Office of Inspector General, Division of Health Care

Office of Inspector General, Division of Health Care Newsletter





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CMS Appendix Q - Guidelines for Determining Immediate Jeopardy



 CMS Appendix P - Survey Protocol for Long Term Care Facilities  


CMS Interpretive Guidelines for Nursing Homes

Kentucky Board of Licensure for Nursing Home Administrators


Long Term Care Regulations and Statutes








Want to Know Kentucky's Top 10   Citations for Nursing Homes?

Basic Chart

Health Care


Life Safety Code




CMS 5-STAR Results




July 2012 Results

To learn more about the 5-STAR program click the link ==>  Overview of CMS 5-STAR System  


CMS Announces Updated, Enhanced Tools for Patients to Compare Nursing Homes.  click link for details ==> Nursing Home Compare Updates 





Life Safety Code


 Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Office of Inspector General, Division of Health Care Leadership Team 

* Mary Reinle Begley, Inspector General



Dudley Ellis, Pharmacy Consultant 






Unbridled Spirit  

Issue: # 07-2012       

                 July 2012

Welcome to the Office of Inspector General, Division of Health Care's 
July 2012 edition of the Long Term Care Provider Newsletter.  This newsletter is a valuable vehicle to update you on current events affecting Long Term Care.  

Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone you think would benefit.  To continue receiving this newsletter, be sure to join our mailing list by clicking the link to the left of this article.  We look forward to serving you through this communication vehicle.


CMS Medicare News 

Recent Survey and Certification Letters


Below you'll find links to survey and certification letters issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) pertaining to Long Term Care facilities.  Please take a look and determine how these may impact your facility.
MDS 3.0 Reminders

ForgetPlease ensure that your vendors have updated your software's RUG information to match the data on the CMS MDS 3.0 Technical Information website, below.  

The RUG information was updated to a new version as of 04/01/2012 and we want to ensure that vendors have their systems up to date.  If you are receiving any RUG related error messages on your assessments, please ask your vendors to validate their system information against the information in the RUG III Files & RUG IV Files link on this website.


Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 Training




Registration for the MDS 3.0 training is limited, so register as soon as possible. Go to Ky.Train.Org register for this training.


The training will be held at the Clarion Hotel, 1950 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY 40511, 859-233-0512. The hotel has agreed to offer a discounted room rate of $85.00 plus tax. You will need to make your reservations by July 30, 2012 and tell the hotel to make them under the Office of Inspector General's room block.


If you have any questions about the training or you may contact Jessica Lowe at 502-564-7963 at extension 3310 or at


Click Here for the
==> MDS 3.0 Training Brochure

911 We Have An Emergency

Free Web-Based Facility Assessment Program

 The Cabinet for Health and Family Services', Department for Public Health's (KDPH), Preparedness Branch, is planning to launch a new, free Web-Based Facility Assessment program within WebEOC to help Long Term Care (LTC) Facilities coordinate response efforts during emergencies. WebEOC is an incident management software system used by many agencies within Kentucky.  This new assessment tool will enhance the ability of LTC facilities to share information for available beds and to notify local, regional and state level responders of facility and resident needs during emergency situations. The new LTC Facility Assessment is based on a similar program used by KDPH, hospitals, and emergency managers to share local, regional and state level information in emergencies.

==> Click Here to Read More

What's the Time?  Timeline, That is!
Understanding IDR and IIDR TimelinesTime - Almost 12  

The OIG recently received some questions from providers about the IDR and IIDR processes. Process flow charts have been developed to assist you in understanding the processes.



Click the link to view the ==> IDR & IIDR Process Flows 

If you have any questions please contact Nancy Spiller IDR/ IIDR Coordinator at 502-564-7963 EXT. 3301 or

Free LTC Provider Training!

August Training for Newsletter 

On the Road to Quality Improvement:  Falls, Restraint and Antipsychotic Medication Reduction Programs 


CLICK HERE for ==> LTC Fall Provider Training Brochure  




The Office of Inspector General, Division of Health Care Training Branch will offer a free educational opportunity for Long Term Care Providers to attend the"On the Road to Quality Improvement:  Falls, Restraint and Antipsychotic Medication Reduction Programs" conference scheduled for Wednesday, August 28, 2012.  This program will take place in Louisville, Kentucky. 


The speakers are Sue Ann Guildermann RN, BA, MA, Director of Education with Empira and Sandy Delgehausen RN, ADON, QI/Infection Control with Saint Therese of New Hope Care Center.  Discussions will be held on topics such as fall reduction, alarm elimination, medication reduction, and culture change.  There will be a panel discussion to cover fall prevention, alarm elimination, and medication reduction programs, which will allow an opportunity for questions to be answered.


The Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN) has approved 7.0 contact hours for RNs and LPNs. Administrators are also approved for 7.0 contact hours.  Participants must stay for the entire course in order to receive CEUs.  Note: Approval by the KBN of an individual nursing continuing education provider does not constitute endorsement of offering content.


This training will be held at the:


Marriot Louisville Downtown

280 West Jefferson

Louisville, KY 40202

Phone 800-266-9432 or 502-671-4266.


Please make hotel reservations no later than August 16th. Reservations can be made by clicking this link ==>  Mariott Louisville Downtown Reservations 


Hurry! Training Reservation Deadline is August 22nd!  Details on how to register are outlined in the Fall LTC Provider Training brochure. 


If you have any questions at all, please contact Jessica Lowe at (502) 564-7963 x3310 or at




The Office of Inspector General is Kentucky's regulatory agency for licensing all health care, day care and long-term care facilities and child adoption/child-placing agencies in the commonwealth. 

If you would like more information, visit our website at
If you have an idea for a future article, e-mail Terri Cook at