Limerock Dream'
Heuchera Miracle
Heuchera 'Miracle'
Nepeta Little Titch
Nepeta 'Little Titch'
Salvia marcus
Salvia marcus

Perennial Pipeline plants are delivered on company trucks within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore or via palletized freight or common carrier for greater volumes or distances.


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"I get your newsletter every week. It's the bright spot of my day."  BS, Lebanon, CT.


Our Customers Say It Best

After placing an order late Monday afternoon and receiving her plants around noon on Wednesday, we received this email from a happy customer:
"Just received my plants. You're Awesome!"  DH, Pittsburgh, PA  


Thought for the Day

Will Rogers
"It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so."
-Will Rogers 


The Red-Headed Step Child:
Liriope Spicata

Spicata We can all agree that Michael Jordan was one of the most exciting and revered athletes to ever grace a basketball court.  But do you remember the time that he tried his hand at professional baseball?  He turned out to be an  average player who was never good enough to rise above the minor league level.  Fortunately, his value as an athlete has not been judged by what he did when he tried to stretch himself beyond his aptitudes!
Applying the same line of thought to the green industry, why is it that Liriope Spicata has been designated as the whipping child of groundcovers when its only sin has been to fail (like MJ) when installed in situations where its very nature prevents it from succeeding?  For years it has been the undeserved recipient of abuse from all comers, the virtual red headed stepchild of groundcovers, simply because its fort� is that it is an aggressive, resilient groundcover.  Once established, you can't stop it and you can't kill it.  If it were a boxer, it would be Muhammad Ali.  If it were a race horse, it would be Secretariat.  If it were a warrior, it would be Sun Tsu.
Liriope spicataBut unfortunately it is a groundcover, and as such, it can't choose its application;  it simply goes to work where it is planted, always relentlessly doing what it does best, which is grabbing soil with its tenacious roots and rhizomes, constantly moving forward, seeking other territory to conquer.  While all that work is going on underground, spicata's slender pointed leaves rise about twelve to fifteen inches tall, providing a wispy elegant texture to enhance any garden. 


So if you have a landscape project that requires these attributes, you would be hard pressed to find a better choice.  If you need to cover a large area quickly, if you need to cover a slope for erosion control, or if you have an installation in a median or island or green roof where nothing else would survive, you seriously need to consider Liriope Spicata.  Don't let a bad rap come between you and a successful landscape installation.



Ivy Update

The English ivy market remains in severe short supply.  We are potting up 10,000 plugs and rooting 20,000 cuttings this week, still trying to catch up with the demand.  Our Baltic Ivy was the closest substitute we had for English, and as a result, this crop has already sold out before it was even rooted well.  Below are photos of the ivies that are ready to ship now.  






Click on any image to see a larger version

Algerian Ivy 5-5-11
Algerian Ivy 5-5-11
Variegated Needle Point Ivy 5-5-11
Variegated Needle Point Ivy 5-5-11
Glacier Ivy 5-5-11
Glacier Ivy 5-5-11
Gold Child Ivy 5-5-11
Gold Child Ivy 5-5-11
Needle Point Ivy 5-5-11
Needle Point Ivy 5-5-11
Variegated Algerian Ivy 5-5-11
Variegated Algerian Ivy 5-5-11
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood!!
Eric Burdon
Like Liriope Spicata, the oldie-but-goodie British Rockers, Eric Burdon and the Animals, know what it's like to be misunderstood. 
If you are too young to have enjoyed their music back in the sixties, you are in for a treat.   Take five and enjoy this fabulous  live performance.