Corrales International School

It's that time again....CIS Spring Auction and Dinner


WHEN: Saturday, April 30, 2011 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

WHERE: Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

WHY: Fundraising for our great school and to have a great time!

PRICE: $40.00 per ticket


We need your help. If you or someone that you know would like to donate to the auction, please find the attached donation form and letter. We can't do this without you! We look forward to seeing you all at the auction!


If you have any questions please let us know.


Thank you,


Monet Silva-Caldwell, PTA and Auction Chair   

Katie Hutchinson, Acquisitions         


What's up for auction?

2008 SmartCar (Passion coupe)

Hot Air Balloon Rides

ABQ Trolley tickets

Pampered Chef items

Gift Certificates

Class baskets

Class projects


And much, much more!


We will continue to update you as we receive new items!


See you at the auction!!








Learners act with integrity and honesty, and a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.


Self-assessment is necessary when speaking of being a principled person. Here are questions for us to use to

ponder as we ask ourselves, "Am I a principled person?"


Do we always try to do what is right, even when it's costly or difficult? 

Do we live up to the highest ethical standards?

Do we compromise our values and give in to temptation?

Do we take responsibility for what goes on in our community?

Do we do our part for the common good?

Do we help take care of the environment?

Do we participate in community service?

Do we make decisions without favoritism?

Do we do the right thing even when no one is looking and we are guaranteed to not get caught?


Are we true to ourselves?  



Parents, we would love extra pairs of eyes on the kids during the lunch break. If you have a few minutes to pitch in, contact Dr. Diaz at 

to schedule a day and time.  

Lunch Duty Times:

K-2nd @ 11:00-11:45

6th - 8th @ 11:30-12:10

3rd - 5th grades @ 12:00-12:45

Even if you can only stay the 15 minutes of overlap in between lunch groups that would be very helpful. Thank you in advance!




Dear CIS Parents,

I want to let all of you know that I have been diagnosed with cancer.  My CHEMO starts next week on Wed. My doctor has assured me that with this particular CHEMO I WILL lose my hair. In support of this situation, 2 other ladies, one teacher and one parent, have said they would also shave their heads.


We want to make this a school event and our idea is to have a Library Book Drive in support of cancer prevention. The way it will work is that on Friday 3/11/11, I will announce to the students that 1) I have cancer; 2) my hair will fall out from the CHEMO; and, 3) that at least 2 other adults will allow their heads to be shaved IF the students can fill a tub of books by April 1st.


What I would like the students to do is fill a large plastic tub with good quality books, age  appropriate for grades K-8, that they choose to donate. My goal is to have the tub filled by April 1st.


Books can be from thrift stores, Goodwill, Savers, or their own libraries. We do ask that they be in good shape, no torn or missing pages or pages that have been written on or colored. I will have a large plastic tub in the Library into which they will put the books neatly and gently!


We are asking for your support in this effort by helping and/reminding your child to choose a book for the Library Book Drive in the name of supporting cancer prevention.


Thank you all for all you do,

Nancy Light



School Food Pantry:

We are always in need of healthful items for the CIS Food Pantry-both for lunches at school and for needy families to take home. We greatly appreciate groups of items that can be made into a healthy family meal. Thank you to all of the CIS community for supporting the food pantry.

*If possible, please avoid glass.

Questions - contact Karen Grending at 890-3730; or

Anna Prewitt at


Mobile Food Pantry for Eligible Families

The Roadrunner Food Bank mobile food pantry will be at Mission Avenue Elementary School on Monday, March 28th, from 3-4.  Call Karen Grending with questions - 890-3730. 



Sunday, May 1, 7 a.m. - 12 p.m.


Run for Zoo banner


Run for the Zoo... and walk with us too! Come out and join us for a day of fun and fitness at the largest running event in the state of New Mexico.


Always the first Sunday in May, the run has events for all ages and fitness levels including a half marathon, USATF-certified 10K run, an USATF-certified 5K run, a 5K fitness run/walk, and 1-mile fun run/walk.


Run for the Zoo is a fundraiser organized by the New Mexico BioPark Society Leaving, click for disclaimer each year.


Registration fee before February 6: $15.00 children (13 & under), $30.00 adults. Fee includes a T-shirt and free race day admission to the Zoo.


Registration fee after February 6: $15 children (13 & under), $30.00 adults. Fee includes a T-shirt and free race day admission to the Zoo.

  1. For more information or to register, visit the Run for the Zoo Leaving, click for disclaimer web page or call the New Mexico BioPark Society at (505) 764-6280.




Yearbook orders are due April 1st.    Please check your child's backpack for the order forms.


Also if anyone has pictures for the yearbook email them to Christine Remington at




Students in grades K-6th  will not need to make up snow days since they attend one-hour of school more than required by the New Mexico Public Education Department(NMPED).  Students in K-6th grade are required to attend 5 1/2 hours of school and our students attend school for 6 1/2 hours (not counting 30 minutes for lunch).  As a result, the last day of school for students in grades K-6th will be May 27th. 


This is not the case for students in grades 7th - 8th grade.   Students in 7th - 8th grade are required by the NMPED to attend 6 hours of school.  Our students attend 6 1/2 hours (not counting 30 minutes for lunch). Therefore, students in 7th -8th grade will need to make up only 14 hours of school.   Our middle school students will make up these 14 hours on May 31 and June 1st.   Ms. Carrillo and Mr. Johnson will provide further information to the middle school parents and their students.


Students in grades K-6th  will not need to make up snow days since they attend one-hour of school more than required by the New Mexico Public Education Department(NMPED).  Students in K-6th grade are required to attend 5 1/2 hours of school and our students attend school for 6 1/2 hours (not counting 30 minutes for lunch).  As a result, the last day of school for students in grades K-6th will be May 27th. 


This is not the case for students in grades 7th - 8th grade.   Students in 7th - 8th grade are required by the NMPED to attend 6 hours of school.  Our students attend 6 1/2 hours (not counting 30 minutes for lunch). Therefore, students in 7th -8th grade will need to make up only 14 hours of school.   Our middle school students will make up these 14 hours on May 31 and June 1st.   Ms. Carrillo and Mr. Johnson will provide further information to the middle school parents and their students.


MAY 13th is the Science Fair for students in grades K-5.   Please contact your child's teacher for specific information regarding grade level requirements.





A Box Top is like a coupon that you clip from 100's of products. Our school collects these Box Tops and submits them to "Box Tops4education". Each one is worth 10 cents.  Box Tops is all about the difference one can make. This year, our goal at CIS is to raise $200. Here are easy everyday ways you can help:


Clip - Clip the Box Top from hundreds of participating products and send them to school.  Each one is worth 10� when our school redeems them from Box Tops for Education.

There is a collection Box located at the front office table. Just drop off anytime!


Shop online - Shop at your favorite online stores through the Box Tops Marketplace� ( Up to 15% of your purchase total is automatically donated to our school, at no additional cost to you. Plus, you'll get exclusive Box Tops deals and discounts! Look on back of flyer participating retailers.


Read - Buy books online through the Reading RoomSM, a partnership between Box Tops and Barnes and Noble. Our school receives up to 6% of qualifying purchases.


Sign up -- It's easy and free. Sign up to support our school at Contact Carrie Dabau, the CIS Box Top Coordinator at 480.620.2056 or 


Upcoming Events

Thursday, March 31   6:00 p.m.
Parent Information Night for Lottery Applicants

Friday, April 1  4:30 p.m.   in Library/Media Center

Lottery Drawing


Tuesday, April 5 6:00 p.m.  

PTA Meeting 


Tuesday, April 5



Wednesday, April 6  5:00 p.m.

GC Meeting  


Wednesday, April 13  6:00 p.m.

SAC Meeting

Thursday, April 21
No School - Teacher Professional Development
Friday, April 22
No School - Vernal Holiday

Tuesday, April 26




Wednesday, April 27

 Administrative Professionals Day


Saturday, April 30

6:00pm Auction


Monday, May 2-6

Teacher Appreciation


Thursday, May 5

 Cinco de Mayo CELEBRATION


Monday, May 9 - 13



Wednesday, May 18



Friday & Saturday, May 20 - 21


Corrales International School (CIS) is a tuition-free, multi-language (English, Spanish, Mandarin) charter school located in Albuquerque.

Dr. Elsy Fierro Diaz, Head Administrator
Corrales International School
In This Issue


International Bacculearate

What are these "Learner Profile" qualities?

Inquirers-I am curious and know how to discover answers to many of my questions . I love to learn!


Thinkers-I use my thinking skills to make good choices and solve problems.


Communicators-I understand and share ideas in more than one language.


Risk Takers-I try new things, love to explore, and confidently share my experiences.


Knowledgeable-I explore big ideas that are important. I know and can do a lot of important things.


Principled-I am fair and honest. I can make good decisions about what is right and wrong for me.


Caring-I am concerned about other people's needs and feelings. I believe it is important to help others.


Open-Minded-I am comfortable with differences. I welcome and respect other people's points of views and ways of doing things.


Balanced-To be healthy, it is important for me to balance the needs of my mind and body.


Reflective-I think about and discuss my learning, skills, and products.

PYP: Primary Years Program (K-5)

MYP: Middle Years Program (6-8)

Why is an IB education valuable?
Please click the following link to view a powerful video presentation about the need for a different type of education for students in today's world:  Did You Know?  

Online Resources
Visit us on FACEBOOK! 
Keep in touch with the school community, start a discussion or share info about local upcoming events!  Click "like" on our page

Find us on Facebook

Missed a SCHOOL Meeting?  Don't Worry! Find the minutes of the Governing Council, School Advisory Committee, and PTA (Parent Teacher Association) on our school website:


New York Philharmonic

Phonic Games


Music Teacher