Covering Ground



April 8, 2011    


 4" Availability 

  Starter Plugs 


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Pup of the Week 

Oliver Dog

If you are looking for someone who enjoys long, relaxing walks, snuggling and hanging out with dogs - or even cats - Oliver is your guy! This two year old pure bred Cocker Spaniel is looking for a home with loving adult humans who don't mind taking him for rides in the car.  


You can read more about Oliver and how to adopt her click here!


The Bill Foundation does great work in helping pets find homes. We are proud to help in a small way by bringing you the Pup of the Week with each newsletter.


Racked & Ready!


Click image to enlarge.

Acorus Oborozuki April 8 11

Acorus Oborozuki

Roses ready to go 4-6-11

Roses ready to load...

loading up roses 4-6-11

Loading up roses

Dianthus Baths Pink 4-8-11

From the Perennial Pipeline: Dianthus Bath's Pink in Quarts



Thought for the Day

Francis Bacon

We cannot command Nature except by obeying her.


~Francis Bacon 

From the Ivy Houses


These ivies will be ready for shipping in a matter of days.  They have really jumped since we showed photos here two weeka ago.


Click  image to  enlarge.

Baltic Ivy 4-8-11

Baltic Ivy - Almost Ready

Ann Marie Ivy 4-8-11

Ann Marie Ivy - Getting Close

Needlpoint Ivy 4-8-11

Needlepoint Ivy - Very Soon

Gold Child Ivy 4-8-11

Gold Child Ivy - Very Close

On The Move!

This is the time of year we live for; our version of Christmas Eve at the North Pole!  We rarely get a chance to sit down these days, so we will forego our usual article and just share a few photos of some plants we are shipping now.


Please note that some of our standard 4" plants are also available in 36 Cell Trays too.  These are great for landscape installations and also for growers looking for Starter Plugs to to bump up into Gallons.  See photos below.


Be sure to check our Availability Lists on the left.  Our Ivy crops are growing like rambunctious children and should probably be ready for shipping in the next 7-10 days.


Click on any of the images to see a larger version.


Liriope Variegata 4-8-11

Liriope Variegata 36 / Tray

Single Liriope Variegata 4-8-11

Liriope Varigata 36 / Tray Up Close

Creeping Jenny Goldilocks 4-8-11

Creeping Jenny 'Goldilocks' - Just Right!

Blue Star Creeper prebloom 4-8-11

Blue Star Creeper Pre-Bloom

Blue Star Creeper in bloom 4-8-11
Blue Star Creeper In Bloom
Liriope True Blue 4-8-11

Liriope True Blue 36 / Tray

Liriope True Blue Close Up 4-8-11

Liriope True Blue 36 / Tray Close-Up

Vinca minor 36
Vinca Minor 36 / Tray
Vinca minor plant

Vinca Minor 36 Cell Up Close


Perennial Pipeline


Perennial Pipeline plants are delivered on company trucks within a 300 mile radius of Baltimore or via palletized freight or common carrier for greater volumes or distances. 


We are getting more requests for these great plants every day.  Check out the beautiful Bath's Pink Dianthus that came from The Pipeline this week.  This not only solved a contractor's problem, but it SAVED HIM MONEY too!  See Photo on left. 

Achillea Strawberry Seduction
Achillea Strawberry Seduction
Phlox Home Fires
Phlox 'Home Fires'
Sagina subulata
Sagina subulata
Armeria Nifty Thrifty
Armeria 'Nifty Thrifty'